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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Gauging interest; this is not my vehicle, I don't have any pictures, but I wanted to see if there are any buyers out there looking for such a vehicle. 1997 Ford Taurus SHO Red w/Chrome package -72,000 miles put on by one owner -Auto 3.4 V8 FWD -All options He'll probably be looking for $5k-6k but at this point he's trying to figure out whether or not he'll get what he wants out of it to get a new vehicle. If not, he'll keep it.
  2. i think its important to compare it not to Top Gear UK, but to the first episode of the first season of Top Gear UK (2001 edition). That first series was awful.
  3. read the fucking OP. never denied culpability, and I'm not about to fight it, lose, then get fucked more in the ass with a real moving violation and points on my record. I just think its fucking bullshit that a private company charges fines for city ordinances, then pays the city a portion of the proceeds. The city literally just has to employ officers to sign their name on a piece of paper that says "I looked at these here piktchurs and that there's your car so pay these nice folks $95 or we'll gitcha for a real ticket." Since when did law enforcement become private enterprise? I can't fight the law because Columbus is too big a city with too much money to ever change this fucked up system, so I'm gonna pay their administrative fee but I don't have to just accept that I was wrong, that company is right, and they deserve my money. /rant
  4. I'm paying their stupid fucking photo red light enforcement bullshit "administrative fee" and I need something to write in the memo of my check that'll make me laugh when I see the scanned copy on my online statement. Yes, I did run the red light; 3 seconds after it turned red and I didn't come to a complete stop so I could make a right before traffic on 4th caught up. No pedestrians anywhere, just poor driving. I'll post the copy when it appears on my statement
  5. i've never liked lexus just because I feel like their cars try to separate me from the act of driving. go for the RL
  6. the outrage over this product is the reason this country is going down the shitter; all our decisions are being made due to outcry from the fringe of people who are outraged at everything (raising taxes, lowering taxes, government allowing blackout in a can, government banning blackout in a can, etc) instead of facts. the FDA has yet to provide a single fact proving that caffeine and alcohol are, in controlled experiments, dangerous together. they're citing these "studies" that show that people who drink four loko are more likely to black out. which is true. because people who drink four loko are binge drinkers, not casual drinkers. its like saying that because most people who drink four loko are right handed that left-handed people are less prone to become alcoholics.
  7. 2012-13 Is when we're expected to get the Abarth SS. I'm hoping to be able to move from Bob-Boyd Lincoln/Mercury to the new Fiat dealership (Bob-Boyd Fiat of Columbus perhaps?) next year. See you all there for test drives . Also, I wouldn't buy a Mini with someone else's money after how BMW is treating their Mini customers with fuel pump issues.
  8. when i got a new phone, my only requirements were that it have a physical keyboard, run android/be compatible with 2.2 when it came out, and be relatively inexpensive. i got the lg ally, have had minor complaints (slowest processor) but it does anything i ask it to and cost me $50
  9. don't go dropping thousands off the first day you don't get a bite i'll ask around at work, i work at a lincoln/mercury dealer and we do get people in asking for marauders.
  10. 46" is the silliest size TV you can get. my roommate used to work at Progressive Audio and showed me all the price sheets for their TV lines (LG, Samsung, etc). The price jump from 42" to 46" is idiotic. The reason there are no deals is because they figure the 46" TV buyer is looking more for quality of TV, features, etc so the TVs are loaded with more gadgets and are therefore harder to discount. If you want a deal, you have to go below 42" or just be ready to pay a lot to get a deal on uber-expensive tv.
  11. NEEDS MOAR YEUNG IN OHIO seriously if they dont expand here there will be riots
  12. unrooted froyo user here, theres a bunch of shit in it like City ID which you can't delete
  13. 429-5483 = GAY-LIVE enjoy the now shitty thread
  14. i dont forsee the flintlock being particularly useful....
  15. erroneous. you're supposed to walk behind the counter, then dip the tip of your cock in the marinara sauce.
  16. Motorcyle fatalities cannot be caused by another vehicle. They can be caused by other drivers, or by the impact/injuries caused by suddenly not being on a motorcycle at 60mph. Kinda like how falling off a cliff is not a way you can die, but landing on the ground from 400ft up is.
  17. Choose the best answer: 99% of dead motorcyclists were killed as a result of A) people crossing over yellow lines B) people not checking their blind spots C) being thrown off a 500lb rocket for WHATEVER REASON and dying because they were only attached to the vehicle by their hands edit: changed to 99% to account for the occasional unlucky motorcyclist who gets raped while stopped due to some asshole not stopping in time
  18. so far i've much preferred opera mini to the crappy browser
  19. how does it compare to opera mini?
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