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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. You can probably even get rid of the mouse/keyboard from that to save some bucks if he already has a set
  2. for a bare-bones build you will need: -Case -Motherboard -Processor -Hard Drive (just spend a little more $ and get a 750GB or 1TB) -Memory (at least 2GB, 4GB should be good) -Power supply (many cases come with these preinstalled) -Operating system (or just download this) edit: and you should also have a DVD drive
  3. I'd just as soon buy my own components and put it together myself. Then you're not paying for performance you'll never use. newegg.com is your friend. edit: above poster is correct, first HP is the best option
  4. QFMFT Every time someone comes into the dealership saying "wellllllll I've been searching for a car for 5 months and I'm waiting for the right thing to appear and I'm really picky and basically I just want the car I currently drive" all I hear is "I hope you've got some time I can waste" EDIT: If 5-speed manual is ABSOLUTELY required I can't help you right now. If thats flexible, I can almost certainly help you. PM me.
  5. What you consider to convey "hey I parked far away so no one will park next to me or hit me with a cart" is often interpreted as "hey i'm a douche about my car and it would REALLY piss me off if you parked right next to me"
  6. as long as theres nothing like the papercuts in the first jackass i'll see it
  7. i know the legend...story goes if you spread your buttcheeks apart and stand in the middle of the foyer at night, a ghost named billy bob will tickle your prostate
  8. welp, decided I'm gonna go the Remington route. dont care how long it takes to save for it, but thats what I'm getting.
  9. Mel Kiper's Hair is its own entity, separate from Mel Kiper. It demands to be recognized as such.
  10. 1) Profootballtalk is absolute unmitigated shit. 2) It wouldn't surprise me if moron owners like Al Davis make draft picks based on McShay and Kiper's ramblings, but they get what they deserve; absolute shit. 3) Seriously, profootballtalk? They're the Star Magazine of sports. They just spread a bunch of shit knowing that eventually they have to be right about something.
  11. does anyone notice how ghost stories have changed dramatically since the invention of cameras and high def photography? it seems like back in the day every tom dick and harry had a story of an hourlong chat with a specter from beyond the grave that was vivid as daylight. now, ghost stories usually revolve around "well if you sit in this corner of the room during waxing moon at low tide in september, and place a fork facing magnetic north in the exact center of the hypotenuse of this table, the window will close itself around 12pm." I lived in a supposedly haunted room at Boston U (Eugene O'Neill died at the Sheraton Hotel on Bay State Road, its now known as Shelton Hall and is a dorm), and a whole metric fuckton of nothing suspicious ever happened there. ghost stories are as retarded as the people who believe them.
  12. 20 years from now cars will still be four wheeled, human operated, 4,000 pound death machines. optimistically, driving will have actually become a privilege due to the preponderance of cheap, effective public transportation and licensing will be a rigorous process. for instance, the german philosophy on drunk driving: zero for beginners (less than 2 years' experience and drivers under the age of 21) as well as drivers making commercial transportation of passengers; 0.03% in conjunction with any other traffic offense or accident; 0.05% without evidence of alcoholic impact; penalty for 0.11% is driver licence withdrawn for about one year; for 0.16% regranting of the licence requires a successful medical-psychological driver assessment
  13. however dead this thread is, it bears mentioning that Fascinate comes with a metric fuckton of bloatware that no one should have to deal with
  14. listen to this guy^^^^^ you can't just litter your yard with murderous traps. thats just insane.
  15. tell him that the car was sold as a legal, driveable vehicle in the state of ohio and what he chose to do with it afterwards is his own issue edit: but it bears repeating, always have both parties sign a bill of sale that starts "I,_________ agree to sell [XYZ VEHICLE] to ___________ AS-IS for the price of $____"
  16. $800 for the R1?? They're all over gunbroker for <$700 NIB
  17. So as of now, I've narrowed it down to a Springfield Mil-Spec or the Remington R1. Definitely thinking about saving some extra money for the R1.
  18. see this is the kinda feedback i was hoping to see to dissuade me from falling into taurus's alluring trap.
  19. i think ryans steakhouse is universally understood by men because we have all failed at executing "the move" at least once
  20. i dont get it, is the red x where i'm supposed to aim? jk, the New Agent looks nice but I'd rather have a fullsize, even for carry. I'm a big guy, I like big guns :bangbang: edit: wow. I REALLY like the look of the R1. much simpler/cleaner than other 1911s I've seen.
  21. yeah, i'm not the type to tinker too much. in my mind it'd be better to have my cheapie range gun that I can afford now/soon, and then when I feel like I want an upgrade i'll buy a Wilson as something to complement my collection. That said, I don't want to buy a weapon that needs a whole lot of attention. I'm a knowledgable and responsible gun owner in that I regularly clean my weapons and take excellent care of them, but I don't want to be forced to figure out a solution to each little problem, like modifying the safety so i don't shred my hand. Right now I'm seeing Springfield as the clear frontrunner with a couple drawbacks that I could happily deal with.
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