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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I think I saw that one; two tone, finger grips? I like it. Probably gonna be another month or two before I comfortably spend that kinda money, but I'll definitely PM you. EDIT: And I definitely plan on hitting the range with all 3 of these before I buy, but I want to know more when I walk in.
  2. Never owned one, only fired one once about 7 years ago, but I decided I'm just gonna put aside some money from each paycheck to get one. This will primarily be something to take to the range periodically, eventually a carry weapon perhaps. I've been doing some research looking around at prices/complaints for each brand, I want Gun Crew input. Budget = less than $600. Taurus: Seems like everyone talking shit about Taurus 1911s has never even held one. I hear they shoot quite well and are less prone to problems than any of the others in this price range, are there any owners here with insight? RIA: Read lots of good things from biased owners, most people say "just get a Springfield", but its the least expensive of the bunch. Any experience or opinions other than "just get a Springfield?" Springfield: Clearly the preferred brand at this price range, can someone tell me why I should just get a Springfield? Any suggestions, including but not limited to "just get a Springfield" are welcome.
  3. so far, better than gunlistings.org
  4. yanked from another forum http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/Manifold.gif
  5. afaik, the only year with major issues was 2002 with transmission problems.
  6. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/helmut.jpg
  7. in my experience, denny dotson is useful as a tool to see what happens to various nice cars when they're driven by morons.
  8. theyve been catching people at polaris doing this a lot. these assholes are pretty much getting under any SUV to snatch them. Toyota 4Runners are their favorite.
  9. Ryan's Steakhouse Story is the shit http://danmax.net/jokes/explosive_diahhrea.htm who would name a website "explosive_diahhrea.htm"? best spelling ever
  10. this needed to be bumped. ben collins is going to Fifth Gear. what a fag
  11. pumped for New Vegas. which location did you guys preorder from/which bonus pack ar you getting? this is the first time i've actually considered preordering a game
  12. request to meet the principal, let him know what your problem with him is, see what he does when the ball is in his court. if he immediately gets aggressive with you, then its time to think about broadening the scope of this.
  13. no matter what the law says, it's purpose is to protect people. these people helped someone where the law was A) unable to do so and B) unclear as to what someone in their position may do. fuck the law, these people protected another person with no lives lost or physical harm done. apply common sense, and you don't need to think that hard about it.
  14. http://www.somethingawful.com/flash/shmorky/babby.swf
  15. i like how the rear wheel is only a few inches back from the rear bumper, i only wish they'd done the same with the front bumper. BMW seems to be the only car company that appreciates minimalizing bumpers.
  16. DIBS ON GAMEBOY COLOR holy awesomeness. when/where can i pick it up
  17. it was our reptilian shapeshifter overlords
  18. shhhh. no one tell the kids. let them "get high" on music and think they're getting away with murder, and then maybe they'll be disinclined to be idiots elsewhere
  19. did you have right of way/is she just some moron cunt who's trying to get an easy payout?
  20. The Ecoboost MKT is actually a lot of fun to drive, doesn't feel nearly as big as it is. Where did you buy yours?
  21. we use one as our service loaner, people seem to like it
  22. if he can't afford the game, maybe he should spend those 7 hours looking for a goddamn job. edit: or picking up hours at the one he has
  23. http://cdn.fd.uproxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Cool-Starry-Bra.jpg
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