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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I've been extremely happy with my LG Ally. Its runs Android 2.2 with a physical keyboard, and while it doesn't have the processing power/screen quality of the Moto Droids, etc, the price reflects that. $50 with a mail-in rebate.
  2. You probably haven't, I only started there at the end of August. I'm in new & used sales (we don't have separate departments, its actually pretty awesome).
  3. I too would like to see the answer to this
  4. case in motherfucking point wish the refs woulda let dipietro throw hands with carcillo. gotta give respect to pronger for his reaction "huh? you wanna fight carcillo? alright!" as he lets dipietro go.
  5. I have a friend with a Fine Arts degree from BU, he's an incredible artist and you can see his work here. Its hard to explain, but when he explains it to me I know everything he's saying is true. http://bigandlittlepieces.virb.com/ I think his lifesize sculpture is the most impressive piece he's done. PM me if you're interested.
  6. what, you guys didn't grow up in a warehouse? where my fellow warehouse kids at?
  7. http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/meanwhile-in-1.jpg
  8. can we get a banner on here that says "FOR FUCK'S SAKE DONT GO TO 3C" so we dont need to make these recommendations every time?
  9. yes, because shes basically just dividing 0 by 0
  10. i don't doubt it, i just prefer to do missions myself. also, with boone i can't pal around with the Legion
  11. i'm using combat armor, sunglasses, the beret that Boone gives you when you complete his quest and have recon armor as my light armor/sneak backup. i've been using Veronica and ED-E as my followers; veronica's power fist attacks are awesome
  12. you guys might be as obsessive about your tires as i, you might not. keep in mind that in the winter months, if you don't check your tire pressure the cold air reduces the volume/pressure of air in your tires, hurting your gas mileage.
  13. he's the guy you hate to have on your team because you have to defend him when someone wants to drop the gloves or takes a nasty shot at him, but you're just glad he's not on the other team's bench. best example is sean avery. i fucking hate him but i hate when my team plays him even more.
  14. hoard. like. a. motherfucker. my style of gameplay is stealth/survivalist/long range combat with med armor and TONS of weapon choices. i usually carry no fewer than 10-15 weapons with me. i carry very little armor and try to use what i find to keep healthy. i almost never use player housing. to get caps you have to keep an idea of what items have a good weight/value ratio. for instance, pre-war money has 0 weight and is worth a good number of caps, making it invaluable for traders like me. isolate what kind of weapons you use, so if there is a valuable weapon that you don't use (such as plasma rifle if you have a low energy weapons stat) you can sell it for mucho caps.
  15. This entire election season has infuriated me to the point that I refuse to support any candidate. If I were to vote, it would only be to vote against Pat Tiberi. That guy makes my blood boil. He spoke at my high school 5 years ago and proved to us all that he was the biggest greaseball in politics. He pointedly refused to defend his stance on gay marriage...to an auditorium of 300 highschoolers. Its not because I disagree with his policies that I'd vote against him, its because if you can't defend your views to the future of the voting population, you're not an honest, hardworking politician. Instead, he goes on the radio to spout off nonsense about how every Demoncrat candidate is a peon of Nancy Pelosi, as if she's somehow campaigning in OH.
  16. i love hockey, but complaining about danny briere being a bitch is like complaining about the sun being bright, hot, and yellow. everyone knows it and no one's capable of changing it.
  17. http://www.meh.ro/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/meh.ro4717.jpg
  18. Don't burden yourself with possessions that remind you of them; burden yourself with the grief you feel at the loss of a loved one. You won't be sad about getting rid of something that reminds you of them, you'll be sad because it pains you to think of life without them. You know your mother and grandmother would gladly put those things in the trash if they thought it'd make it easier to cope with their passing, wouldn't they? Of course there are some things that you shouldn't get rid of, things that will mean something to later generations of family, but it is no disrespect to their memory to allow others to enjoy what only brings you sadness. When we leave this earth, all that endures is memory and the rippling influence of our lives in the world. Whether or not it is recognized by anyone, you can help your mother and grandmother make the world slightly happier by letting someone else derive happiness from their lives.
  19. and the bengals are 2-3...both teams look to potentially be on their way to a 2 win start, and honestly the browns have been way more interesting to watch this year. watching a team like the bengals who, despite having many skilled players, consistently perform poorly isn't nearly as exciting as watching a team like the browns play. this coming from a greatriots fan of course :bangbang:
  20. the browns are playing last years SB champions. the bengals are playing nobody.
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