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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Also the WCH will end on Saturday at the latest (but probably tomorrow night, let's be honest) so there is a high chance of the Canada/Europe guys in tournament form coming back. Should be a very good game. Might even get to see Dubi bash Sid's skull a few times :gabe:
  2. I can't remember what all these funds are but my dad and I had a long email chain back and forth about my goals/his advice and this is the allocation I came up with for my 401(k). Currently up 9% YTD and last year I was the only person in my company to see positive growth, though I did slightly reallocate out of a fund that my dad felt would underperform in the long run. 70% SWPPX 5% ODMAX 5% RERGX 7% AGDYX 13% SIGVX
  3. Sorry I don't have any. PM him on FB, he can probably snap a couple for ya.
  4. Posting for a good friend. Car isn't perfect, noticed some paint bubbling on the door when I was at his house yesterday working on my fiancées motorcycle. Otherwise, it's just something he stopped driving when he got his Focus ST. Link for pics https://www.facebook.com/groups/310305375743083/permalink/1020478811392399/?sale_post_id=1020478811392399 He's listed it for $3500 but if you offer $3k he'll take it. PM me for his number or reach out of FB. Let him know Caxide sent ya.
  5. Funny you mention this. My old man manages a rather large portfolio and shares similar ideology. Here's a quick blurb from WSJ last year, note the index fund referenced. http://www.hamiltoncapital.com/getattachment/28910bd6-8170-4608-b939-7b09a4852803/Wall-Street-Journal/
  6. I can only imagine their conversation with a dispatcher if they called the cops. "911 what's your emergency" "My asshole neighbor is blasting some sort of dog whistle type speaker at our house and it's driving us crazy!!" "Did it wake you up?" "No, we were outside with our friends and he did it then." "You were outside with your friends at 0315 and only then did he do it? How did he know you were outside?" "...." "Do you think he did it because you woke him up by being outside?" "..." "911 is for emergencies sir. Please stop calling us."
  7. The issue is that when Ohio went hardline on the pill mills, there was still massive demand (due to addiction, duh) but no supply. That's when everyone addicted to legal opiates found out that illegal opiates are not only stronger, but a million times cheaper and easier for dealers to get. Not only that, but the cartels already have a reasonably strong foothold in OH due to their involvement in cooking meth and growing pot. Being a state with maritime access to international borders, as well as being a major shipping hub/passthrough made it very easy to flood OH with cheap H quickly. One of the most troubling aspects of this is the fact that so many of these pill addicts were not your typical drug users (low income, concentrated in high crime areas), but rather suburban kids who had easy access to their parents' legal prescriptions. You're seeing the direct result of this as those kids grow older, go to college, and get even easier access to H like I would assume this guy did. As you said, the solution is not in incarceration, rather it's an addiction that needs treatment. People will often get clean in prison but will not learn how to live a clean life. Big difference. Then they go back out on the streets and immediately go back to their old dose, OD, and die. It's not about being more willing to try higher doses due to Narcan carrying medics, it's just a common ebb and flow type thing. Now, however, we're seeing this cheap cartel H laced with fentanyl. Fentanyl isn't an opiate like oxycontin or vicodin, it's a fucking anesthetic more powerful than morphine IIRC. And people are shooting it up and dying quickly, before Narcan can be applied. As always with these sorts of public policy/health crises, I always suggest people read up on Portugal's method of dealing with such things. I don't suggest that their exact method is right for the U.S. or even OH, but there are important lessons to be learned in the way we look at opiate health crises. EDIT: Wiki on Portugal's drug policy
  8. I remembered the name of this business from a while ago. I suggested it to a friend after he got an absolutely ridiculous quote for work from CCA, he went there and raved about the experience and the fair pricing. I would start there.
  9. I remember when Overhaulin' was big that Foose would always try to preserve the original dash of whatever car he was modding, and he'd either put the upgraded audio headunit in the glove box or under the seat; somewhere accessible but invisible.
  10. Leaving for vacation, will have to check when we get back.
  11. How new or old you looking? Fiancee has a 2009 MBP that she never uses, i'll ask her if shes interested in selling.
  12. The flag is a living history and represents the sacrifices past and present made to preserve the Union, starting with the original 13 colonies. It's a symbol of our history. A symbol of our nation, however, would be the freedom to burn the flag. Just like one should be free to burn a Torah, Quran, Bible, copy of the Constitution or Declaration of Independence, a picture of Barack Obama or George Washington. The freedom to express oneself through such a demonstration is far more important than the negative impact of such a desecration of a revered item.
  13. I disagree with OP that this is desecration of the flag. I also disagree with anyone who says the NFL shouldn't care. The NFL shouldn't care IF those shoes didn't have a logo on them. Unapproved design + no logo = pure patriotic display, NFL shouldn't care Unapproved design + prominent Nike swoosh included in the design = corporate shill disguised as patriotism, NFL has every right to care. If Nike was doing it purely for patriotism reasons, they should leave their logo off. Right?
  14. I make my own BBQ sauce. The recipe changes based on how I'm feeling/what meat it's going on/what season it is, but theres some ingredients I love to use beyond your basic molasses/brown sugar/worcestershire/cider vinegar/garlic/oil/tomato base. For winter, I like to put in a bit of coffee. I usually use a really dark roast so it's less acidic and doesn't change the balance of the sauce much, just enough to give it that ultra dark flavor. It should be just enough coffee that you can taste the sort of heavy smokiness too it, but not so much that you think you're drinking coffee sauce. Another thing I like to throw in for smoky/spicy notes is hot hungarian paprika. Goes really well with a summer plate of pork ribs and mixes really nicely with honey if you prefer using that to brown sugar/molasses. For a less sweet sauce I'll go for something with lots of adobo spice, throw a few of those chipotle peppers in there, maybe a bit of steak sauce, some chopped onions, and a bit less ketchup, and instead use a little bit of tomato paste. This style goes REALLY well with brisket and beef ribs.
  15. Speaking of forgetting, and specifically of the health issues, what bothered me most about the attack was not about how it exposed how vulnerable we are, not how it resulted in a massive changes in our government's day to day operations, not how some fucking insane terrorists were able to take out thousands of innocent lives and started a war we're still fighting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Zadroga Go down to the Federal Law part. It took 10 FUCKING YEARS for Congress to act. That right there is one of the prime examples of the negative influence of divisive politics in America. We couldn't agree how to help those people for 10 fucking years, a time during which many of them were dying of related illnesses. This isn't an assault on a particular party; both Democrats and Republicans are at fault here for not quickly figuring out a way to handle this, implications of socialized healthcare be damned. How many peoples' illnesses could've been diagnosed and treated given the proper resources? How many families would still be spending time with their mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers, etc. but for the Congressional shitshow of the last 15 years?
  16. If you ride motorcycles Yellow Springs is a nice ride and a cool little hippie town. You can go cabrewing a few places too.
  17. Still no wireless charging? I always assumed it was a gimmick feature til I got my Galaxy S6, now it's a must-have for me. I'll check out the 7+ next year when I'm due for an upgrade, I like the dual cameras. Lack of headphone jack is a non issue, since they include an adapter.
  18. Show up to Mopar nat'ls in that thing you'll be a fucking hero
  19. Lifted through the corner? Once had a GT3 spin out and come back across the track right in front of my nose there, scary shit. Stuff can be fixed, and I think there was at least one other casualty based on some photos I saw on FB so it's not like you were alone.
  20. At least with that shit you know which poison you're putting in your body. Someone hands you a while pill and it could be anything from OTC aspirin to oxy to elephant tranqs to ecstasy, etc. Hell, there's a whole industry in China dedicated to making knockoff street drugs, let alone actual pharms.
  21. Say it with me, Clay: "There is nothing more expensive than a cheap European car." We've taken in our fair share on trade; auto, stick, non-S, S. They're always massive headaches.
  22. Not advertising cars with prices is always an indicator that the seller is out of touch with reality. That thing looks like 8 people's headache's rolled into one easy-to-immolate package.
  23. Yeah but at least you'd get a Congressional Medal of Honor for doing that.
  24. That's a reason to raise rates, not drop you completely. They should at least have the courtesy to be honest with you.
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