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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. http://www.stardestroyer.net/BoardPics/TeenAngst.jpg
  2. quality thread will read again edit: can we ban people for stupid threads like this?
  3. http://whatthe.blogetery.com/files/2008/01/sfw-porncom_43.jpg sfw porn time!
  4. the absolute best part of that article is the related story: http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/news/ci_11589775
  5. Damn, I would've traded you a 98 Explorer Sport 2dr if it didn't have a cold start issue. Can't be having that in Boston! GL with sale.
  6. its probably because they're on their cell phones edit: i know, i know, i'll fuck off
  7. "I'm sorry but if I spent a few hundred of my hard-earned dollars I wouldn't want some fuckstick scratching or possibly cracking my board because they're being a careless fuck. So yeah, whine, bitch, I mean who gives a shit. What he's doing is protecting his investment" Holy shit. That took me 30 seconds to write. And look how much less retarded it is. "Hard heard dollars" hahaha I thought it couldn't get any more stupid "Protecting his inventment" by that do you mean applying for a patent? Seriously dude, "n" and "s" are on opposite sides of the keyboard. Do you speak as retardedly as you type? I've been run into on my board before. A guy on skis came flying down and ran into me from behind when I was sitting on the mountain. You know how much damage that did? He put a chip in my topsheet with a direct hit from his ski that actually got to the core of the board. You know how much it mattered? I went to my local ski shop the next day, paid the guy $20 to put a little epoxy on it, and voila! my board is just fine. You're going to tell me that a little tap from a skier (OR SNOWBOARDER) in line behind you is gonna cause any more damage? Tell me one person whose board has been completely ruined by a skier in line and I'll shut up. Until then, you're prissy little bitches whining about nothing. EDIT: also, out of curiousity, can you snow princesses honestly say that you've NEVER rubbed up on the skis or board in front of you in line?
  8. Yeah and most of us don't log on to CR to watch you whine about skiers, but such is the world we live in.
  9. x3. Any of these supposed tough guys who gets all antsy over people clipping your topsheet should try that shit in VT. You'd get a facefull of hilljack fist.
  10. I dunno, looks like she's wearin ski boots. http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1225/836529906_287ce10c7f.jpg?v=0
  11. Wow this is the first I've read of these shenanigans. We should probably change the name of The Oven to "The Happy Caring Fun Time No Meanies Club". As queer as this is my following argument applies to both sides...its the god damned internet. Serios bizness.
  12. http://www.bohemianscientist.org/images/blog06/headexplode.jpg
  13. I hate it when skiers ride up on my snowboard. I also hate it when snowboarders ride up on my skis. I believe this to be a conundrum. Maybe I just hate everyone. Or maybe there's just inconsiderate people on both sides of the fence.
  14. "hey my son got into [osu]" "what did he have to do, open the door?" [/family guy] Seriously though despite this retarded comment above, OSU is well rated on a national level; it's certainly a top tier school in terms of business schools and they have a lot of good professors. Just do your best to take small classes and it's easy to get a good eductation. Congrats. edit: and remember, your college experience is what you make of it. Its really easy to party it all away and learn nothing, but if you maintain a balance between fun and work you can make it the best years of your life that will really set you up for a good future.
  15. Thank you for posting the closest thing FoxNews will ever publish to an admission of imperfect policy by the Bush administration.
  16. http://420.thrashbarg.net/penguin_army_bear_cavalry.jpg http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Animus_photo/Demotivator/1204261031939.jpg http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/1843/motivationalposterjeepcba7.jpg
  17. truth. Wheeler's move was sick too bad he couldn't control it at the end. Thomas is pretty good in the shootout, but looks like the Blues studied tapes/Boyes probably had some prior experience:cool:
  18. LMAO all you people saying these 245 detainees "could" and "would" attack us again say it like they're already back in al-Queda training camps showing people how to put together suicide bombs. You're sad sad victims of sensationalist broadcasting.
  19. Making assumptions is what lead idiots like you to think people like me are saying everything should be banned while driving. Fucktard.
  20. Stop putting words in my mouth. I didn't say I wanted to ban everything, all I ever set out to prove was that people who talk on cell phones with one hand occupied not using a handheld device are more at risk than someone not doing that. Get that through your thick fucking skull and decide whether you agree or disagree with my previous statement.
  21. You're going a million miles a minute and not taking a second to make any goddamn sense. Agree or disagree; you driving on your cell phone are 100% as attentive as you driving not on your cellphone. Edit: Listen you fucking clown, back the fuck off this whole "high horse" thing. I'm certainly guilty of driving not paying 100% attention but when I'm driving I try to make sure that's the only thing I'm doing. It's impossible to completely pay attention when there's other people in your car; that's why in some states young drivers aren't allowed to drive friends until they're 18. I'd love for some of the officers on here to chime in on this; how often do you see plain old reckless op or is it often accompanied by idiotic cell phone usage?
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