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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Seriously how did I not hear about this before the election? Amazing shit, apparently hasn't been resolved yet. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/08/30/AR2008083001538.html Interesting. Its obvious why, but I'm curious....why specifically? Those poor little oil companies, their $40b/annual profits don't stand a chance against those big mean polar bears and their insidious Fish and Wildlife service. Wait...I thought...polar bears are discriminating against Alaska? SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN About this time I'm hoping someone buys all the land around Sarah Palin's house and puts oil rigs on all sides. filing lawsuits against the Bush admin to deny the simple fact that THERE AREN'T VERY MANY POLAR BEARS LEFT (not like I'm passionate about the cause, its just important to realize that people went out and counted...) and that enough should be reason to put them on the endangered list with their habitat melting? good thing this crazy bitch didn't get the chance to change this from the white house.
  2. I applaud your devotion to revolvers, but .44 mag is a kind of ammunition, not a kind of weapon.
  3. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/celicatophat.jpg
  4. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/azncrazy515768.gif
  5. holy crap this is a steal. my sister's horse cost. well lets just say quite a bit more than ten times that for a hunter jumper. jeez this is a great deal for someone looking to get their daughter into the sport. bump for awesome deal.
  6. What whole system? The firearm sales system? I know you're in the business but it sounds more like the firearm industry is unable to supply the currently sky high demand?
  7. what do you want to bet that pile of trash sees a concrete barrier affixed to its front end before it receives permanent plates.
  8. congrats, you just made it into my sig. this might be the funniest thing i've seen go unnoticed on CR ever.
  9. here's the attention you wanted.
  10. Holy "fuck". Everyone else has been relatively nice in pointing out the level of "fail" here but did you "learn" to use ""quotations"" from an obsessive compulsive sufferer? We don't really care if you are trying to "relay the message" in a word for "word" format. Its really fucking annoying "to" read a paragraph that looks like it was written by "someone" whose space bar has been replaced by "quotation marks". Also, "who" the fuck are you and "why do we" care?
  11. welcome. other noobs could take a lesson from this guy. he didn't post a ton of info, just the absolute basics and one pic of each of his cars. bravo sir, for an excellent intro with minimal effort.
  12. thats pretty solid. good thing its stick shift, if I recall the auto trans from 02 had all kinds of horrible problems.
  13. you're forgetting the cardinal rule of getting help moving...free beer for all
  14. why use 3 letters when you can use 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. LOL MYSTERY PRICE. read the rules
  16. i pooped right after i saw this thread. was that your doing
  17. holy fuck i just noticed your kid in the door of the garage and it kinda surprised me. scary lookin picture.
  18. I thought the model A was produced in higher numbers than any other car ever...I'm probably wrong about that but who knows. bump for a sweet classic
  19. yeah, i know i'm a hell of a salesman but the business world is too shitty right now to be taking bets on a commission only job.
  20. Anyone work for them? A while ago the Goldman Sachs thing didn't work out, they didn't want a college grad for an intern, so here I am working at a liquor store like a raging alcoholic and these guys are calling me up every day offering me a position and I can't help but wonder if its just the crappiest job in the world. The position is described as some combination of business, business sales, and customer service. It sounds to me like their customer service division absorbed their marketing division in a cost saving measure, but I could be wrong.
  21. you could control it with prices. gov't lowers prices enough, they'll simply run the drug dealers out of business. then the dealers will be forced to invent SUPER-pot, which i'm sure will happen because 25 years ago the best shit you could get isn't fit for sale these days.
  22. unless it's currently residing at a no-kill shelter, you should absolutely save this dog's life.
  23. and no Pandora for T-Mobile BBs
  24. yet we still have to deal with issues such as this: http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/03/26/wounded.warrior/index.html inb4LOLCNN.COMLIBERALMEDIA
  25. I coulda told you it would be like that cuz JULIA FUCKING ROBERTS IS THE LEAD. Seriously, if that mega mouth isn't wrapped around my dick I really don't care.
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