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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I have one of these, they are flawless. Colibri is the top name in lighters, this is one of their best models. Very few moving parts, very little interference when you're lighting things.
  2. I JUST CAME HERE TO YELL ON THE INTERNET. THIS SEEMED THE APPROPRIATE PLACE FOR IT. ever miss a spot when you wipe your ass and it gets all itchy like 3 minutes later? yea never happens to me either
  3. most aren't but enough are. my roommate's from san diego, says there's constant stories about groups of tourists getting caught up in the crossfire, even some getting beheaded. shit's crazy. then again that's the baja.
  4. Do you think this is justice? http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/02/23/pennsylvania.corrupt.judges/index.html Cliffs for those too lazy: 1) 2 PA Luzerne County judges, elected by the public, confess to taking kickbacks totalling $2.6million from private juvenile detention and behavioral correction camps for increasing headcounts. First one has been accused of misdeeds before 2) Kids were sentenced for "crimes" as petty as mocking an asst. principal on a myspace page, stealing coins out of unlocked cars. These crimes, committed by first-time offenders, male and female in their low teens, received several months in wilderness camps or detention facilities. 3) Judges that confessed were given 87 months in prison. 4) ?? 5) no profit So my thought here is WHY THE FUCKING LENIENCY ON THE JUDGES???? These guys, supposedly the most trustworthy and powerful men in the government, entrusted with doling out fair justice to criminals, abuse the highest position the law affords them (in their county) and they get 87 months? These fuckers should serve every single minute they sentenced any kid to time in shackles or time away from their family.
  5. this isn't your fucking blog
  6. dude you messed up, i believe the term is "white power" and thats just racist dude....
  7. :gtfo: do some research beyond foxnews.com and then come back to this thread
  8. Interesting. This guy was released under Bush so non of this doomsaying crap about closing Gitmo really matters in this case. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/02/18/al.qaeda.arrest/index.html?iref=mpstoryview Guy was released to the care of Saudi Arabia, supposedly our ally in the middle east, where he resumes terrorist activity and simply leaves. Then he gets to Yemen, a country everyone seems to like to associate with harboring terrorists, where he's promptly arrested. How far up his own ass do you think Bush's head was when the Saudis told him "we're on your side"?
  9. ^^this guy probably likes Mean Girls. jk, can't dictate someone else's taste in movies. That said, I watched The Godfather last night and anyone who disagrees with me that it is literally the PERFECT movie can go to hell and suck Marlon Brando's cock down there for eternity.
  10. my e-thuggin radar is quite acute today. i can sense my own....
  11. Maude: What do you do for recreation? Dude: Oh, the usual. I bowl. Drive around. The occasional acid flashback. i love the dude as evidenced... <---
  12. anyone here have any experience with kubuntu? my roommate has been toying around with it and recently declared he's renounced microsoft as his lord and savior and is switching to 100% kubuntu.
  13. people poison themselves daily with tobacco and alcohol which are proven to have much more detrimental effects to those around the user than pot. how many stoners beat their spouses when they're high?
  14. I doubt that the whole of the resolution is summed up in that poorly written article. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some really stupid sounding shit included as well.
  15. after watching it, I wish I hadn't. poor guy. this is terrible.
  16. and yet you're the one chiding me for posting tits....
  17. :barf: edit: and i bought myself a G'Zone just so I COULD drop it in the poopie water and be able to rinse it off.
  18. I used to have a Zen b/c I was all "omg Apple is for trendy hipster tards, Creative is the wave of the future!" then I pulled my head out of my ass and joined the flock:(
  19. don't you even think about talking on the cell while you wipe
  20. http://sweet-krissy.info/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/sweet-krissy-boobs.jpg real or fake?
  21. Alpine ida-x100 Ipod interface: http://www.caraudiocentre.co.uk/productimages/zoom/alpine-ida-x100.jpg http://www.crutchfield.com/S-QN3QFpVDzki/p_500IDAX100/Alpine-iDA-X100.html /thread
  22. QFT, I bought it after it broke. Its the one I was referring to in my previous post.
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