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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Haha being a valet is wonderful and horrible at the same time. Biggest tip i got was 50, nicest car was an R8, yes people have left their drugs lying out, I have seen bowls, lines, tabs of acid you name it, people leave it in their car. never stole anything, but I definitely smoked in someones car which was already full of stank.
  2. lol posting in a butthurt thread.
  3. I do 4wd burnouts in reverse
  4. my roommate brought back a case from his trip to DC (frozen four GO BU!!) which we cracked open for the NFL draft. still 5 left in our fridge i think i'm gonna have one now.
  5. word thanks for the reminder. if anyone doesn't know the shit going on in F1, its worth it just to watch Ferrari and the other high-dollar teams flounder as a previously private-money Brawn team tears shit up. Its a new era for this sport.
  6. Chinese are buying Buicks, and though their numbers are down currently Buick holds a huge enough market share there and deals in enough volume they they are anything but a drain on the company.
  7. you should go to the Full Monty I hear they're all about it there.
  8. if you guys get me into the red, i'll reward you by image spamming goatse or something and getting banned
  9. EPIC BUMP neg rep me, shitstains.
  10. lol this gets me. dude is mad at you for pointing out he smells like arse. its like he shit his pants and got mad at you for pointing out the odor.
  11. for the triple http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff258/money_2345/BankofGanja.jpg
  12. it is. but as the song goes, "its 4:20 somewhere"
  13. And I'm sure God didn't put rubber on this earth so skanks everywhere could have a big fat dildo, but hey, there's little bonuses to everything. And when you think about the number of plants that will get you fucking retardedly high, you might think differently. Off the top of my head: amanita muscaria (fungus, I know, but anything with psylocybin), cannabis (sativa and indica), peyote, coca, coffee (caffeine is a drug!!), salvia divinorum, tobacco (which apparently God did intend for us to smoke cuz it sure as fuck isn't good for anything else), wormwood.
  14. now Chad I know its difficult to learn to use a computer since they only became available in Pataskala in October, but here's what you do. you take the URL of the actual image, not the website you used to find the image and you put url%20goes%20here on the sides. then you won't post like you just figured out what the mouse is for. http://animatedtv.about.com/library/graphics/sp708_South_Park_Is_Gay_2.jpg
  15. http://arrowheadaddict.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/zubaz_fuljpg-jpeg-image-384x526-pixels_1197664244906.png
  16. 4/20 is on Marathon Monday/Patriots Day/the one day during the year that the Boston PD, Boston University PD, and Stateys all get together and say "hey, you know the weather is getting nice and everyone's off school for this race, lets just let those jolly college fucks drink until they puke". The one day where Public Intox is not a misdemeanor, its a common thread between anyone not racing. I suppose I'll go out and be a violent drunk instead of staying in and being a degenerate stoner. I can always do that when I need to cure my hangover. “I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?” Willie Nelson
  17. way to get that i don't give a fuck about polar bears, i care about the retardedness of our government's legal proceedings
  18. there's a lot of guns that use .44 mag. First one I shot was a Colt Single Action Army, something like this: http://www.impactguns.com/store/media/colt/colt_36360.jpg
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