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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. yeah unfortunately running isn't really an option. i'd need motion control shoes or I get really horrible shin splints (totally collapsed arches) so I'm doing the eating right thing and just trying to do some sustained movement exercises. anyways, I just got back and I got WORKED but I found something out about myself. I cannot be armbarred. My elbow joints go backwards, so every time they got me in an armbar I'd just stand up and slam them on the ground.
  2. Well he's a strong motherfucker, but I watched as he was barely able to lift someone who is 210. Plus before he knew my weight, he was guessing that I was 230. Lol 35 lbs off.
  3. Yeah I'm 6'3" 265, he's 5'10" 195. At least he won't be able to pick me up and smash me down if I get him in an arm bar
  4. http://blogs.southflorida.com/citylink_dansweeney/homer-drool.gif edit: lol first time :ninja:
  5. Its definitely more submission based, as it tends to give the defensive/ground fighter an advantage. I've been watching fights to get mentally ready to try to recognize what he does to me. Most interesting thing I've seen is "the triangle" which looks simply impossible to get out of. But yeah, we roll in his apartment which has a good amt of space, but lots of fragile shit so we won't be doing any standup stuff. The way he does it with the other guy he rolls with is they start in the guard position and go for 2 or 3 minutes from there. edit: oh and yeah, Muay Thai is balls to the wall cool. Love watchin the fights, love watchin the Tony Jaa movies.
  6. Today I start Brazilian jujitsu training with a friend of mine. I have no experience in jujitsu or any martial arts of any kind, and he's gonna be showing me the ropes of the ground-n-pound stuff you see UFC guys doing. So, what do you think is gonna happen to me? A) KO'd, totally black out and wake up facedown in a pool of my own blood B) Broken face C) Broken something else D) Nothing, I'll be fine and actually defend myself to a coherent extent As always, whoever guesses right gets nothing. Hopefully something fun happens so I can post pics of my already ugly mug with a few new involuntary "mods". See y'all fuckers after I get beat the fuck up.
  7. If you've still got any time in Munich, go to the BMW factory and take a tour. Its pretty cool. One thing I would've suggested in Paris is that you skip the whole Paris thing and drive up north to Normandy. Nowhere have I ever felt more insignificant than amongst the graves by the beach. Its a sight I feel like every American, Briton, or anyone whose life was helped by the Allied efforts should experience.
  8. Im really good at taking a lot of drugs and surviving too.
  9. I've got no ink but my ex got a really cool, fairly complicated thing done at Bodystain on the corner of Cleveland and Morse, 4410 cleveland ave is the address. She got the symbol from Fahrenheit 451 (seen below), but she only had a really crappy picture and the artist did a really awesome rendering of it on her back. Also, very moderately priced but very VERY clean. http://thethunderchild.com/Music/Articles/Vertlieb/Fahrenheit451.jpg edit: http://www.bodystain.com
  10. I'm good at lying. This thread is interesting.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu_moia-oVI or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTI2xX5ttkQ
  12. http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk297/Blondie-Wan/SpockWin.jpg someone should put $100 against their entire stock of business cards; cuz obviously they spent all their money on that stupid as fuck idea.
  13. BACK THE FUCK UP DID YOU JUST SAY YOU'RE BACK O MY GOD YOU'RE SO AWESOME THANKS FOR MAKING THIS IN THE CORRECT SECTION. the only thing gayer than a goodbye thread is an I'm back thread. no one noticed you left, no one cares that you're back. die in a fire. edit: jk i love you man (no homo) edit2: who are you?
  14. someone get this clown in here. I wanna hear all about how youz guyz don't appreciate show cars and eventually run him out of here so we can see a follow up thread on CSR.com about how everyone here's a redneck who has no respect for domestic rice
  15. Well can't shit on threads in the for sale sections but this needs shit on real bad. The only step this car needs to take to be show ready is to be hit head on by a train. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=63484 pics for the lazy http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f3/misfitzgsx/Neon/IMG_0360.jpg http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f3/misfitzgsx/Neon/IMG_0362.jpg http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f3/misfitzgsx/Neon/IMG_0379.jpg this guy, clearly a genius, leaving his license plate up. edit: I also don't understand why he shaved everything off the back except the crappy "Neon" thing. Cuz those ground effects make it looks so much faster than a neon, maybe no one believes its a neon?
  16. Strange...looks like they moved the gills from in front of the rear tires to right behind the eyes. Looks better that way.
  17. To anyone who didnt' read the graphic novel: you should've. I understand that you don't want to do homework before you see a movie, but you really are just wasting money if you don't. Don't even bother seeing it. You'll either be completely lost, or you'll be leaning over and asking your friends who did read what's going on. Also, yes, there is way too much blue penis. I thought Zach Snyder might have the decency to at least make Osterman wear a sock over it or something. Guess not. The movie itself was awesome IMO. It held very true to the comics and despite everyone ranting about it being too long, I found that there was enough violence and asskicking to keep me entertained. Oh yea, and Jackie Earle Haley made for the most fucking awesome Rorschach I could've imagined. He was about 50x more badass than in the comics.
  18. good god 1100 miles in fuckin alaska...in march?? and i thought the Ironman was nuts..
  19. I'll give you that only because the movie Cube was far, far superior to the movie Sphere
  20. with my second pick, I choose http://www.swoyersart.com/william_phillips/enola_gay.jpg cuz lots of planes have the ability to drop nuclear weapons, but only two have ever had the balls.
  21. Obviously stolen from kissing suzy kolber but this is one of their drafts that I think will go over well here. First off, the rules: You can pick one vehicle at a time. You can't pick the same kind of vehicle as someone else (If I choose Air Force One, all other 747s are out of the question) Once you pick you have to wait 5 posts before picking again. Realism is not a factor. Post a picture if you can. Keep a note of who you picked...this is more of a competition of who can assemble the most badass garage inhumanly possible. With the first pick in the 2009 CR Vehicle Draft, I choose http://suburbanknights.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/death-star-1.jpg Also I'm gonna get some plywood and board up that stupid fucking exhaust vent...or at least put a kink in it or something. edit: inb4kennysays "Delorean from BTTF so I can go back in time and kill you before you made this thread"
  22. UPDATES: Okay so after more research these are k2 Proof2 Boots, released in Jan 05, I bought mine Sept. 05. Originally bought for $250, like I said given the negligible wear and tear (minor scuffs, minor salt on them, NO major nicks or cuts in the boots) I think I'll stick with my price of $75obo. The cable system I was talking about is the K2 Rock Lock system. This is what they look like, except mine are mostly gray with black trim and yellow lining. That wheel on the side is what you use to tighten the rock lock thing. Both are in perfect working condition, the laces are solid (no fraying whatsoever. http://www.productwiki.com/upload/images/k2_proof_snowboard_boots.jpg
  23. Ok I'm making this thread on my way out the door so its gonna be quick but when I get home I'll try to post some pics: K2 size 12 snowboard boots. I wear a size 13 and thought I could cram into these. Couldn't. They have one of those cool cable systems on the inside that allows you to tighten the inner lining around your foot using a wheel on the outside of the boot; very convenient, very simple. Boots have been worn about 4 times, never for more than 2 hours b/c they made my feet cry. Price: $75 for now, that'll come down if I find they're less valuable than previously thought. I'll be in Ohio as of tomorrow midday and will be in town until thursday, so PLEASE PM ME ASAP IF YOU'RE INTERESTED.
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