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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Idiot comment. Gun ownership can severely reduce crime rates. You think if everyone on the road talked on a cell phone that traffic would somehow become incredibly streamlined? You're obviously not going to see the point that you have to assume that, while on the road, you are never in control. You think the girl that was unfortunately hit by a blue GTO a while back was a terrible driver? No, some shit just happened. Maybe she was ready for it and there was nothing she could do. But if I was in that position I'd sure as hell rather be 100% concentrated on the road than talking on my cell phone.
  2. He's not doing QUITE as well as he did last year, but everyone just remembers him for the brick wall he was in the playoffs. Problem is he gives up too many 2nd chances. That said, his stats this year are so far not too terrible; they seem to indicate more of a lack of defense on the part of the Pens than a decrease in the quality of goaltending. That said, its a great time to be a Bruins fan. I was at the game on Monday that we lost to the Blues. Anyone else with me thinking that this should NOT have been a goal? watch in high quality or you won't be able to see
  3. How about high-speed emergency lane change? Think you could do that at 60 mph with one hand? Not only getting over to the next lane but controlling the recoil from your suspension, letting out the steering you input with the right quickness so you neither go flying back in the direction you just came from or accidentally overcorrect and end up in the median? Seriously dude, if you think you can perform emergency maneuvers with one hand while distracted you need a serious reality check. EDIT: And I'm not faulting you for some dumbass that can't drive. Ask any cop, any experienced racer, anyone who knows their asshole from their mouth. The most dangerous part of driving isn't you, the conditions of the road, or visibility. Its other drivers. Thats why you give extra space between cars when its raining or snowing; it doesn't matter how well your car can stop or how good a driver you are, its just as much your responsibility to look out for other drivers to avoid accidents as it is their responsibility to not drive like dumbasses. If they fail to hold up their end of the bargain that doesn't absolve you of responsibility, it just means you have to be that much more careful. Your mindset is exactly the same as one of these dumbasses; "Well I'm a good enough driver so anything that happens isn't my fault". You should get that tattooed on your ass so the coroner has something to laugh at when you end up a smear on a Jersey barrier.
  4. Scenario: You are driving, chatting with a friend on the phone. A car in front of you in the middle lane which you also occupy is driving slower than you and you're going to pass him on the left. You hit your blinker and go to look in your side mirror, all the while trying to hold the phone to your ear. All of a sudden a car in the right lane -- which you may or may not have noticed before -- swerves into your lane. Your hand is tied up trying to hold the phone and your eyes are partially/completely distracted with your sideview mirror duties. Regardless of whose fault it is, lets just assume you have your son in the backseat. Do you really think you'd be 100% as capable of avoiding a potentially life threatening collision as you would be if you were not on the phone? At that point, I think you'd share just as much of the blame as the other person; yes they initiated a harmful series of events, but I can guarantee that while you may be a fine driver when you're on the phone, your ability to conduct emergency maneuvers is slim to none.
  5. wow i just saw this picture on an ebay ad which has since been closed i think. still managed to save this pic and motivate it some http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/towncarmotivator.jpg ok i'm done for the night
  6. http://punditkitchen.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/political-pictures-english-offical-language-que.jpg http://kissingsuzykolber.uproxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/lol-donovan.jpg http://tastybooze.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/img00009.jpg
  7. http://www.grimmemennesker.dk/data/media/2/LOL.jpg
  8. http://www.forthewingaming.com/images/picture_corner_public/stupid%20terrorists%20-%20somebody%20take%20that%20rocket%20launcher%20away%20from%20Jamal%20before%20he%20kills%20all%20of%20us.png
  9. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i280/willow42686/17dollars1.jpg
  10. Anyone else read the [near insignificant] news that Leclaire is having ankle surgery? p.s. Steve Mason is the next Martin Brodeur. remember this post, for it is the truth.
  11. Pshhhhhh Chester A. Arthur is a joke. He's the Gerald Ford of the 19th century, never even got voted into office. He didn't even get the party nomination to get the chance to lose the 1884 election to Grover Cleveland.
  12. http://img90.exs.cx/img90/1733/cola3.jpg that is all
  13. OK so currently I have (or should say had) a 2-monitor setup running from my Radeon X1650 Pro. The main monitor is my Acer 22" which is the bee's knees. The secondary monitor is an LG Flatron Widescreen 19" reconditioned POS. I've had the same issue a few times with it and I'm trying to figure it out. From time to time (read: infrequently) it'll just stop working. It'll turn on and I'll see the LG symbol on the screen then it'll go black. Then it shows the screen as it is supposed to look with the desktop image, and go black again. However, the power light stays on (indicating that it thinks its displaying an image, not going into powersave mode or anything). As far as I know, this is a bad backlight or something and is quite expensive to fix. However, this is like the 3rd or 4th time it's happened and after several days rest it just comes back to life for a while, like several months. So what's the big deal? Is it a backlight? Is it something harder or easier to fix?
  14. I don't know what's stupider, txting while driving or telling an officer that you were doing it.
  15. How thick are you? June 21, 1788: Constitution is signed guaranteeing rights to everyone on the basis that all men are equal. April 14, 1865: President Abraham Lincoln is shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth. Feb 26, 1869: Amendment XV to the Constitution, Blacks are given the right to vote, Jim Crow laws almost immediately negate this through literacy tests and poll taxes. July 2, 1881: Charles Guiteau shoots President James Garfield, who dies 11 weeks later due to shitty medical care. Sept 6, 1901: Anarchist Leon Czolgosz shoots President William McKinley, who dies 8 days later. Secret Service is charged with physical protection of the president as a result of this 3rd successful assassination of a president. Aug 26, 1920: Amendment XIX is passed, giving women the right to vote. Nov 22, 1963: Lee Harvey Oswald (or so we are meant to believe) assassinates John F. Kennedy. July 2, 1964: Civil Rights Act of 1964 desegregates everything, invalidates Jim Crow laws, but fails to address issue of "voter qualification" which had been used to turn away many black voters. Aug 6, 1965: National Voting Rights Act of 1965 is passed, effectively ending voter qualification and allowing anyone to vote regardless of sex, color, or any other differentiating factor. And I didn't even bother with the attempted assassinations. Still think we've always had free elections and peaceful transitions of power?
  16. And I don't feel any different. I thought the mounds of gold would be piling up in my drawers and Osama bin Laden would be laying his weapons before me with gifts of the finest fruits and wines. Anyone else not noticing a significant increase in the standard of living yet? Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
  17. TW is known as Comcast out here, and their only competitor in cable is RCN. So whenever we have a problem and they tell us "a service technician will be there in 2 weeks" I tell them "RCN said they'd be here tomorrow" and get service usually within 12 hours.
  18. If you have the ability, get a 95 with low low miles. A lot of them have been beat up on. My dad's got one with 70k on the clock that is nearly perfect in every way and I'd never pick an e46 over it. They are incredibly fun cars and I personally prefer low-tech to high-tech. The feedback and general feel of the car I think is superior in the e36, but thats my opinion.
  19. I saw Passion Pit live when they opened for Girl Talk. the crowd fucking sucked but their set was awesome.
  20. the answers to all your questions can be found here, tough guy http://pictureposter.audiworld.com/126184/internet_tough_guy_magazine.jpg
  21. way to post stupid shit. i clicked on the link and the second I saw that stupid picture I turned off my speakers. at least have the decency to rick roll us.
  22. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y28/mylo6956/textmessage.jpg
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