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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Like I said, I have no idea how to unbridge it. I click properties and it takes me to that screen that only has "configure" as an option. i've been searching online and apparently i'm not the only person having this problem. when I right click on the Local Area Connection, the option to delete is grayed out and where it should say "Remove Bridge" it says "Bridge Connections" like its not already bridged
  2. OK so I disabled the Local Area Connection, hit properties, and this is what I get: http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/LAN2.jpg the fucking explaination on how to modify bridge settings basically puts me in an infinite loop of these two fucking screens. stupidass windows. so I click configure and it goes to this screen: http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/LAN-1.jpg no TCP/IP settings. how do I de-bridge this bitch? edit: also, I tried disabling my wireless card, didn't work. I'm thinking I might just remove the whole thing and see where that takes me.
  3. Did you see the other picture? I think there's somehow a problem with my local area connection because its saying its bridged, and as far as I know it shouldn't be that way.
  4. Trust me, at 50" you're gonna want 1080. Anything below 42" and 720 looks just the same, but anything larger and you'll be able to tell the difference. Pony up the extra couple bones and you'll thank yourself.
  5. before we get completely off topic, anyone see the screens i posted on the last page>?
  6. I've been wondering about those. My roommate has a last gen Macbook and he loves it. He loves to leave it around in odd places with the anti-theft alarm on just to fuck with people. I've heard the Air blows everything else away performancewise b/c of the SSD.
  7. I'm currently using my 7 year old compaq presario 700z because my 3 year old $1600 media-intensive HP has completely shit the bed due to cooling issues. I will never buy a non-mac laptop. edit: however, I couldn't be happier with the presario. after all these years and all the times i've dropped it it still works flawlessly. gotta love my craptop
  8. <---network retard as you recall. i did some quick research so i get the concept of it, but how do i check it and make sure its working the way i want it to?
  9. no offense dude but if he's willing to get most of the stuff, its a hard economy to be selling stuff like paintball in. took me several months to sell my cheapie gun b/c this is the kinda stuff people are looking to save money on by cutting out of their lives. happy selling either way
  10. my next laptop will be one. no question. desktops I still prefer building my own PC, though I'm thinking about partitioning the drive and installing ubuntu or something for everything I do other than gaming
  11. OK so something new just popped up. when I go to network connections, the Local Area Connection shows up under a different category (not, LAN or High Speed Internet), it shows up under Network Bridge which I think is my problem. It says the connection is bridged, which is odd because I have no idea what that means nor have I ever bridged any connections. When I click Properties, it takes me to a screen where my only option is to click "configure" regarding my NIC. Here's a screen of it: http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/LAN-1.jpg http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/cmdresults.jpg thanks for the help guys I really appreciate it. edit: and yes, my buddy who helped set up my comp named it Pimpmobile
  12. good god that's an amazing price. gl with sale
  13. Don't think its a driver, i updated what I could couldn't figure out how to see if its automatically set to get IP. anthony, your post was gibberish to me. i'm the "street smart" kinda computer knowledgable:o
  14. Okay so my desktop has a PCI wireless card which works so-so on our wireless network, so I bought a 100ft Cat5 cable so I could go directly into the router. Unfortunately, this is the only thing I get: http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/LAN.jpg Any ideas? I'm totally baffled. Its definitely a problem on my computer, not the router. All my roommates are plugged into the router too. I'm semi-good with computers just totally retarded when it comes to networking stuff.
  15. Don't forget that he's a total neoconservative and out of his goddamn mind when it comes to god talk.
  16. http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/12/09/military.jet.crash/index.html I don't know how many of you have been following this, nor do I really care if there's another thread about it. Cliffs: -F/A-18 pilot on training mission loses power to one engine, tries to fly back to Miramar (San Diego) -Loses power to 2nd engine, by all accounts goes into a flatspin (Top Gun anyone?), ejects. -out of control plane hits SD suburb, demolishing one house containing a woman, grandmother, infant, and small child all related to one Korean man who was at work -Korean man prays for pilot, hoping that he doesn't feel remorse for the accident My god. I hear stories all the time of people going out of their way to help those who are less fortunate, but here is a man who has lost everything and yet asks for nothing, places blame on no one but chance, and who holds no grudge against the one person the media would love to villify in this whole thing. I'm not normally moved by these human interest stories but I am utterly dumbfounded by this man's composure. In this time of hardship for all Americans we should take a lesson from a man who has only been in this country half his life.
  17. elected officials charged with corruption? i don't believe it
  18. you should open up their computer, set screen settings to 2 monitor, then hide a window in the nonexistent 2nd monitor with this playing on loop at full volume.
  19. hope this suffices http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/baddecisions.jpg and yes, thats actually how she talked
  20. well said. I got over my yellow fever a long time ago after a 151-induced romp with a vietnamese chick. bad times were had by all.
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