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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. You're funny. In most cases, MA cops are given way too much money for doing too shitty a job. For instance, law here is that if there's a construction site bordering any street that has a speed limit of above 30mph, there must be a police detail assigned to it. Police make $27/hour when they're assigned to this detail. Its fucking bullshit. Guess thats what happens when you let the government tax whatever it wants.
  2. find out where he wants you to send a money order then send him $.01, not the best shens but at least he'll waste gas money to get a penny instead of you just scaring him off.
  3. for $0 I can not care. srsly, I leave "-el borracho" with all of my rep givings, anonymous hate is lame.
  4. and Nazis. its the new Commie-Nazi Coalition Force edit: and they're coming for you omg this picture is amazingly insane. nazi anti-American propaganda http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/f/f8/Liberators-Kultur-Terror-Anti-Americanism-1944-Nazi-Propaganda-Poster.jpg
  5. there is ONE case where the OP may be within his rights and thats if the bitch was on the pill then "forgot" and he nutted. bitch should have to take care of the kid on her own if thats how it happened.
  6. LOL man, I never even thought of that. What a great system. Bravo to the mods for implementing the system that lets us weed out noobs AND be irresponsibly immature on the internet.
  7. update no. 1: http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/negativerep1.jpg edit: mods, answer me this. what's the deal with the neutral rep?
  8. http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k93/chrishorgen/Funnay/facepalm.jpg
  9. Like what, putting a $2500 set of wheels on your shitty nissan? edit: or do the bitches love mismatched panels and driving sideways? guarantee a fake lambo pulls more grade A trim than any drift machine.
  10. triple: whoever called me a hippo in their negative rep leaving, yours is the best so far. but its spelled "h-i-p-p-o" not "h-y-p-o"
  11. well I started this thread with 50 rep pts, now I have 63. CR continues to baffle me.
  12. I know, I could have just PMed you for negative rep. But I made the thread for the lulz and comments
  13. I think you're right to some extent. I would've liked to have seen more minutes under Cassel's belt by the beginning of this year, but at the same time I don't think the offensive woes were necessarily his fault this year. I think he inherited a system designed for one of the greatest QBs to ever play the game, and its understandable why he struggled at the beginning of this year. The Brady offense called for a lot of poise in the pocket and the willingness to throw the ball. Cassel was unable to do this with the Brady offense so they had to rely on the short plays that were still designed for Brady, but at least got the ball out of his hands faster. As we saw last night, this offense is finally clicking. I think it just too this long to develop an offense around Cassel in a way that utilizes the normal players; hell, Moss caught 2 TDs, his first this season. Cassel had a great time rolling out right and passing to Moss upfield or Faulk in the flat. Brady is so immobile he'd never have been able to make that kind of play work. I think we're about to start seeing a revitalized Pats offense, even if the D will suffer sans-Harrison.
  14. LMAO at whoever gave me positive rep, you clearly win this thread
  15. http://www.justindauer.com/wp-content/attention-whore.jpg
  16. fuck, I can't give myself negative rep? what is this shit
  17. give me your negative rep. please. the most entertaining thing on CR these days is the wonderful comments y'all leave when you anonymously hate on me. edit: updates with your hilarious comments will come as soon as the negative rep starts arriving
  18. Disagree. People have been saying a lot of things regarding his injury. Stupid stuff like "oh look, it was the first time in years Brady had been taken off the injury report" and superstitious claims like that. I've played sports before (yea, stupid fatty caxide played sports!) and I totally get the superstition thing, I had my own ritual when I played goalie. Still, you can't honestly say that Brady got hurt for any other reason than Pollard coming flying down on his knee. Not a dirty hit, not a malicious hit, in no way related to anything other than the shitty circumstances of the hit, the play, and the knee.
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