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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. keep responding to me, idiot. every word you type digs yourself deeper into the hole of ironic self deprication. you came to this thread to rant about something that happened to you in real life, and i'm the one living on cr? you're 27 with a kid and you still have yet to realize what makes someone mature. its a fucking education. you can call me a nerd and flaunt your kid all you want, i'll bet a good number of people who don't know either of us are going to look at your inability to spell and your perplexing e-aggression and come to a very different conclusion than they will about me, even with 7 years and a child's difference in age.
  2. you failed because that url more accurately describes your attitude in this thread than anyone elses. not only that, but your failure to grasp this irony has made you the victim of the self-pwn. you, sir, with all your manly babymaking skills, have failed at the internet.
  3. you're a fag, go away. just kidding, at least you know your place. welcome, nice car pics.
  4. staggered turbos, first serious awd system in a porsche, it was basically the ferrari-like project (they sold cars so they could race them) that launched them to where they are now in terms of techonology.
  5. in on page one of a legendary thread. edit: just have a balloon full of clean air, duhhhh.
  6. Most badass Porsche award goes to the 959. http://www.sport-cars.org/site_img/large/porsche-959-9.jpg Name another Porsche that finished 1-2 in any Paris Dakar Rally. Personally I think the Paris Dakar race is the truest form of racing there is, since the start line and finish line are not only different places, but they're also thousands of miles apart. They also only made 300 the public had a chance to buy.
  7. this thread has potential http://lolbots.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/rollinhatin.jpg
  8. haha yeah i'm good friends with his ex stepbrother and a kid who went to school with him at St. Charles. kid has always been the biggest loser in the world.
  9. Haha he's not even gonna make the cut for boot camp in the next 3 years. I heard he's out in bumfuck nowhere with his dad.
  10. Hahaha I don't even remember why I write these things. Welcome back. If you decide to leave, make another farewell post so we can ridicule you again.
  11. lurk more, people will thank you for it.
  12. I asked a simple question of you which you still have yet to answer. Stop being a pussy.
  13. the guy with a cooler car than you that trolls from boston.
  14. get off my nuts already, just cuz we all don't have 3+ posts per day doesn't mean we're a troll. @ doug: if you don't care why'd you post in this thread? go shit somewhere else, nutswinger.
  15. before he was banned, I'd say Anthony. I forget his username but he had a black SRT-4 and grappled from that c6killer CRX kid's nuts like he was holding on for dear life.
  16. this thread had potential until "Polland"
  17. unfortunate, i'm generally a standard only guy. free bump, good luck on the sale
  18. regardless of how you feel about JFK and his general policies, he may have pulled the world back from the brink of nuclear war in 1962.
  19. Know your history. Booth jumped from the theater balcony and broke his leg, he didn't run anywhere. He had a horse waiting outside the theater which took him to a barn, not a warehouse. Also, Booth was from Maryland which if you know jack shit about the Civil War was one of the border states that DID NOT SECEDE, and most of whose enlisting citizens sided with the Union, not the Confederacy. Booth was born May 10, 1838, not 1839. God I hate these stupid chain emails that are historically inaccurate that no one bothers to validate.
  20. i know of your technical knowledge, which is why i was confused as to why you seemingly didnt recognize the e2200. i'd guess because he got a hell of a deal on it
  21. fuck that, jet powered train car. edit: that runs on Crystal Skulls
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