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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. damn damn damn DAMN I wish this was a stick shift. Still, after I sell the truck you may get a PM from me depending on how much I get for her.
  2. couldn't have said it better myself welcome
  3. A suggestion: Just because you can't see other forums doesn't mean they're not there. Use the oven for its intended use (making the intro) so you have access to the rest of the board and don't have to post this crap here where no one wants to read it. I'd (-) rep you but despite the shittiness of this as an intro post, its still a good post.
  4. do/did you work over by the steel mill on Goodale? I worked at BDI last summer and saw a TL Aspec that looked identical to this one. If you are the same person, bump for a METICULOUSLY beautiful TL. Every time I drove by it looked showroom perfect. bumpity
  5. Idk my bff rose? While your generalizations are pretty hysterical to the bro-type retard I'm sure you'll end up getting knocked up by, they're sadly untrue. Through HS I dated one girl for nearly 3 fuck filled years, like yours I'm sure but consolidated to only one cooch I could claim as my territory. When you're done hiding the open wound that is the realization you'll never be more than some fuck rag for a frat boy come back to CR.
  6. post 'em up. comments are a must. i love the one that just says "Asshole", whoever that was you made my day. http://www.putfile.com/pic/8253512http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/6/15419211466.jpg also this http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/6/15419211530.jpg edit: hint, at the bottom right of the linked page, click "full size" http://www.putfile.com/pic/8253513
  7. unfortunate. guess that one went over my head
  8. Haha I was 100% wrong when I was shitting on you. I admit it. STMusic suffices for now, but pretty much everyone on Oink has moved to waffles.fm. Almost as good, and constantly growing. I think there's been a backlash almost, a hydra effect. When Oink went down, STM, What.cd, waffles.fm, even demonoid have now risen up and expanded. The law will never defeat torrent sites.
  9. is being a father all you've accomplished in life? because seriously, man, you need to pick some new talking points. but since you insist on recycling the same argument, what makes you such a great father? its clearly not your education, which in most cases means its probably not your vast wealth. nor is it likely the attention you give to your kid since you clearly spend so many hours a day on CR instead of working or playing with your kid. so what is it that makes you, an obviously verile but otherwise insignificant meathead, such a great role model for your son or daughter? oh right, it must be your primal ability to defend your family from overzealous drivers :jerkit:
  10. this is the thread you're talking about. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=48147 what you fail to see is the irony of you talking about him bitching about his bro fucking him out of 90k and you started a thread bitching about a guy who didn't drive how you like. you're a faggot whiney bitch. why don't you shut the fuck up and die so your son can use your life insurance money to pay for a decent education so he doesn't end up a twat like his father.
  11. if it weren't for my e-penis causing the e-trouble and e-battles it does, your supermod e-penis would be flaccid and useless. you're welcome. edit: actually my e-penis is just really bored and looking to scare up some riff-raff in a new forum. phucking with n00bs is entertaining. double edit: i realized my post count is so low because every thread i post in gets moved to the kitchen.
  12. triple shitting in this already shitty thread full of leghumpers
  13. you fuckers must be getting soft. Some bimbo HS chick comes in with one of the worst intro posts I've seen and just because she's probably slobbed a few choice CR knobs everyone jumps on the "hello welcome" bandwagon in the hopes of seeing some titty? Until you come up with a decent intro post thats not "kekeke look at me I'm underage and love college dick", why dont you just have a nice frosty glass of get the fuck out. As if Westerville Central wasn't enough to let everyone here know you're a skank...
  14. you're still not notable on CR. leave this thread. edit: except didn't you already get banned a couple times? meh, who cares thats still not a funny picture.
  15. We want to see how far we have to push you before you finally learn English.
  16. ding ding ding we have a winner
  17. Usually the beginning of ticket-writing season is Memorial Day, what with all the boozehounds out and about on their day off. This seems a little late. Still, I'm kinda pissed off that the 2 weeks I'll actually be home (and with the whole family's house and cars to myself no less) they're pulling this shit.
  18. 1) do not buy an extended warranty. 2) do not buy from best buy, circuit city, etc. you're wasting your money. 3) newegg.com is your new best friend. all the same TVs you can go see in Best Buy, etc. at a lower price, often includes shipping and if you INSIST on getting extended service plans. For instance, a solid Philips 1080 42" will run you $1200 shipped into your home, and god forbid you want an extended warranty newegg offers 4 years for $90. Bestbuy offers the same exact tv for $1400, and if you want their super awesome protection plan for 4 years its going to run you another $180. Links for verification: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16889104115 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8804528&type=product&id=1206141946396 note that they're definitely the same serial no.
  19. i drink a liter of water after a night of drinking. dehydration causes hangovers, so gatorade works equally well (sodium keeps water in).
  20. wtf? possibly the most idiotic statement i've ever seen made on CR.
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