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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116063 google, motherfucker, do you use it?
  2. In my experience, South Americans and Europeans tend to keep the closest nuclear families.
  3. In Soviet Russia, dog bombs you! Seriously, though, possibly the worst weapon ever made, the Chauchat: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chauchat
  4. Pretty much the same setup I've got, 'cept I got a x1650 Pro. Runs like a dream.
  5. wow these responses are a million times better than I expected. Seems to me there's a totally different side of CR that gets masked by silly e-battles. Keep up the good responses, fellas. As for me, I'll go a little more in depth about myself since I didn't really cover it before. I grew up in CT for 13 years where my dad immigrated to in 1964 from Portugal as a 15 year old whose only support was his older brother whom he lived with until he could afford his own place. His mother, my grandmother, has survived earthquakes in Portugal, moved to a completely new country at an old age without knowing the language, and survived her abusive alcoholic husband who died at 50, yet she will never ever say a bad thing about him. My parents met at the Boston Aquarium, though they went to the same HS in Manchester, CT. My dad was a 16 year old senior with 1 year of English under his belt and never failed to graduate valedictorian in any school he ever attended (HS, UConn undergrad, and in pursuit of his MBA), and my mom was a 15 year old sophomore. Since then they never split, my mom even worked to put him through business school so he could get his MBA. Coming from that, I have an extremely skewed view on relationships because I personally believe that people can work anything out of my parents can be together all the way through high school. After living in CT for many years, my dad was terminated from Cigna Healthcare and was simultaneously offered an executive position at Nationwide Financial, a leap that no one in our family ever saw coming, so we packed up and moved west. Moving was tough on our family; even though I embraced change, it was still stressful and led to a lot of problems with my impending rebellious stage. A lot of that include turning my rebellion in on myself instead of against them, which led to a couple trips to the hospital mental ward. Never ever did my parents falter in their support for me though. My sister had similar problems, though it was less profound and more related to leaving all her best friends in CT. Recently, though, she seems to have let go of them as they had let go of her and she's embraced Ohio a bit more. Still, in the fall she decided she's following me here to Boston U, which has made me the happiest older brother in the world. EDIT: More about me, I suppose. My parents are probably the most understanding people in the world, supported by my uncles and aunts. My uncles are the ones who gave me the rundown on drugs, as both my mom's brothers are the total acid casualty types, except without the ill effects. The elder one is the guy who gave me the Apache, he lives out in Berkeley, CA (you can see where this is going) and is a huge pothead. He's also a radiologist, not the kind of job you'd see for a burnout. The younger brother is a retired 35 year veteran of the CT Correctional System, having served as everything from a guard to correctional officer to warden for about 15 years. After that, he's a cancer survivor and a Red Cross director of emergency operations for the Northeast. They're essentially the ones who introduced me to smoking and how to do it without hurting myself and more importantly others. My parents found out about this and essentially told me "we don't approve at all, its not something we believe in, but you've got a solid head on your shoulders and if you think you can do this without interrupting your life, then its your decision. Just don't come to us when you can't get a job because of a drug test. We love you son"
  6. This I guess is more for the younger folk around here. First off, are your parents together, separated, divorced, nonexistent (i.e. don't know your dad or mom) deceased, etc? Then describe it. My parents have been happily married for 25 years and are at/around the 50 yr old mark, and I'd say my relationship with them is pretty awesome. They disciplined me a lot as a kid but let me kinda roam when they figured I had a good head on my shoulders. Nowadays I'm really close with them, especially I think because they're both getting through the generation gap and being really techno-savvy. I text and IM with my mom at least daily, correspond with my dad via email about as frequently, and we call each other all the time with random news. Fortunately for both of us, they're not savvy enough to have discovered the horrors of the internet like goatse, etc, but I think that's good.
  7. i'll definitely remember that when you join an argument about honda stuff...people who actually know their shit are few and far between here. everyone just likes to think they're knowledgable. take me for example...
  8. you seem like not a douchebag, so you'll get +rep from me. miata + LS2 is a cool idea, but you still have to drive around in a miata. maybe an S2k with an LS2?
  9. you guys are wasting your time with michelle, you need to hit up love-meet.net and meet LAWCHICK and Sobohoe, if LAWCHICK likes you when you take her out, she'll help you with up to a 3-star wanted level (she's a lawyer, DUH!), and Sobohoe will increase your health if you call her...oh yeah, and they're way more interesting than fucking michelle. Anyways, I beat the game every way possible (deciding to let some people live, some people die, etc.) and though it was way too short, I'm really excited for the next games based on this engine, like Vice City and San Andreas were based on the GTA III engine. I'm hoping the next game will be in Europe, maybe a London/Paris map? I really missed flying planes in this game, though the helicopter system was MUCH better than previous games. Plus, it'd be awesome to have to remember to drive on the left in London, right in Paris.
  10. i bet no one ever had this problem until bottling and selling water was invented
  11. bump, here's a link to the specs http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/descpageRCBAB-BPSTT.html
  12. I don't know how many people play tennis here, but I work at a sports store in Boston and we just got in a shipment of mislabeled Babolat racquets. They're the Pure Storm Tour racquets, but are labeled and look like Aero Storm racquets. Its basically a factory mistake that we now are selling at half price, a $200 racquet that I can get you for $109.99 before tax. I can also string it up for you with your choice of string (I'll tell you what we have, you tell me what you want), tension, etc. Which can probably be done for less than $150 per racquet. I'll be setting up a paypal account, so let me know if there's any interest in this.
  13. ARRRRR, IT BE THE WHITE WHALE! seriously though, bridesmaids are god's way of making up for the institution of marriage.
  14. I've had nothing but amazing experiences at weddings. The debauchery at the ones I've been to was minimal, despite extreme levels of drunkenness (we portuguese know how to stock a bar). Then again, the people I've seen get married were together for over 7 years before taking the plunge, so it was more of a "its finally happening!!!" than a "holy crap its too soon, this will end badly".
  15. This reminds me of another thing that professor showed us in a few documents. Apparently the US Army is trying to create the "socially conscious soldier" that helps the soldier sitting on a street corner in Tikrit or Baghdad or wherever be aware of the various culture's he's immersed in (wahabbism, sunnis, shi'as, kurds, etc). The problem with this is that it still doesn't solve the idiotic upper echelons of the government that have yet to tell our soldiers who to kill. The "War on Terror" is simply a marketing campaign by the Bush administration to prevent him from saying "War on Some Muslims" because that's un-PC. How the fuck is a socially conscious soldier going to help the cause if he doesn't even know which group of Muslims he's supposed to be killing. Its bullshit that we put our men and women out there to wait until an IED or suicide bomb goes off to figure out who they should be shooting at. What we need to do is be realistic, spend some serious money identifying that actual problem, whether its Sunnis or Shiites or whoever, and fucking kill the militant faction. Don't just wait around "peacekeeping" and spending billions of dollars, figure out who the enemy is, where they are (because even though we've occupied all of Afghanistan and Iraq they're still finding enough safe havens to attack us and others every fucking day), hunt them down and kill or capture them. Thats how wars are fought, not by waiting around until we lose a few more lives.
  16. I could not disagree with you more. Andrew Bacevich is a professor at BU, a former Army man, and the father of a young man killed in Iraq by an IED. Remember that Senate hearing that Gen. Petraeus spoke at a month or two ago? Yea, well Bacevich spoke right after him, giving the counter argument to Petraeus's point. One of the things I gathered from the couple courses I took with him is the importance of balance and depoliticizing the military. When our troops go to war, they're going as soldiers of the United States, not as soldiers of the Republican party as many Demoncrats are quick to assume. The idea of the President being Commander in Chief is that a civilian MUST be in control of the military. So many people in this thread who would agree that military service is paramount also believe we should have assault rifles to protect ourselves from when the police and military break down our doors...well, which do you want? Do you want to be protected from excessive military power, or do you want a military man in charge of our government? Notice that anyone in military service cannot serve in a political office. I agree that military service is valuable to understanding the CIC position, but it doesn't ensure it. Hell, G.H.W. Bush may have been a military man but he's also the father of the greatest military blunder in recent memory; I don't mean Bush #2, I mean his horrible miscalculation in allowing Saddam Hussein to retain power after the Gulf War, something a true military mind should've understood. My point is that military service is far from guaranteed to provide an adequate CIC. FDR didn't serve in the military...dude had polio, no working legs. Pretty sure working legs is a prerequisite to military service. Wanna know another president that didn't serve in the military? Woodrow Wilson. So the 2 presidents that aided the world in the two greatest wars of all time had no military experience whatsoever, yet the three presidents that presided over the Vietnam war (JFK, LBJ, Nixon) all had some (though limited) experience.
  17. truth, i believe every president since FDR has raised taxes over the course of his presidency. i think.
  18. now you're getting somewhere
  19. why the fuck would we want to find you? we want to never hear from you again. also, we don't care about your feelings. this site is harsh on new people because if you can't take a little e-bashing like your bitch ass, you're never going to be welcome here. if you'd gotten to see the rest of the forum without crying and running away, you'd realize that "the Oven" is a small helping of the shit you're going to catch here. either way, if you wanna go blow some cowboy in texas instead of talk cars with some guys here, by all means go ahead, assfaggot.
  20. for you late nighters, here's more epic boobs http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y92/TheEndOfItAll/Forum%20Pics/motivator9694083.jpg
  21. because when you're a n00b and no one here knows you, you're a riceboi. as you gain reputation and post count, you will be welcomed by the community, or ousted as a member of the faggotron ricer community. trial by fire and all that. welcome, riceboy.
  22. if you're moving to texas in 12 days and think columbus is dumpy why did you bother to register here? also, why don't you choke on a huge fistfull of shut the fuck up with a side of fuck yourself.
  23. the first two posts in this thread are 100% failures, there is but one thing to save this thread... http://static.pici.se/pictures/QQohMqvhF.jpg
  24. haha swear that was my first thought too. isn't he in jail though? edit: not tryin to spam up this thread, welcome and CLEAN car.
  25. Here's a step-by-step assessment of possibly the dumbest post i've seen in the oven 1) He's not doing that motor swap, it was a joke. I hope in time you'll see what an idiot you've been. 2) It matters because 99% of 240 owners say "yeah this summer I'm throwing an RB26 in there" then never do it. 3) Yes, everyone does. 4) We feel the need to criticize you because you're quick to label honda owners as ricers. In fact, most of the recent 240 drivers that have registered on CR are drift-king wannabe bitches that are complete fucking tools, whereas we have many respectable honda owners that produce great performance numbers. You have yet to break the mold. 5) We usually do encourage new builders and their plans, but only when they are actually new builders and their plans are more extensive than throwing around some engine codes on a forum. 6) Most importantly, he IS better than you. You're at the bottom of the food chain here, get used to it. 7) Just gonna quote this for irony: fake edit: also change your username to something other than "WickedRacer". i have to deal with enough stupid south shore fratboys throwin "wikked pissah' keggah's" and you're not even close to a wicked racer.
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