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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. i thought everything killed by vesuvius was buried in layers upon layers of ash? meh, i'm too lazy to figure out the troof. i do know that his son Pliny the Younger (how creative!) documented his father's quest to find out what happened at vesuvius.
  2. lol buttons are SOOOO 2007. actually i prefer buttons to 100% touch. that way you can actually have a cover for the screen.
  3. classic pwn. iphone2 is gonna be sick, the only thing apple has ever done with a product is improve it.
  4. more than you can afford, sorry. seriously, my ass is an exit only, its gonna stay that way forever no matter the cost.
  5. I did that for my 18th birthday and started my passionate addiction to gambling.
  6. i read none of this thread, yet can answer in one word. yes carry on
  7. Did i mention that the whole time i'm driving up pikes peak i'm shooting out the windows taking out Apaches and Blackhawks? i'm pretty sure I did.
  8. totally forgot to mention its a lambo full of hookers that i just drove out of vegas with
  9. Yessir, I've got work off Monday. Braintree is a ways away from Allston where I live, but I'm always good to do something. I'll PM you my cell if you get bored hit me up.
  10. I had to write several papers on a religion class I took this semester (Death and Immortality), culminating in one that asked me to write my own obituary, epitaph, and description of how you died. I think it reveals a lot about how you see your own life. Anyways, maybe this could be an interesting thread. Maybe not. I'll go first. Epitaph: "Get Money, Fuck Bitches" Ideal way to kick the bucket: Either literally die kicking a bucket, or die when I'm too old to be able to wipe myself in a stolen Lamborghini Countach (I would never dare to trash a better car) driving at full tilt up the Pikes Peak course and finally crashing off the side of the mountain as I cross the finish line.
  11. why you already puttin up your e-dukes?
  12. why, so you can ride in an evo when you break down on the highway? either way, welcome to the boards. keep a level head and all that.
  13. http://www.arts-wallpapers.com/movie_wallpapers/the_usual_suspects/01/the_usual_suspects01800.jpg bad to the ass
  14. im gonna put it on my bumper and like, ACTUALLY WATCH MYSELF DRIVE! it'll be just like driving!
  15. reds games are cheap, indians games are quality, mid-ohio is awesome to spend a day at.
  16. Because, much like your resume, about 2/3 of it isn't worth reading.
  17. At this point in your life, I guarantee you haven't had any jobs collectively worth 3 pages of writing. I'll quote my dad's philosophy on resumes: "If, in two well-written sentences per job, the value of your previous experience hasn't become evident to your potential employer, then you should probably leave that job off your resume." Not that as CIO of Nationwide Financial for 5 years he had any experience with resumes or anything. You're applying for a job so you can work for a company, don't let their first impression be that you're making them work by reading 3 pages of "things I learned in College". In fact, beyond your major and honors you received, nothing else really matters much from college (unless you're going for a high-level job, GPA doesn't factor in much either). Back on topic. Tindall the best thing I can advise you to do is stay away from the statements that tell the reader nothing: "Other duties as a professional soldier include: completing a wide variety of missions". When I read that, all it says to me is "he was a soldier, and he did things as a soldier..." but that really doesn't say anything as to why your experience in the reserves is important or why it makes you qualified for the job. Empty statements like that will just hurt you.
  18. why don't you just go hang out with the rest of the Somalis in c-bus then, they'll help you out. I don't see why people get pissed off about this. I doubt anyone has a problem with Paul Allen's $300m yacht Octopus that was paid for with money earned by a near-complete monopoly on the technology sector for many years. Just because it happens outside America doesn't mean its any worse than what goes on here.
  19. you have no idea how bad the problem is in Boston. i love foreigners but the stupid fashion trends they subscribe to are abominable. edit: the watch sucks too. it'll just end up looking like some big flamboyant man-bracelet.
  20. would there be a class below "Slow"? cuz i'd fit in there.
  21. just cuz a dog's got Fort Minor music playing to pictures of it doesn't make it the best. hands down its the German Shepherd. find me another dog used for as many purposes (seeing eye, bomb/drug sniffing, police attack dogs, guard dogs, etc) that can still be docile and friendly. besides, my uncle's dog is the most badass around. 1/2 German Shepherd, 1/2 Coyote (unsure of the particular subspecies). I don't have any pics but I'll see if he has any.
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