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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. least i have the balls to post my pic on this board, faggot.
  2. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/2/1362599_02bcdea730.jpg
  3. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/happyburfdaye.jpg What'd you do on your 21sty burfdayte. Cuz I got drunk and postd on CR edit: hopefully pics of throwing up and aftemath t;later
  4. i'll thank you to acknowledge that my gut doesn't hang over my belt, it sits very contently above it. seriously though i'm not fatty mcfatfat, i just opt for the keg instead of the six pack. and all my greasy hair is gone. i can't find a solution to the smell:o
  5. consider yourself lucky, you're going to have at least a 3 page intro thread. and you'll be one of the few whose isn't full of "eat a plate of goat shit you columbian asschurro" edit: eat a plate of goat shit you columbian asschurro
  6. good job reading the rest of the thread where we established that already, consider lurking more and posting less.
  7. RX3: http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/9132/rx3zv4.jpg I would rock the ever loving fuck out of that car. Hell of a lot better looking than a Lancer (or an Evo). EDIT: At least the thing looks like a pint-sized muscle car instead of a 4 door gas saver. And it manages to do it without a helicopter wing on the back.
  8. your friend is a shitty driver.
  9. i was directing my comments at the original post, but there's plenty to go around. you seem like you need a glass for now and a thermos for next time you think you have something clever to type.
  10. well that was one hell of an awesome intro...welcome
  11. why dont you pour yourself a tall glass of stop fucking posting.
  12. Here's an idea, get off the 2 wheel death trap and maybe you won't have to worry so much about getting hurt. Traffic doesn't (well, at least it shouldn't) cater to the weakest, slowest, and most sensitive vehicle on the road.
  13. Wrong. If it were built for performance first, it'd only have two doors and not be based on a Lancer.
  14. You're missing the point. What we're saying is that the EVO is BASED on an econobox. It is an econobox racecar. You're honestly going to say that any kind of "bred" race car is going to have 4 doors? give me a break. The only kind of truly bred race car you'll see on the streets is a Ferrari, because even to this day their philosophy has been to race on Sunday, sell on Monday. They sell cars to fund their racing division, as Enzo Ferrari first did when he started breeding race cars. The Lancer EVO as it is called now is an economy car that has been stripped down and rebuilt using different components. However, you don't see them redesigning the frame or relocating the engine to the middle for better performance. Its a new drivetrain, but for practicality's sake (practicality is something racers don't understand, though that usually goes without saying) they leave the car's basis - an econobox - alone.
  15. Boondocks is the shit, especially that episode
  16. Jury deliberated for less than a day, compare the main arguments of prosecution vs. defense: Prosecution's star witness was a girl who said she had a threeway with the alleged victim and Kelly. Both victim and Kelly refute her assessment that the alleged victim is the girl on the tape, with her closest family supporting the claims of the defendant. Defense's claim is that the man in video doesn't have a large mole on his back where Kelly has one. Jury took the video into deliberations with them. Its too bad our justice system is fucked to the point where we can no longer trust the decisions of a jury.
  17. I think this is true for 80% of all performance car owners. There are very few people who actually take their car to its full potential any given day. Sure, there's a lot to be said for drag racers because thats what their car's set up for, but what about this guy with this mega-evo. I guarantee he's never taken that thing 100% through any race car. It takes a pro to fully use a car to its potential. But now I'm just arguing semantics as was said before.
  18. You're missing the point that to some people (people who buy BMWs, etc) the small luxuries ARE important and though they want to scream down the track, they want to do it in a comfortable, quiet car. I called the Evo an econobox simply because its a high performance car based on an economy car instead of, for instance, a BMW M5 which is a high performance car based on another high performance luxury car.
  19. There are so many ways to prove you're wrong I don't know where to start. I'll just go for the easy one: How many people making seven figures a year do you know that drive an Evo MR. Now, how many do you know driving BMWs, Benzes, and Audis? Okay, now that the easy stuff is out of the way, lets go for the car itself. Turbocharged 4cyl AWD, interesting, notice how luxury cars tend to go for throatier, generally naturally aspirated engines. The 335i is the only FI BMW we've seen in years, and Audi's S line of cars has drifted away from turbos towards NA V8s. For some reason Mercedes has started to turn towards FI but I challenge you to find me a Benz whose road noise is annoying. My point is that you can get comparable performance to an Evo in other cars that incorporate luxury into their design. Whereas Mitsubishi has to sacrifice things like AC and stereos in their RS to make it faster, less 'ECONOMICAL' cars like BMW, Porsche, etc, are able to offer more or equal performance with all the amenities such as power leather seats, stereos, AC, by just engineering their cars with a shitload more horsepower, torque, and more advanced suspension components that allow for the car to be stiff when driving aggressively or softer when cruising.
  20. yeah first off like nitrous said, that wing is heinous. second, for $71k you better be getting a warranty (haha NOT ON THIS FUCKER), unlimited roadside assistance, matching luggage for the trunk, or at least a sweet interior/sound system. not a fucking econobox that still gives you all the joys of horrible road noise.
  21. the big defense was that the man in the tape didn't have a mole on his back where R Kelly has a very prominent one. sounds like a solid piece of evidence to me. edit: and you can't pull some "glove don't fit" bullshit over a birthmark
  22. Its a legit concern, but now they're just a stone's throw from "sit straight up, look forward, no talking out of turn, no emotion, no questioning the establishment"
  23. on "GO" drink 4 liters of arsenic as fast as you can. ready GO. seriously though, eat shit and die in a fire
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