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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. does your RD have POP detection? that fools a lot of RDs, I'm pretty sure only the V1 and Passport have it. I got nailed doing 46 in a 25 (21 over). it was just one of those roads no one ever slows down on, I was tired and went a little too fast, cop got me. I didn't fight it, I showed up in court to accept their decision instead of making a stink and instead of suspending my license like they could, I just got it marked down to a speeding ticket since it was my first.
  2. here to watch another epic hefty vs CR thread [horse announcer voice] Welcome ladies and gentlemen to a beautiful day at historic Syndrome Down's track where the stage is set for a high stakes day that promises to break records. Pour out your mint juleps, tap that keg of Rolling Rock, and buckle in because we've got some serious competition between today's CR Mod Sqaud, the Retarded Peanut Gallery, and the little know Hefty Jesus who only really shows up around the time of epic threads. We could see a few people banned, perhaps some life threats, this commentator has seen it all on a day like this.[/horse announcer voice]
  3. when i was your age, everyone had the self respect to at least put socks on their wheels, if not slippers. now, this was back in the day when gas cost four licorice whips a gallon in nineteen dickety two. we had to use the word "dickety" cuz the Kaiser had stolen our word "twenty" /grampa simpson
  4. at least both those cops have good trigger discipline badass MMA fighter http://youtube.com/watch?v=fkRkDS1O8y0
  5. oh my fucking rofl i'm glad i'm on page one for this awesome thread
  6. if guy above doesn't close, you interested in a Paypal+shipping transaction? I'm in Boston. comes with the punch controller?
  7. the minute i realized i understand this jargon was the minute i realized i'm a geek bump for good price
  8. i love ricers who think that just because a wing or CF bumper inserts actually serve a purpose on race cars that they can get the same results. newsflash numbnuts, you're not good enough a driver to actually take advantage of the extreme downforce caused by your aero effects. just cuz you can slap the same stickers, rollcage, and aero on your ricemobile doesn't make you a pro.
  9. has anyone considered the possible negative ramifications of a thread like this? we should be doing all we can to keep as much info as possible out of the public eye. you can be sure CR is gonna see a media hailstorm if they make a connection between George and these fellas. I for one think CR should go into a bit of a lockdown mode until the dust has settled if we want to help out these guys
  10. http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-set/BQcDAAAAAwoDanBnAAAABC5vdXQKFmVBLXJQWTdUM0JHYVQzT3ByaHA2dncAAAACaWQKAXgAAAAEc2l6ZQ.jpg back on topic. this thread now sucks after 16 pages of no real argument. everyone's just saying the same damn thing.
  11. yeah but don't we already have a forum for these types of questions. its called something really obscure and hard to remember...oh right its the Meetings & Events section.
  12. whatever happens to be your driving force right now in life...family i figure is gonna be a common answer
  13. interesting. any police enforcement officers here care to shed some light on this? not like you'll lose your job.
  14. you did the best you could for the guy in that situation, he'll be better off in the long run because of you.
  15. any chance it was a plainclothes officer? i generally like to think the cbus car community, in person at least, doesn't eat its own. EDITED
  16. I realize this is an open question. Still, like some of (aka 2 maybe?) my past threads, I've found it amusing and interesting to see what people on this board reveal about themselves. So, what's your current motivation for doing what you do? And maybe say what you do. As a fulltime student FINALLY just an angstrom away from financial independence from my parents, my main motivation is to not just occupy the path laid before me by my parents. They're loving people and do what's best for me always, but they never really gave me the tools to make my own decisions so I've always had a mental obsession with figuring things out on my own without assistance no matter the cost. Anyways, thats cured my boredom for the morning./blog
  17. congratulations on being the first tib owner i've seen who doesn't think his ride is destined to be an 11 second car. seriously though, thats a clean ride. welcome
  18. sucks. how has the cop presence been lately? I've been away for about a month but when I was in town the fuzz was EVERYWHERE.
  19. just go consume everything you see that's fried. eventually you'll have an epileptic seizure and hallucinate that you're having a good time.
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