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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. http://www.glittermaker.com/temp-images/3/239/glitter-candy-121013008042264.gif
  2. 1979 Pioneer receiver, 4xTechnics wood speakers from the same year. my mom's stuff from college. I can't say "they just don't make it the same nowadays" cuz new technology is badass, but the old speakers have a really uniquely clear sound. extremely well balanced
  3. if someone can host it, i can put the album up
  4. the only reason i can is cuz i have a hipster roommate who insists on listening to everything on vinyl. i gave him shit for it (and still do) but good quality sound compared to crummy quality actually has become discernable. its not like i can no longer stand to listen to "inferior" sound, but if there's a higher quality option available, why not use that?
  5. ?? the shitty MP3 is a .zip but everything else is a .torrent. for once newsgroups ARENT the shit. seriously though, trent reznor is awesome for just saying "fuck you" to the record industry on his last bits of musical genius.
  6. is lumberjacking really like Ax Men shows it to be? that show is boss.
  7. lol@ buying a mountain bike in ohio, of all states.
  8. http://www.eurotrashsd.com/eurotrash4site.jpg
  9. do you accept hundreds of dollars in the form of bullets? cuz i can shoot those your way.
  10. church.wmv is responsible for the corruption of my teen years
  11. e-menstruation. aka i just felt like typing mean things
  12. actually, in those days most of the great powers hired other nations to do their fighting for them.
  13. i'll give you five dollars to kill yourself. in fact, i'll put your kid through college if you kill yourself right this instant. if you don't have a kid, go fuck a hooker bareback then kill yourself. edit: http://italy.indymedia.org/uploads/2005/01/save_the_planet_kill_yourself.jpg
  14. you are, this is just the beginning
  15. This is truth. I was there and only got kicked out of 2 casinos (Monte Carlo, which I was staying at, and the Mirage). If you act the part, don't win too much money, and just keep buying drinks no one questions you.
  16. i don't really like the front of the mugen kit, but i think the side skirts and rear are classy and don't give it too low a look; probably the only aftermarket 'lude kit i've seen that actually looks like it was designed not as an afterthought.
  17. i'd rather pick my own dress than have someone else pick it for me. i fail to see the problem here
  18. i'd tell you to die in a fire for putting that wing on, but the car looks so damn good. welcome
  19. clearly (no pun intended), which is why i wouldn't do white as an accent (actually in this case, black is more the accent). I'd probably just get a crackberry and pimp that instead.
  20. not sure that i like the black front with white back...looks like a skunk
  21. qft, white/gold is a sick combo for the scooby. honestly i'd only want the back panel painted because I hate how the chromed look smudges and scratches like crazy. i've also seen a couple people go for the brushed aluminum look on the back, and it looks amazing if done well...this is the best pic i can find http://www.suplido.com/joel/images/ipod_brushed.jpg
  22. yes. your approval shines down on me like a ray of sunlight through a thunderstorm.
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