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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I would make you a Man Card just so I could take it away.
  2. feelings are for women and emo kids. real men beat their problems into submission.
  3. fucking ace move quoting so he can't edit...save that link so he can't take it down!
  4. you'd be wise to keep the cracks about wallets to a minimum. there are only three kinds of numbers you need to be worried about here: your trap time, speed, and e-penis length. Those who lack qualifications in the first two areas, like me, have to make up for it. On that note, why don't you supercharge your wannabe-BMW driving yuppie faggot ass away from here and take your fat wallet with you, since apparently without it you have no way of validating your unjustly inflated ego. Have a nice day, dicktickler.
  5. according to the registration dates, the "new" guy has been on CR longer than you...why do new guys always mill around the classroom postwhoring?
  6. troof. If you're into The Cool, definitely check out Food & Liquor because as an entire album its much better.
  7. can do, PM me your email if you want a couple pics I have sitting around on my hard drive.
  8. if i can get my mom and sister to drive it home for me from boston next week, i have a 27" magnavox no visual blemishes in perfect working order with a working remote, flat screen (not a flat panel, just a flat screen tube tv). bought 2 years ago from best buy, it's been in a couple dorm rooms never had any beer or anything spilled on it. i'll part with it for $100 if i can get them to bring it back. it has 3 inputs and an s-video as well.
  9. with your .50 cal sniper crowbar?
  10. yeah lol @ noobs trying to correct noobs in the classroom.
  11. good to see someone who knows how to straddle the fence between american muscle and european engineering. welcome to cr
  12. its only gay if the balls touch. edit: internet validation http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k131/garren13/notgay.jpg
  13. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a319/averon2/snipercrowbar.jpg internet. serious business.
  14. when my friend lived at parkhill down at main and noe-bixby, they always set them up on the reynoldsburg side of the highway, so we'd (soberly) just go drive through them over and over but only from one direction...the cops always pulled us over just to give us guff for wasting gas and their time. oh for the days of high school.
  15. By your logic, then, our most diabolical presidents would be FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan and our best presidents would be George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter. yeah, real intelligent assessment:rolleyes:
  16. the PCH is incredible when you can get there without traffic. we went from huntington beach to malibu, it was an amazing drive.
  17. fixed for accuracy. leave now.
  18. I spent the last week on break in LA and Vegas, and jesus fuck people here drive nice cars. RR Phantoms are nothing special, Ferraris and Lambos are a dime a dozen, and you can't drive down the street between Cheviot and Beverly without seeing more Benzes and BMWs that all of Columbus has. I mean hell, I've seen at least 4 Maybachs and probably about 25 Bentley Conti GTCs and Flying Spurs. I don't really know where this thread can go from here: discuss why people have way too much goddamn money.
  19. its a good argument; i honestly wonder which party would suffer more if this was the case.
  20. and the last horse crosses the finish line sorry, i know it was late but whatever
  21. good god there is some mindless racist ignorant drivel in this thread. anyone who thinks there's some kind of black and/or muslim uprising in this country needs a swift kick in the ass. whitey is still the majority by a long shot and i'm sure if you were really hard pressed by the times you'd get up off your lazy ass and take action to help yourself as they have done to help themselves a la civil rights movement. but no, all you do is spew hate on the internet to people who think along the same lines as you and try to breed more hate. fuck all you closed minded people who see the candidates for the stereotypes they represent instead of the kind of person they are and looking at what they stand for. obama isn't some towelhead terrorist who wants to bring around an african revival in this country, he's a good guy that at least ostensibly doesn't appear to play dirty. the same exact compliment could be paid to mccain. anyone who can't get past the fact that his middle name is "hussein" needs to learn to pick up a goddamned newspaper (a reputable one) or look at some real news online, not some shitty opinion piece from "world daily news", some publication most people have never heard of that just caters to self-interested fucks like yourselves. its 2:30 here in los angeles and i've got a cab coming in 2 hours, someone please fight with me
  22. i wonder how many people who vote for ron paul actually know what they're voting for. if its anywhere close to as many people who voted for him, there's a scary number of psychotic racists in this country.
  23. you're so compassionate towards newbs. Meh, I'm going to LA/Vegas in 4 hours so it doesn't matter anyways.
  24. don't post shit threads, you won't get shit responses. oh and: Be Quiet and Shut The Fuck Up during sex
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