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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Congrats...again? I didn't really get a chance to highlight this before, and I don't know if someone else did though I somehow doubt there was much support among the sea of "you're too young" comments. My girlfriend was having some doubts about us (we're not getting married or anything) so we talked it out, and I basically told her we should maybe take it easy from each other for a while. We did, but the past few times we saw each other we tried to do things that reminded us why we got together in the first place; she's really an athletic/outdoors person, and so things as simple as going out with her and a bunch of our friends and playing football/frisbee made her extremely happy. Try to do things like that if she's having doubts; think about what makes her happy. Not just flowers or jewelry (that works too) but what she likes doing with friends, and do that. If she likes going to movies, get a bunch of people to go to a movie. If she likes bbqing, call a few friends (make sure hers are there too!) and fire up the grill. Just having other people around in a social environment where she can be less concerned about you and her makes everything easier.
  2. As if the CTS-V wasn't dominating so hard in the Speed World Challenge already, now they get a 2-door.
  3. Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz, 2GB DDR2 Ram, ATI x1600 Pro 512MB. I still much prefer XP MCE 2005, I have everything set to windows classic looks. Fuck all the new 3d crap, I like my OS simple and not offensive to the eyes.
  4. not gonna let that gem go unquoted...megaman's true nature revealed and the last horse finally crosses the finish line...
  5. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44141&highlight=gun+control
  6. probably somewhere out here in boston. everything sam adams here is like half the price of anywhere else in america (keg for $40)
  7. perhaps its a sign...time for a v8?
  8. its also hands down the best place on the strip.
  9. i stayed in the monte carlo, never smelled it in any of the hallways i was in. dunno if they were just good about covering it up or if they had nonsmoking floors
  10. + rep for asking stupid questions edit: goddamn i'm bored before class. how dark you tinting?
  11. posting without reading, + rep for god knows what
  12. better to have an high annual tax on something you can elect not to pay for than on everyone's shit whether you like it or not...
  13. im sick of this protest crap about the olympics. everyone is accusing China of "buying" their way into hosting the olympics; like somehow that's not what every other country does??? who gives a fuck about their human rights record, if you want to make a statement about that, go protest in front of the chinese embassy, don't attack someone who just wants the honor of carrying the olympic torch. its just fucking sports anyways.
  14. sick post count, brah edit: mind sending a few extra my way broheme? my bromaldehyde is running short and my e-penis is flaccid after seeing how many posts you have
  15. qft, LGTs are the new sheriff in town as far as classy 4bangers go.
  16. the skinny white boy quota for rappers has been filled by eminem, so unless you feel like assassinating him, a non-instrument playing, non-singer like yourself should probably just join the blue man group
  17. Oh, oh! I could gain 45 lbs! And I know how to play washboard!
  18. that sucks i hope they are able to catch the fucker. if its for anything other than a massive drug bust or a minor speeding infraction, ohio cops aren't likely to leave their comfy crown vics.
  19. QFT! While I'm sure we're not getting the whole story -- perhaps this club has a bad history of street racing, fucking things up in the community, maybe a tragic situation similar to what happened here in Columbus not long ago occurred there and they didn't handle it as well as we at CR did -- this is absolutely correct. Wait outside for the guys who are actually going to go break laws; get the guys who go out and burn rubber on the street, who kick out the back end coming out of the lot, ones who are WILLFULLY breaking driving laws, not just meeting in the lot. If their meets are even CLOSE to normal car enthusiast meets, there'll be at least a dozen tickets issued for reckless op.
  20. what the hell is up with some people being complete slapdicks? and what's the deal with airline food!?
  21. http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k131/garren13/notgay.jpg
  22. omg you rick rolled someone on april fools day like the rest of the internet you're so funny!
  23. i'm with audion19s I really only like flat black on classic cars. designs were much simpler and flat black is a minimalist look to go with a minimalist design. new cars have millions spent on R&D for every leading and trailing edge of the car, flat black doesn't do the cars justice.
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