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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. get money, fuck bitches. naw really, its 1 family (the whole thing...raised in a european household, you put your second cousin's sick dog before yourself) 2 me 3 my future
  2. http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c145/idexx/this-thread-is-gay.jpg
  3. Oh my fucking ROFL! I can't believe I forgot about this song. This thread has pretty much reached its pinnacle with the mention of this song. I also forgot about Popozao by Kevin Federline.
  4. I know what you're thinking, and no I'm not a gigantic homo. I came across this elsewhere and got a good chuckle. http://www.conjugalharmony.com/browse.html This begs the question: would you date a girl named Staberella or Fisty?
  5. Note: This idea was totally stolen from elsewhere on the internet. Not original at all. So there's some bars and various other places around that have those jukeboxes where you can download pretty much any song and play it. Lately my friends and I have decided to waste our money on these playing songs that no socially apt person would ever dream of playing in a public place. The reactions have been priceless. We need new songs to add to our playlist of pain. So far we have: Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up DJ Assault - Ass n' Titties 4 Non Blondes - What's Up Daniel Powter - Bad Day The X Files Theme (that one was hilarious) Arlo Guthrie - Alices Restaurant (lol 18 minutes) The Mars Volta - Cygnus.....Vismund Cygnus Mastodon - Iron Tusk Eddie Money - Take Me Home Tonight A Flock of Seagulls - I Ran do they have these things in columbus? I haven't really been to any bars there in forever.
  6. just making sure, is this the Grand National or the GNX?
  7. here's a couple to get you started http://www.vidiac.com/search/metalocalypse/0.htm its just easier to grab them from torrents, though, I've got the first season and the first half of the second season and watch them repeatedly.
  8. turned out that most artist renditions of the monster were totally wrong. SPOILER! DO NOT CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO SEE THE CLOVERFIELD MONSTER. http://www.beyondhollywood.com/introducing-the-real-cloverfield-monster/ there it is, in all its "glory"
  9. That's an issue with Ohio, not rural vs. urban. Living in the city is great right now but its mostly because I'm in a college neighborhood so no one gives a shit if you wanna party and blast music. When I get my own place, it'll be with lots of land as padding from the people that I hate. All I want is to be able to smoke and drink out of my front porch without some bleeding heart fuckface coming up and asking me to stop.
  10. I don't test my piss regularly, without getting into too much detail my health insurance is giving me a hard time cuz of a test at the doctor from 2 years ago. The problem is I'm in Boston as of tomorrow and student health services is fucking miserable and horribly run, and right now there's an outbreak of the norovirus in Boston and has hit area hospitals and infected lots of physicians. For those of you who don't know what the norovirus is, just imagine the horrible symptoms of food poisoning nonstop for 2-3 straight days. No sleep, just vomiting and diarrhea and no ability to tell which end the next round will come out of. So forgive me if I'm a little slow to head to the doctor.
  11. I'm usually not in the habit of sharing my medical concerns with others, but there's something I've been worried about and instead of going to the doctor's office, which I despise, I figured I'd bring the basics here because I know there's a few doctors. The problem: Way too much protein in my piss. Like triple the normal amt. I'm not diabetic, but I'm definitely overweight. The solution: I'm going to try and get on a more healthy exercise regimen, do some basic weight loss stuff. Is there anything other than eating right and exercising I can do to help solve this? My family has a history of diabetes and heart conditions so I'm trying to bite this in the ass quickly and permanently before I face some serious health risks. Note: Keep the fatty-fatty-boombalatty comments to a minimum, I get it enough from my dad.
  12. LOOK AT ME I'M SHOUTING ON THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!111eleven at least you make a decent point.
  13. Its because the SEC is better conference. Michigan put on their big girl panties and prepared well for an overrated Florida, but in general the Big 10 is overrated and the SEC is overrated, but not by much.
  14. i suggest we stop letting tressel coach on gamedays. seriously, that guy is a genius 6 days out of the week, then on gameday he goes and shits the bed.
  15. What do Maurice Clarett and pot have in common? They're both good in bowls, less so in the joint.
  16. While he's not known for it, Wallace is no slouch when it comes to threes. Same goes for Kobe, he isn't too bad at it. And when I say Jason Kidd, I mean like Phoenix Suns Jason Kidd when he was actually great. Maybe I'll throw in Ray Allen as my 3-point guy instead of Jason Kidd though.
  17. You guys are all idiots C- Wilt Chamberlain PF - Rasheed Wallace SF - Larry Bird SG - Michael Jordan PG - Magic Johnson 6th Man - Kobe Bryant Backups C - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar PF - Charles Barkley SF - Julius Erving PG - Jason Kidd
  18. its kinda annoying that whether obama or clinton represents the dems for 08, the republicans will make sure america is never without "are we ready for a [black/woman] president?" constantly running through our media
  19. Huckabee is a good option for the Dems because he's basically a doormat. Even if he was fortunate enough to win the presidency, Congress would make him their bitch. Edwards pooled ALL of his resources in Iowa so he's not gonna see much success anywhere else...also he's got the personality and leadership qualities of a potato.
  20. Since we have a "Favorite [insert alcoholic beverage]" thread every few months, and since they're usually started by me, I figured I'd twist this one. I've found that there's a lot of countries that I just don't like beer from (case in point: Belgium with one exception). So lets do this. American: Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat and Sam Adam's Oktoberfest German: Beck's Belgian: Chimay Rouge English: Boddington's Pub Ale Irish: Smithwick's Mexican: Negra Modelo
  21. Who the fuck said "Hey Godsmack, your collective career is dying and pretty much all you have anymore is Ozzfest, which sucks. What we're gonna do is make you cover Led Zeppelin's 'Good Times, Bad Times' cause we figure if Zepp did it and they were popular for a long time, the same can be true of you!" I heard it on the radio today and it might possibly be the worst cover ever done. Your thoughts on this abomination? reference for those of you who wanna have a shitty night: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAYtswTQO2I
  22. va tech is gonna get shat on by Kansas. Kansas didn't have the strength of schedule, but VT still lost to BC. And BC just barely scraped by MSU
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