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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. So I dont know how many of you pay attention to F1, but check this story out: http://sports.espn.go.com/rpm/news/story?seriesId=6&id=3322012 I'm not sure how credible the tabloid source is, and I hope that Mosley is innocent. What disturbs me is that, especially if he is, all those Jewish activists should have held their tongues until the facts are cleared up. Random allegations in a tabloid shouldn't be enough for anyone to claim that someone has wronged. What do you think?
  2. don't get plasma, it uses more energy and they have a shorter lifespan than LCD. in fact, they're almost completely scaling back plasma production because compared to LCD there's almost no market for them. as far as LCDs, Sony and Toshiba are probably the best names, I know a few people who are really happy with their Samsungs.
  3. just because you've been fucking rhesus monkeys since birth and have built an immunity doesnt mean you should flaunt it
  4. hal, your sig makes my life complete
  5. apparently you don't tire of being wrong. Rodrigo de Triana, who actually spotted the Bahamas, was aboard the Pinta, aTudor Caravel whose crow's nest would be about 60feet off the ocean's surface. According to a few topographical maps I've seen, the eastern cliffs of Samana Cay and San Salvador Island, the two places Columbus is suspected to have landed initially, rise up about 50 feet. So time to do some more math. At 56 miles, 8 inches per mile says that the discrepancy in height would have to be less than 448 inches, or 37 feet, 4 inches. The combined height of the crow's nest and the height of the cliffs above sea level would make this not only possible, but would make people wonder why they didn't spot land sooner. EDIT: Also, according to your map of the world, if Columbus, regarded as one of the best navigators of his time, sailed Southwest as he would have to reach the Bahamas, he would have run aground somewhere in Antarctica, or if indeed that doesn't matter it certainly wouldn't have taken him 2 months to reach the Bahamas. Not to mention the fact that if the angels in your depiction are moving the Earth up and down to affect seasons in your fucked up geocentric universe, in order for there to be 24 hours of sunlight in Antarctica during the winter the rest of the world would see almost as little daylight as the north pole. Also how do you explain the Coriolis effect
  6. What the fuck is that picture supposed to imply? All I can gather is that you converted 56 miles to meters (which is 20 meters off, btw...google "56 miles to meters", or does your God have a different conversion system?), then divided the roughly 90k meters by 6.37 million millimeters to get some retarded ratio of .01412695 m/mm, which is completely nonsensical as it equates to the number 14.12695 with no units attached. Please, for the good of society, take along walk off a short pier.
  7. you realize that study is nearly 100 years old, right? Moreover, there isn't a single citation of a reputable credibility in that entire article. How would Cook know if he was seeing 15 miles? It doesn't even show if the Chicago study was scientifically conducted. anywho, it most certainly is 8 inches per mile. the equatorial radius of earth (the radius changes slightly by a few miles here and there, but we'll use a fixed number here) is 3963 miles. Lets say you traveled 1 mile perfectly tangential to the earth's surface in any direction. You can then make a right triangle, using your original position, the center of a spherical earth, and your new position as coordinates. The distance from the center of the earth to position 1 (p1) is 3963mi, the distance from p1 to p2 is 1 mile, and we're trying to find distance A, aka the hypotenuse of the triangle. thus, A^2 = 3963^2 + 1^2 = 15705370, the square root of which is 3963.000126 miles. .000126 is the height off the earth you have traveled in one mile, and wouldn't you guess that .000126 x 5280 ft/mile x 12 in/ft = 7.98 inches. edit: my math skillz (most of the time, at least) are sick. i remember saying something pretty stupid a while ago that brian had in his sig
  8. ok so that is reason 1 why you're a fucking idiot. reason two: i believe that the earth is the shape of a hand with an extended middle finger. there's a website called http://www.ibelievetheearthismiddlefingershaped.com that proves all my theories, and i also made this sweet mspaint to go along with it that shows the relative location of israel and antartctica: http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/3/8616295470.jpg so my argument totally is valid, right? reason 3 you're an idiot: trigonometry. It is accepted that the curvature of the earth drops at about 8 inches per mile, assuming the earth is a perfect sphere. lake michigan is 517ft above sea level, holland MI is 662 ft above sea level, and milwaukee is 612 ft above sea level. if indeed it is 80 miles, that means that between holland and milwaukee there is a height discrepancy of (8 inches x 80 miles = 640 inches, which is...) 53 feet, 4 inches. Unfortunately for your idiotic idea, (612-517) + (662-517) = 95 + 145 = 250 feet difference between the height the two cities over sea level, meaning that 200 feet of either city should be visible over Lake Michigan. now that i've proved my side, will you shut the fuck up and die?
  9. top right, where you can see what # post in the thread it is.
  10. bringing the boobs to this thread: i doubt its nsfw but i dont feel like getting my rep hurt by the mods http://static.pici.se/pictures/QQohMqvhF.jpg edit: i have 0 rep points but 4 years and 1k posts? que pasa?
  11. you go by what we call you. and from now on your name is captain assplunder. welcome
  12. salon.com is the darkest, deepest place on the interweb.
  13. http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k94/fishyfinger/giftube/766.gif
  14. will you be my friend? edit: http://www.thesimpsonsquotes.com/images/ralph_nose.gif
  15. Hi guys my name's Alex but all my friends call me "Kasheed", I hope you guys will be my friends too. I don't drive anything right now because I'm in college in Boston but someday I'm going to pimp out a Civic, I've even made my own CAI and racing muffler in welding class! I heard CR is a nice place, so I can't wait to meet other gentle and caring members here to make me feel good about myself. My interests include: humility, driving the speed limit, and not getting into arguments. Thats about it.
  16. shit i dont have my intro post in the classroom...getting on that stat edit: the oven...i gotta remember to call it that now
  17. next time before you post, consider what you're saying. this is the most disgusting thing i've ever read on CR.
  18. if you bought it at circuit city or best buy before this past february, you can take it in with a receipt and get reimbursed with a gift card. at least thats what cnn.com was reporting a few days ago
  19. kill stories no longer exists, if you haven't traveled that far down the forums list in a while.
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