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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. don't hate cuz you have no defense.
  2. when the patriots take home their 4th super bowl this decade, all of you will eat your words and i'll just be laughing hysterically, especially at the colts fans. i'm still not underestimating the defending champs though. all i wanted for christmas is colts/pats in the AFC championship game in the snow in foxboro.
  3. http://www.raunoschaal.de/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/99problems_graph.jpg
  4. J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS most uncreative chant EVER.
  5. get him to a hospital, even if you have to call the cops on his ass. my best friend pulled a similar stunt about a month after our mutual friend hung himself (i made a thread about that over the summer) and we were all worried so we called his parents and had him committed to a hospital. he called me a day after he was released to thank me and to tell me that his stay at the hospital was so horrible he'd never think about doing something like that again.
  6. http://www.tshirthell.com/shirts/products/a812/a812_bm.gif
  7. noob in a classroom thread, get the fuck out
  8. GM's sales are higher than everyone's. It's been that way forever. Not for long though. http://www.npr.org/news/specials/gmvstoyota/ edit: I googled GM Sales vs Toyota Sales, you're telling me you couldn't do that on your own? you lose at the internet
  10. http://gallery.spacebar.org/images/recon_feb05/rust-oleum.jpg thanks for posting, try again next time
  11. HAHAHAHA man just make friends with a doctor. any doctor's signature will do, my friend's dad is anything but an eye doctor but a prescription pad + signature = legalizing any tint.
  12. do you have any larger pictures? your car looks nice but that tiny ass picture doesn't do it justice.
  13. when it comes to getting tards to leave, CR is always united
  14. This is true. I love nothing more than a nooblet melt for lunch, and sauteed retard with a side of cocky bastard makes for a mean dinner.
  15. Absofuckinglutely not. Look at Ireland. At least the Muslims generally have enough respect to stay away from cemeteries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milltown_Massacre
  16. CR needs a crybaby filter for registering users.
  17. welcome, though you should probably change your name, i think we already have a fella who goes by The Juggernaut (DJ?)
  18. you're welcome for the sentiments. now why don't you go shove a crankshaft up your ass?
  19. if the 98dirtybird hadn't already won the thread, you would have. zing indeed
  20. you win the thread, holy fuck that's funny http://www.utsa.edu/today/images/events/wow/2004/datphan2.jpg MY MOTHA KOREAN. MY MOTHA ARWAYS SAY "DAT, YOU BAD SON!!" not fucking funny.
  21. Despite the fact that the Rover V8 used in the Chimaera was originally designed by GM, the brits redesigned this 4.0L bitch and threw it into their TVR. Whiney and go-karty my ass
  22. What really bothers me is the bandwagon fans like "Aw Papelbahhn is the best fawkin pitchah out theahh...and fackin jawsh beckett? don't get me stahhted!" also about philly fans, look at how they treated T.O. when he was with them and catching TDs they defended all his shit, now they call him audacious and bad for the NFL. its kinda hilarious. also andy reid's family problems make me laugh.
  23. i've never met a penn state fan i liked. i think a lot of people have an impression of OSU fans that they won't listen to your opinion until you concede that OSU has the best football team ever fielded year in and year out. which has a lot of truth in it.
  24. Being a fan of the Bruins, Patriots, and Red Sox (fuck the Celtics, I don't care if they're winally winning) is tough. Yeah, the Sox are finally good, the Pats have been dominant since 2001, and the Bruins are finally putting up some wins, but seriously, New England sports fans get a bad rap because of one fuckstick named Bill Simmons. Just because he's a white supremacist who slobbers all over Tom Brady's cock and thinks Wes Welker could run circles around Moss and should be in the pro bowl doesn't mean we all do. I've always liked the Pats, not just as a fair weather fan in the post-Bledsoe/Parcells era (although I admittedly hate both of them). I know there's a lot of fair weather fans up here (especially the Celtics fans) but who else do you think has awful/worse fans? I gotta say Philadelphia has the worst fans in sports. They chuck batteries at Santa and cheer when players are paralyzed on the football field, and during hockey games they've recently been selling out seats due to the streak of serious injuries that Flyers players have dealt out (which earned them a team reprimand and warning from the league office).
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