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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. If you're gonna do math, get it right. Lets say you drive 15,000 miles a year, which is pretty much average for any given car. To drive that much at 70 mpg you'd need about 215 gallons of gas, which at a diesel average cost of $3.35 equals $720.25 spent on gas over the course of the year. Now lets turn to the unleaded version. Driving 15,000 miles at 26 mpg requires roughly 575 gallons of gas. At 3 bucks a gallon, that's $1725, just about $1000 more a year spent on gas. Now consider that hybrid cars generally cost around 20% more than their normal counterparts, so lets say you're getting a BASE Rabbit at around $16k. Lets say for evenness's sake that the hybrid starts at $20k. With $4k difference, you've got to be averaging 70mph for 4 straight years before you break even. I'll choose the "gas guzzler" instead of investing in a temporary solution (hybrid technology) that will be replaced either by full-electric or hydrogen cell motors in the next ten years.
  2. No, Obama needs to pick someone about 35 years his senior to be VP. If he wants any hope of being president, he needs to show that as well as being a platform for change for the young generation he embraces traditional values. I'm thinking maybe Chris Dodd would be a good candidate for VP.
  3. Ok so some of you may have seen the online publication the New York Times released sometime yesterday about an alleged affair John McCain had with Vicki Iseman (source) I'm sure. What do you think about it? Both sides deny it, and don't seem to be too worried about the fallout which says to me that there really is nothing and that the Times is probably just running some liberal smear campaign to throw the Republicans into disarray. That said, it really pisses me off that a "respectable" publication like the Times that is read worldwide can publish this crap and get away with it. I know, freedom of speech and all that, but this amounts to libel if indeed it's a false accusation. It's interesting that liberals are quick to point out the conservatives for abusing their platforms of power to mold public opinion but then go publish some garbage like this and call it journalism. At some point there has to be accountability for what you say; you sure as hell are free to say what you want, but abusing the power of the press in such a way should be punished to the same degree that McCain would suffer if he is guilty of infidelities.
  4. just did a quick craigslist search for "Vizio" and came up with this http://columbus.craigslist.org/ele/572968316.html
  5. so you're saying that its FedEx's fault that they only deliver during normal business hours during the week and even on saturdays and because you can't be home or ask a friend to be home and sign for you its their problem? http://images.lamer.net/thumbs/tard-smiley-gif-indexicon.jpg edit: i've used FedEx ground, UPS ground, and DHL ground all in the last month to order computer parts, not a single problem with any of them. Everything was delivered on time without hassle.
  6. You need to take those Greatest Hits albums off there, all greatest hits fucking suck. Also the Godsmack needs to go after what they did to Good Times, Bad Times. As for Eminem being a lyrical genius, he can when he wants to be but the fact that his head is in the toilet for at least half his albums always pisses me off. How can he have a song as groundbreaking as Mosh right next to one as stupid and immature as Rain Man. Also, how do you put Pablo Honey without The Bends and Kid A being mentioned? Kid A is one of the most brilliant albums ever made, proof positive being in the fact that it totally divided Radiohead fans.
  7. this was "best album of all time" not "fattest hawaiian that got famous covering louis armstrong and john denver of all time" best album ever is hands down "Tommy". I don't think any artist has ever produced something as well formulated.
  8. Check this thing out at newegg.com, it sells for $50, I'm in Boston and will ship it to you for $45(incl. shipping) brand new. Comes with the driver disc in the original packaging just opened. I bought this and then found out it wasn't compatible with Windows Media Center Edition, but this thing is ready to output full 1080i HD graphics to your tv or monitor. Here's a link to the site with reviews and specs http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161100 The reviews are accurate; its not a gaming card, but it will definitely support HD video if you want to stream from your PC to your HDTV. Contact me for info on how to send money. I'll take a personal check (risky I know) and send as soon as it clears, I've done business on CR before as my feedback rating shows and I've never reneged on a deal.
  9. http://www.worth1000.com/entries/212500/212593qVxu_w.jpg
  10. quoted so you can't edit the threat edit: page one
  11. QFT, I worked for their corporate office over the summer, went around the midwest doing marketing for various locations. Chicken Spinach and Bacon flatbread pizza is incredible, as is the Shrimp fra Diavolo.
  12. what's even more annoying is Arlen Specter's (R-PA) inquest into football. congress has no right to question football, especially since (as opposed to baseball) the matter involves no allegations of perjury, nor did Goodell request congressional support. Why we're using taxpayer dollars to pay Specter to do this is beyond me.
  13. http://www.funnyforumpics.com/forums/bear/1/have-a-seat-chris-hanson.jpg
  14. http://laptoplogic.com/news/detail.php?id=4161 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blu-ray_Disc Sony doesn't own blu-ray
  15. They've got all sorts of programs like that for mac and pc, but mine is mixed so the songs transition on-beat, etc. its nice having dj friends.
  16. i've got a 60-minute long single track "song" thats 60 minute-long clips if someone wants to host it.
  17. No but Bill Gates has made comments alluding to the fact that Microsoft may be yanking their HD-DVD add-on to the 360 off shelves soon and replacing it with a Blu-Ray version. Lets face it people, one of the formats always has to go. HD DVD and Blu Ray are virtually identical in terms of quality, just like VHS and Betamax were (even though Betamax had slightly better resolution, as does I believe HD DVD). It's the same exact thing as the VHS/Beta war. They provide almost EXACTLY the same picture, but whereas VHS was able to provide more recording time than Betamax, Blu-Ray provides nearly 40GB more info space on a disc. edit: Beta was a video format that came out at the same time as VHS and got totally stomped. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betamax http://www.betamaxtodvd.com/images/betamax_to_dvd.gif
  18. http://catsnstuff.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/dude-wait-what.jpg
  19. its true. i've grown weary of cr since I haven't had anyone to pick an e-battle with. such is the offseason.
  20. wasn't that guy the one who claimed to have a 9 second CRX? and wasn't his fat fuck friend anthony backin him up? and didn't they both get banned? i say we ban this fucktard too.
  21. they do make ps2 adapters for PC but in my experience they're not great. the sticks don't work well. as with most other peripherals for computers, you can never go wrong with logitech for a game pad.
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