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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I won't contest that. Military guys know how to do 3 things; shoot guns, drink like pirates, and steal your gawddamn girlfriend.
  2. I get bored here in Boston, everyone here is a bleeding heart liberal that just wants to coddle my ass instead of throwing a few insults my way. If I don't do this every so often I'll get soft. edit: lol like this makes me a hardass
  3. Nickleback plays instruments. Nickleback shouldn't be respected. Proof: http://www.thewebshite.net/nickelback.htm edit: turn on your speakers, may God strike me down if its a prank to get you in trouble. Its just two Nickleback songs synced up so you can hear how they totally fucking recycled.
  4. You are 100% pure fucking idiot. Columbine, the kid in Finland a few weeks ago, Asa Coon in Cleveland, just three off the top of my head whose perpeptrators were avid metalheads. And you use Pandora to do your musical research? You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Just because some internet bot associates Pimp C with T.I. doesn't mean they were on the same page and best buds. While it's clear to me and everyone else here you're a fucking fag and you'd like to further prove it by admitting to everyone here that you only listen to christian rock and Britney Spears, all music has somehow been associated with "negative" images. Take a long walk off a short pier, fuckwad. R.I.P. Pimp-C. Wrongfully imprisoned, dead before uour time, you'll be missed.
  5. I'm originally from Connecticut, so Boston/northeast winters weren't really a deterrent factor in choosing college. For me it was really the size+quality of the school+since I was always kinda a conservative in HS, I figured going to a gigantic liberal city campus might challenge my views and help me learn more. That, and Sam Adams is dirt cheap around here.
  6. No, my staunchest political opponent is my dad. Just because you didn't grow out from the shadow of your parents until you were 25 doesn't mean that the rest of the world followed suit. Btw I wasn't really wishing you harm, I don't know who you are and therefore have no ill will towards you, I'm just trying to spice this thread up and maybe make this winter interesting since we haven't really had any fun benchracing threads yet. Carry on. EDIT: The whole Dayton vs. gibbyzracing saga thread is looking pretty entertaining actually.
  7. Yeah I'm really 20. Are you really 28? You know, one would think someone who's 28 would have better things to do than get online and "flame" a 20 year old. So what do you want in response to this sad attempt at a flame: If you wanted me to retalliate you should've done something notable, something that might actually offend me instead of the same jargon that I've heard everywhere before. And what do you mean I don't contribute anything? Find any coherent political debate on this site, you'll find I'm usually somewhere in it. Oh you mean racingwise? I'm not rich, but I've got the Apache and I'm at Mid-Ohio every chance my college-broke ass can afford. I'm not content to slam a bike like some dumbass squid and try to hit 200 on the interstate, I'd rather test my abilities as a driver on a road course. Next time you're doing 150 on that sad little crotchrocket, why don't you hit a pothole and eat an asphalt sandwich.
  8. next time instead of hitting the "submit reply" button, consider drinking a bucketful of antifreeze.
  9. get out of my thread, queer continue, gentlemen edit: also, i thought since it was non-nude it was work safe, apologies to the mods
  10. I contribute a shit thread, even though its in the kitchen and wont contribute to my post count flame me, please. also, content: link only content would be considered NWS! http://www.derekhail.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/olga-kurylenko-lingerie06.jpg
  11. page one. yeah, they're our best and brightest, they're going to destroy you.
  12. a good article that incorporates that thing: http://www.cracked.com/article_15683_10-creepiest-craigslist-casual-encounters.html
  13. http://post.oftheday.com.au/images/fresh-prince-of-bel-air-will-smith.jpg
  14. QFT. The best evidence is at weddings, where even old guys will just get completely hammered in the name of having a good time.
  15. If it wasn't to brag or to show off, why'd you post it? Don't kid yourself. I'm not saying its not impressive, I'm just saying self-delusion is pointless . Anyways my weekend started out with 5 gallons of liquid cocaine, 2.5 kegs (1 Natty light, 1 Coors light, 1/2 Sam Adams Winter Lager), a case of King Cobra 40's, a case of Steel Reserve 40's, 1.75L bottles of the following: Absolut, Captain Morgan, Jager, Bacardi, Cuervo Gold, Sailor Jerry, Smirnoff something, bottles of Baileys and Kahlua (for Conquistadors), and a few 30 racks that people brought that didn't realize we bought stuff. The next couple days were spent recovering, but apparently more than a few people got lucky on our sofas. The details of the night are a bit fuzzy.
  16. I can sorta relate. I'm only 20 but a few years ago I had this really serious girlfriend. She and I had been dating for a couple years and I was thinking I might forgo college to be with her and stay in Columbus. Fast forward to senior yr in high school and she dumps me out of nowhere for some other dude. Needless to say I was upset but nonetheless I decided to make the best of it and started getting back in the college mindset. Then about 3 months later this guy leaves me a threatening note on my locker saying I should've never fucked with his girl. Then after school she's at my house crying, saying she's fucking pregnant and its mine. So this numbskull thinks I've been fucking his girl and now she's got my baby. A few days later this kid is waiting out by my car and a few punches are thrown, I end up on the winning end but we both get suspended. When our parents get there my mom is freaking out and takes me home and we have a long talk. I got in one lil fight and my mom got scared, She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air' I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror If anything I can say this cab is rare But I thought 'Nah forget it - "Yo homes, to Bel Air!"'
  17. Slick ride! Time for a username update.
  18. I was just listening to some of this stuff I stole off an unsecured network from across the street (already looked for nudes, couldn't find any) and it's really good. havent done my customary wikipedia research yet, but any of you guys heard of these dudes? Any other decent jazz that's not blatantly obvious i should listen to? by blatantly obvious, i mean artists like Coltrane, Nina Simone, Miles Davis, Dave Brubeck, Dizzie Gillespie, McCoy Tyner, Thelonius, etc.
  19. if i didn't make it completely clear, i'm 67% computer ignorant. if it works, i like it, which is why i currently hate my hp laptop
  20. ZOMG THE MAC CAN'T DO SOMETHING ON ITS OWN?!?!?! this thread is now about how a PC will never have this problem and is so much better than macs. naw, i'm just bored
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