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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. also, you should post in the Classroom, introduce yourself there so people dont go when you post in the main forum. either way, dont do it.
  2. DON'T DO EET! seriously, save the money towards a better platform. I used to think about turboing my Celica but figured I'd hold onto the cash until I got something less slow.
  3. Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in HD = :drool:
  4. 2girls1cup.com meatspin.com lemonparty.org
  5. this thread should be stickied. free bump for african children
  6. The tubes are getting clogged with sam and linn's porn. its not a dump truck you know.
  7. yeah, the fucking yippies over here call it "Beeahh Pawwng" and it sucks. They refer to what we know as "pong" or "beer pong" as beirut, which just makes no sense to me whatsoever. Beirut is a city in Lebanon, not a drinking game. I'm all down for the redemption rule, usually how we play is if one team ends the game by sinking the last cup and BOTH members don't hit that cup (which would=death cup and game over), the almost-losing team can have a rebuttal. both members try to knock down all the remaining cups, each getting to shoot til he misses. I'm willing to change though. As for regulation size? We kinda stole a gigantic table from someone's trash heap, knocked off the legs to fit it upstairs, and reattached them. I think it's about 4x8 which isn't standard (i believe standard length for a ping pong table is 110") but it is, in our estimation, pretty damn well sized and sturdy. Oh and an unspoken rule that too often has been argued about...if you knock a cup down trying to block a bounce or for any other reason, THAT CUP STAYS OUT. fucking retards here try to tell me all the time they they'll just fill it up again and put it back.
  8. http://www.speedtest.net/result/210895401.png stealing the wireless from across the street
  9. Actually, there's some store chain (Costco, BJ's Wholesale, etc) that has a 1 year return policy on a lotta things, including LCD/Plasma TVs. If you come back in a year and say you wanna exchange, they gotta give you a same model but new or refurb for free.
  10. I also forgot to add the Lone Ranger rule, if there's a cup that isn't touching any others and you call "Lone Ranger" you can only hit that cup, but if you do you get the ball back. i'm not much of a pong player, but i'm a lone ranger sniper.
  11. you lean waaaay over the edge of the table to shoot. Your elbow should never find its way over the edge of the table to shoot.
  12. good lord, someone who is both humble and open to advice??? welcome to the boards, it's pretty clear you'll last a while around here.
  13. I'm in for a tourney as long as it happens after new years which is when I drive back. Suggestion for the rules, as they are the ones used in my house: -10 cup = 3 beers, 1 rerack taken anytime at the beginning of one's turn -Overtime = 3 cups, 1 beer, 0 reracks -Make both cups = balls back -bounces can be blocked, count for 2 cups -as long as the ball doesn't hit the ground, it's still in play and any cup it hits counts -NBA Jam Rules (he's heating up, he's ON FIRE!!, shoot til you miss) -Gentleman's Rule (if the ball rolls back to your side, you can pick it up and take an around-the-back shot) -Girls can blow, guys cannot finger -Shooting over the table costs you a cup -whenever an opponent asks you to "touch 'em up" you must comply, even in the middle of a turn -pull your cup, lest the opponent make both balls in the same cup and the game is over -finish your cup before you shoot -nudity is a perfectly acceptable form of defense -Elbow violations: 1st infraction = warning, no penalty, no reshot 2nd infraction = reshot if they make it, none if they miss 3rd infraction = must be agreed on by an impartial observer, but this constitutes a "Party Foul" and the offending person has to pull a cup
  14. ^^^Doc, your sig pic gets me everytime. Regardless of how I feel about Thompson, at least everyone recognizes what he actually stands for . IAnyways, I remember pulling the blue slug apart in the back of SlowMo's old shop at Westerville Rd. + 161 where the Somalis congregated. If you didn't hear gunshots on any particular day you got worried something was amiss.
  15. WoW = World of Warcraft. WOW = provider of internet, TV, and other things necessary to man.
  16. fucking idiots. I just had 2 amazing transactions, bought some sorta beat-up skis that were exactly as described and had no more damage than indicated and bought for the agreed upon price, and then subsequently sold my old skis to a fella who got here when he told me he would, brought the correct amount of cash to pay for the price we agreed on, and didn't give me any crap and thanked me for giving him such a good deal. Come to think of it, I've always gotten the run-around in Cbus but had no problems in Boston. Guess these people are good for something.
  17. This man has the right idea. Its nice to find someone else who enjoys a good kick in the teeth from sailor jerry
  18. Fiesta Juice: As many handles of cheap vodka as you can carry, a matching amt. of fruit punch, and oranges. peel the oranges, take apart the slices and mix it all together. at the end of the night you can eat the orange slices that have absorbed the punch and vodka and get even more hammered, its like you won the lottery!
  19. I was really pumped for AC when I saw the trailers after E3 and all that jazz, but I've since heard that its repetitive (just like this thread, huh?) and that the AI sucks. Care to shed some light on the latter?
  20. Agreed. But I'll go so far as to break it down (because I fucking HATE the generic/PC "happy holidays" felicitations). Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, and a Groovy Kwanzaa to all you motherfuckers. If it weren't for all of you, I'd have no one to listen to my e-thugging. Also, isn't it Ramadan or something soon? Happy Ramadan even if it isn't.
  21. as a kid i always used to hate getting clothes, but now good socks and underwear are my favorite gifts to get. it really just exudes a sense of "hey, alex, i want your balls and feet to be comfy" and that's really thoughtful.
  22. I already got mine, a used pair of K2 Pro Mod-X skis with Marker SC Turbo bindings. Cost $1200 new 4 years ago, the guy that sold 'em to me didn't store them properly and apparently has cash to throw around cuz after they got rusty edges, he sold them to me for $75!! Gonna get em sharpened and waxed and be out on the slopes soon. Also, gonna get a nice pair of gloves for this season, my old ones stain my wrists black.
  23. If someone can come up with something as hairbrained as a Theremin and call it an instrument, then a DJ scratching tables has got to be considered an instrument. In defense of rap/hip-hop, there are a lot of emcee's and artists out there who are incredibly far from the mainstream like Talib Kweli, Common, Lupe Fiasco, Cyne, Atmosphere (I know several people on this board are Atmosphere fans) that don't rap about negative messages. They seem negative because they rap about what they know, and that is generally a shitty lifestyle but they don't glorify it. They turn it into poetry and set it to music instead of bastardizing it like the "crunk" genre has done just to make money.
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