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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. not to mention the BCS doesn't determine who goes to the national championship, the bowls invite the teams. hence why missouri got shafted.
  2. this thread makes my head hurt. the grammar fairies need to swoop in and fix it up
  3. Haha yeah, this is pretty basic stuff, skiing is one of those things where knowledge follows skill. Its hard to stay interested in the design and advances in skis if you're not putting it into practice and getting out on the mountain. You can pick up a good set of boots + skis + poles on craigslist for $100 during the offseason, after that its just the cold weather equipment and lift tickets and stuff which can get expensive. anyways, back on topic, thanks for the bump.
  4. Hey, I'm possibly in the market for some skis. And just skis, not bindings or poles or anything. I don't really care what brand as long as they're shaped but not overly so. I want to buy a pair maybe 3-5 years old because newer models of skis just have ridiculous cuts to them. I'm more of a giant slalom type skier, I prefer something in the 184-190cm range. Whatchoo got CR?
  5. it's winter isn't it. in on page 1
  6. I'm not saying that he shouldn't but are you suggesting that he, while supposedly trying to support a family and maybe save a little (despite the fact that the average american is something like $30k in debt between college, house, car, etc.) should also be continuing his education which is one of the most expensive things you can do? You're arguing for the impossible. Especially because there is a whole new generation of employable people who are more familiar and easily trained in new technology that are easier to hire than someone who is older and has to be retrained, and to be honest can't always adapt as readily. And what about when there is no replacement technology. Assembly line workers who have been trained to punch car parts can't all of a sudden learn to operate, program, and repair precision robots to do their old job. Your idea of pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps is very much in line with upper-middle class Americans, but a lot of times that simply isn't a possibility for the poor/losers in the market/whatever you want to call them.
  7. You're just looking within the corporation or industry. What about market wide effects, thats where the losers come from. Say you're in the IT field. You are able to earn your living at the cost of those people the IT field displaced in the economy. That would be, for instance, people unfamiliar with computer technology. And what about typewriter repair experts? Is there any demand for them after newer technology replaces them? Someday when oil runs dry, lets say electric cars replace them. Is the same guy who replaced your rods and pistons going to be able to rewire your flux capacitor for more jiggawatts? No, he'll lose his job because his skills are no longer required. Someone always has to lose.
  8. To benz guy: My dad, who I know has never pulled any kind of dirty business deal, went from a Portuguese immigrant at 15 with nothing to an exec at Nationwide before the mass exodus a few years ago caused by the kind of corruption (IMO) that was the reason he left. He didn't fuck anyone out of a job, never did more than the job that was expected of him to its completion. Started at Sears and delivering newspapers, by some miracle his work ethic was greater than any I've ever seen in another person and just got the job done until now when he's running his own investment company now. To V8KILR and pdqgp: the winners are only able to win because the losers lose, don't you understand that? Money doesn't simply appear and get awarded to the winners, that shit has to come from somewhere. Whenever someone makes a buck its at the cost of someone else not making that. There will always be unemployment. There will always be inflation. That is unless both of you propose to stop population growth altogether. When someone gets more money and can pay more for things, the price goes up and those who don't have enough money cannot pay for it any longer. Why is it that when a poor person doesn't get rich it's because of a "poor monetary decision" but if someone who was making money makes a poor investment its just one that didn't pay off? Also, it was neither Silly Willy nor trickle-down economics that caused the boom, despite the fact that Reagan cut taxes for the wealthy because both he and George H W Bush raised taxes during their terms.
  9. I agree that trickle down economics is bullshit and that Reagan was a complete maniac whose version of reality was very distorted. Still, in a market economy there will always be winners and losers, and its the responsibility of the winners (note, its the responsibility of the WINNERS not the government) to help the losers. Unfortunately, whenever anyone loses in this country instead of finding a solution or a route to a solution they point blame and come up with reasons they shouldn't have to do anything to receive benefits.
  10. Oh I wasn't justifying the unmarked officer's actions, I'm just saying how I think it worked out. Sucks we live in a near-police state.
  11. wow that's a steal for $3200 despite high miles. good grab.
  12. I just did a bit of research and found that unmarked police cars in Ohio cannot make traffic stops, but must call a marked unit, which is the part of the code I was thinking of. I guess since you were under suspicion of grand theft auto, it wasn't a regular ole' traffic stop.
  13. um? i'm pretty sure unmarked cop cars don't exist? i thought they at least had to have a marking on the door, the least marked car i've seen is the Intrepid that I believe belongs to the chief in Gahanna edit: at least in ohio, in MA thats pretty much all they have is unmarked staties
  14. meh, my balls itch and i'm quitting one of my jobs cuz they couldn't deal with the fact that right now school > work, but everything's goin well
  15. very very nice. mind if i ask what you paid? i'm currently searching for a car to start my NASA career on and E30/36 3-series are high on the candidate list. My dad's M3 has always been a favorite but the 328is is more in my price range i think
  16. personal experience here speaks better than anything else: first off, they are NOT obligated to show you shit I don't think, and even if they do it doesn't matter if they clocked someone else and said it was you. I was clocked doing 80 in a situation that was physically impossible for me to be doing 80 (I was pacing the car in front of me doing 70, which I realize was still above the limit but no way I was doing 80) and there was nothing I could do in court. It sucks, yeah, but ya deal with it. As for the tint, if you have it fixed by the time you go to court, they'll toss that fine. Probably. As for the calibration, thats not even a question. Cops are supposed to and in my experience always do calibrate their detectors at the beginning and end of every shift using precise tuning forks that correspond to specific speeds. They work perfectly and you won't win that argument.
  17. i wouldn't fuck that with someone else's dick
  18. zomg he's back run and hide!
  19. man, my parents must've really let me go. as a kid i was slapped and spanked for discipline, to which I credit all of my respect for authority, but as I got older they really let go of the reins.
  20. i really hope he doesn't find out you read that. for your sake and for his. if i knew my father was sneaking around behind my back getting into my shit, it doesn't matter who's paying the bills, whose house it is, i would've flipped a shit at any age. you didn't trust your son, how could you expect him to extend the same kind of trust and respect to you? cuz you're his father and you put a roof over his head. if you had any confidence in your parenting you'd never have even thought about it.
  21. that punt that stayed in the mud was hilarious
  22. Here's my take: As someone who admittedly smokes, I think smoking isn't a big deal. I wish it were decrimminalized, but while it's not and I knowingly am engaging in an illegal activity, I'm 100% prepared to face the consequences. That means that I never ever smoke before or during work, or even days in advance if I know I have some important shit to do. Smoking is a recreation for me, it helps me relax, but it should never take precedence over anything else in my life. The moment pot interferes with my life is the moment I quit, but right now I've got 2 good jobs and am a fulltime student with a decent GPA. When that falls apart or when other commitments start requiring more of me, then I'll think about quitting. That tirade out of the way, I think this reaction is perfectly reasonable. Its illegal. He has every right to fire everyone who tests positive, because if there IS a problem it comes back and bites him in the ass.
  23. Talk to him. Ask him who Marissa is. Make sure he's being safe and not talking to someone he met on myspace, explain to him why he shouldn't be doin that, and let him have his privacy. As Hefty pointed out if he realizes you're reading his emails, he'll never trust you. It's one thing to do that to a girlfriend if she's emailing another dude, but the bond you share with your son should be different. Be the guy he wants to show his emails to, not the guy who has to sneak into his inbox.
  24. my dad was a juror on a murder case that involved a 16 year old kid being shot through a screen door with hollowpoint rounds in a lover's spat. he said it was one of the saddest things to have to see all the evidence. they convicted the mofo, whose only defense was the question of a couple angles of entry or some shit.
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