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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. haha i'm sure i'll have my come uppance
  2. i was correcting your spelling, you self pwned by not noticing and thinking I was unaware of the meaning of "martial law", which I then attempted to prove to you by showing you the actual difference between Marshall Law, which is what you spelled initially and refers to a tv show, and martial law, which is the phrase you misspelled in the first place. jeez, can I make it any clearer?
  3. wow gentlemen, what we have here is the extremely rare and nearly extinct self-pwn. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martial_law http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Law thanks for playing, better luck next time
  4. You're obviously knowledgable on the subject, so I won't challenge anything you've said except this; whether or not more people die doing something else other than shooting each other, do you really think relativity factors in? If your son or daughter died in a complete and total gun-related accident, would you find solace in the fact that there was a greater chance he or she would've died in an electrical fire or drowning in the bathtub or whatever? My point is that regardless of how relatively uncommon it is, without question I think we have a responsibility as citizens of a democratic nation to do ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in our power to prevent any child from dying by gun-related accident. We should never be content to say "well, we've done enough" because until there are 0 children dying because of irresponsibility, there is always more we can do.
  5. a boston university police officer was making an illegal u-turn without his lights on, hit a student and sent her to the hospital and yet BU hasn't suspended him. that's some bullshit.
  6. nice try. martial =/= marshall anyways, as for this case I'm not going to take either side because the truth obviously lies somewhere in the middle. You were not an innocent victim, you probably did something stupid that you shouldn't have done so i have no sympathy for you. the cops probably went too far and were dicks why there's no video evidence is beyond me. cops here in boston suck. people in CBus take for granted how much they get out of. i was put in cuffs because I was walking down the street with a 24 year old friend, he was carrying a 30 rack of keystone, i had a plastic grocery bag with mixers. the cop pulls over, demands ID from both of us, sees that I'm 20 and puts me in cuffs to illegally search my bag, which had nothing illegal in it. fuckin bullshit out here. i got back at him by illegally consuming alcohol though, chalk one up for the college kids
  7. Regardless of what the intent of the Constitutional allowances regarding guns are, the fact remains that this is a violent world and we need some level of personal protection against forces that law cannot possibly act fast enough to stop. Consequences from a murder won't bring back an innocent victim, which is the line of reason I follow when justifying having guns. As to twistedfocus's comments, I think definitely make a valid point. There will always be hunters and that's a whole different clusterfuck that politicians don't even deal with, because in the realm of gun control laws there are only two kinds of people; those that get guns to kill other people and those that get guns to protect themselves. Hunters are the forgotten majority. That said, I think gun laws should not be categorized. Handguns kill more people than anything else and are the hardest to control because illegal ones are easier to hide. A sawed off shotgun is something legal made illegal, which is something the government will never be able to control; you can't prevent people from having the tools to create that just like you can't prevent people from buying sudafed because some bad apples make methamphetamine with it. You've just got to have blanket legislation, because as soon as you start applying different laws to different "classes" everything gets harder to enforce.
  8. hint: porsche will never get you the parts you need, haha. good luck finishing it, driving those things is incredibly fun
  9. I've always been in love with the idea of an e30, the couple E30 M3s with the 3.0 OBD-I swap I've seen are high on the list of my dreamcars and are at the top of my list of track cars i'd someday love to have. I've also been looking into older Datsuns as well as the 240sxes, are they pretty good into the high miles (150-200k) range? I'd ideally like something I can drive to and from the track in, change wheels/tires, and drive home.
  10. Those are cliffs!?!?! I think you've got a lot of good points, the one thing I take issue with is saying taking away guns would lead to taking away knives, etc. A gun is a weapon and a weapon only. It is meant only to hurt, never to heal. It serves no other purpose than to intimidate and kill. A knife can be used to cut cheese, etc. The first time I went shooting was with my uncle who worked in corrections for 35 years, 10 of them as a warden. Got to shoot a .44 Colt Army Special single action, a Colt .357, a Ruger .22 target pistol, and a Walther PPK. Obviously the Walther was for pure James Bond thrill, but shooting in general for the first time gave me this feeling of power that was, to put it mildly, intoxicating. The knowledge that with this tool (a really good way of putting it, I might add) I was invincible compared to someone without it was really cool, but realizing and understanding that is the most important thing in being responsible with it. When someone feels that power and can't moderate it or can't be responsible with it, you end up with a psychotic killer; someone who gets addicted to it is a serial killer. How are you going to tell who will and won't be able to moderate it when a gun is sold legally? That's my biggest problem with gun control, is that no one can tell who will use it responsibly and who won't.
  11. If only all women were like you maybe I'd still have a girlfriend. I'm ok with initial skepticism as long as you accept reality in the end:D
  12. i love the 928 in your avatar, how long you had it?
  13. Well as many of you are aware, the Colts have lost 2 straight and Indianapolis's suicide rate has actually surpassed its literacy rate (source: my ass). In honor of this, I'm making a stupid thread. I stole this piece of television history from Kissing Suzy Kolber who are also having a Kaption Kontest and this idea is a total ripoff of theirs. So sue me. The original, for you to put a caption on (or just post the text of it, I dont care). EDIT: kept this in the main forum cuz its as much a football thread as it is a pic thread. if you're gonna edit it, save as a .png so you dont compress the shit. http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/manningvampire.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/manningvampirekahn.png http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/manningKILLVINATIERI.png http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/manningsucks.png http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/manningpicks.png
  14. ^^ You make a reasonable point, but you can't just say "well they get what they deserve for not monitoring their kids more carefully when there's a gun in the house" and write it off. It'd be one thing if the kid shot himself, but when another family is involved then who is deserving of what? Mom and dad of the kid that dies should call over and ask the parents "hey, do you have any guns, where are they, are you properly trained to use them, can your kids access them, are they locked, are they legal?" Thats not reasonable in any way. Think about this. Guns will never ever be outlawed in America. I remember seeing a thread firearms being seized in New Orleans, but really how many people do you think suffered as a result of not having their guns for a period of time? I agree that its bullshit that the gov't took them away, however. To the gun owners, I would pose this question: would you really be that resentful if you had to take a class, obtain and renew licenses, and keep a gun registered if there was a SLIGHT chance that it would save some kid from an accident? In response to killjoy, I think you're right; if the NSA/Homeland Security/FBI has a file and "flyer rating" to counteract terrorism in the air for everyone that's been on a plane since 2001, I think its pretty fucking possible that they know who has guns.
  15. Completely, 100% wrong. There is nothing guys don't talk about when there's no girls around, and the internet is the place where no one ever needs to be bashful or restrain themselves, so all is fair game.
  16. funny that you guys mention the E30 and E36, my dad's 95 M3 is the reason he wants to join BMWCCA, and I've been thinking about an e30 325 or something along those lines. They're pretty easy to come by here in the northeast and they get DIRT cheap when winter rolls around because no one wants RWD in MA when there's white stuff all over the roads.
  17. Fast, Cheap, Reliable. They say you can only have 2, but I'm an idealist and I want all 3. I've got no immediate need for a car but as soon as I graduate college my dad and I are gonna try to piece together a decent track car, just something to take out to Mid-Ohio if he joins BMWCCA and get access to their track days. Most important is cheap, with all the shit I need to do to the Apache it's gotta be easy on the wallet. lets cap it at $4grand. Secondly, it's got to be reliable. I know when I buy used I'm inheriting every problem everyone else has given it, so I want a platform that is tried and true. I have had a Celica that was slow but cheap and reliable, so I'd trust Toyota/Lexus above all other manufacturers just because of longevity. Speed is relative. I want something that starts out resonably quick on track, so suspension/handling is of greatest importance to me, but I'd also like to be able to open up on straights. That back stretch of Mid-Ohio was meant to see 150+, not the 120 that I could get the RSX up to (yeah, I'm not an expert driver). I want a good starting point for power and handling, but I'd also like room to improve without having to tear the car apart and put it back together with a frankenstein engine swap. So, suggestions? If this thread gets good response it could prove useful to many other members, I'm sure.
  18. We really haven't heard this discussion much, I suspect because most of you believe in the 2nd amendment. I do too, I believe it's every American's right to have a gun because we live in a dangerous world with unforseeable crimes. I've seen plenty of things in the news where it would not be unreasonable to say "xxx could have been stopped if someone there had a concealed weapon and could have defended him/herself". Don't states with CCW see a decrease in violent crimes? I'm not sure, but I bet someone here can chime in. All that said, every time I see this it really pisses me off. http://www.wjactv.com/news/14568476/detail.html What's the solution? Ideally we'd live in a world where we didn't need guns and could just say "toss them all out, save the kids" but we can't simply do that. We also can't just say "well people need to be educated better" because if I'm not mistaken, there are a lot of gun proponents that would like to see restrictions, registration, and background checks disappear. I'll admit it, I've been tempted to buy black market because there's times I haven't felt safe in my apt here in Boston and I'm not 21 (we found some sketchy drug dealers in our basement at one party, later found out they stole several thousand dollars worth of electronics from our housemates...but what if they were strapped?). Still, all things considered I think we need to meet somewhere in the middle. You can't force people to be safe, there will always be a select few who choose to put their family at risk by not safeguarding themselves with gun safes or locks, or by keeping loaded guns in a place where their kids play. You can, however, force people to be educated, you can track guns and who owns them, you can force people to obtain licenses and go through an approved standard procedure, you can step up the ever-feared government involvement without infringing on peoples rights (I'm saying it CAN be done, not that if it were that it'd be done reasonably...utopian concept). I guess what I'm saying is that if people have to go through hours and hours of classes and take tests and wait many years til they can drive a car, which essentially is a 2 ton weapon if not properly handled, the same should be extended to handheld weapons. Cliffs: -I approve of right to arm bears -9 year old kills his friend because his parents are fucking idiots -things must be done, won't someone think of the children!?! -how do we do things without pissing off the people who hate gov't involvement -I'm a hippie douche who's in favor of gun control REFORM, am i rite?
  19. double post sam, come on, i know you've got a goldmine of postsecret stuff you could add to this thread
  20. whether you girls want to believe it or not, this isn't redneck talk; this is water-cooler talk. basically, this is what guys talk about when there's no girls around to get grossed out. edit: the reason i made a thread about it is cuz its easy to hide behind a keyboard and not give a damn what the girls think
  21. obligatory idiot response: http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/7171/firefighter02bn0.jpg
  22. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is a shit thread and thats why it's in the kitchen. So I'll stop farting around and skip the anal details and get right to the important crap. How long do you take to shit, and do you consider it normal? I'm a flash-shitter. I go to the john with a mission, drop trou, drop a deuce, and leave the bathroom, in and out in < 5min. I've got 3 roommates, 2 guys and 1 girl. One of the guys is a super-stinker and no one can go in the bathroom within 20 minutes of his shits. We have like 12 different kinds of febreeze and glade sprays, we have candles, we have everything and nothing censors this foul odor. My other male roommate is a marathon shitter. He'll be in there for 30 minutes doing god knows what. As for the girl, everyone knows girls don't poop. But seriously, she's a ninja shitter. the 3 of us guys have never seen her hangin in the bathroom for more than 30 seconds and she's never home alone cuz she works so much. Anyways, the dudes I live with give me crap for being a turboshitter, and I can appreciate hangin in the bathroom for a while with a newspaper or n64 or some origami or whatever, but I like to keep it quick. So what kind of shitter are you?
  23. Zelda Ocarina of Time on N64. I'm not even playing, my friend has been on this conquest for weeks and its the most entertaining video game to watch, I suck so bad at playing it.
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