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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. best of luck getting what you need
  2. nws, download http://thatvideosite.com/download/953
  3. No, I used to be a Tony Romo hater, but this year I absolutely believe he is the real deal. Not to mention that no NFC team can hold a candle to the Cowboys this year.
  4. I'm surprised this one hasn't come up yet: "I think we need to talk" That means you are guilty of some combination of the following: A) You owe someone money B) You got someone pregnant C) You're gonna get dumped D) You're a total loser fucktard who needs to move out of his parents basement Every time I've heard it its been A or C. This is a personal one: "You use really big words" coming from a girl. I know I use big words, you stupid fucking bitch, I'm not going to dumb myself down so I can stick Caxide Jr. where your entire high school football team has already spelunked, but while I'm trying to do so I'd really appreciate it if you'd shut your goddamn mouth and try to figure out what I'm saying in context instead of relying on the assumption that everyone else is as vacuous a fuckhole as you. /rant
  5. Actually I agree with most of the above post. Good job, sir, good job.
  6. my roommate runs a 60 person pool, combining both regular picks 10-1 (each pick has the corresponding point value) and includes an over/under pick every week, and the other pool which is included in the $50 buyin is a survivor pool for $500. He's been running it for 7 years and every year we get more people, we're going to try to get 100 people in for $100 next year.
  7. where'd you live in MA? I firmly believe this year in good teams is making up for OSU's last year. The Sox won, hopefully the pats will win, the Celtics have come out of fucking nowhere, and OSU is doing well again.
  8. Pats are only giving up 4.5 in my football pool, i've picked them every week and will continue to do so until they stop raping the spreads.
  9. I'll definitely concede that he's one of the more immobile QBs in the league, even compared to Manning. The thing is that he used to use TEs a lot more than WRs when the WRs were shit, so there were never gonna be that many 60 yard plays even passing to amazing guys like Watson and Graham. The thing I take issue with is you saying he doesn't have an arm. The guy's got a fucking cannon! Every receiver that has ever played for the Pats has commented on how much of a rocket he throws. Granted, he's not a Brett Favre or a Kerry Collins (the guy has an insane arm and no respect), but watch him and you'll very rarely see anything less than a really tight spiral and a solid throw. He's got an insane completion percentage, and a lot of that is due to receivers like Welker and Moss with amazing hands, but you've still got to have surgical accuracy to throw the kind of balls they can catch. Remember against the Jets when Moss outran 3 DBs and just kinda had the ball float into his hands in the end zone? That's not all Brady, but he damn sure better get the ball in the right spot in triple coverage.
  10. White Widow, Maui Wauwie (who knows if they'll have it) are good. also hookers. get turbofucked.
  11. if there's anyone that can do it, its the colts. honestly, I hope the colts win. I dont want the pats to go 16-0, or even 14-0. They need an honest regular season loss (honest meaning Matt Cassel doesn't take more than 0 snaps) to a good team to show them where they need work. Letting Miami get 28 was a wakeup, now they need to have a losing game where they don't end up all looking like heroes. They need a reason to sit down by themselves, then come back together as a team and say "okay, we need to do x, y, and z before the playoffs to make sure we're unstoppable"
  12. goddamn no one is more deserving than Lowell of the MVP award and a lot of people ahve been saying that the whole time. Still, Bobby Kielty with the game-winning HR is my fuckin hero.
  13. the dolphins will get a win, i have no doubt about that
  14. I hear what you're saying about Brady having an O-line and having receivers, but you can say the exact same about Harrison/Wayne/Gonzalez/Clark/Utecht and Manning. Its just that Brady has been able to cultivate a kind of understanding between himself and his receivers, especially Moss and Welker, that normally would take a receiver/QB years to develop. You could say the same about any good QB: take away all the support they have and they wouldn't be throwing TD passes. Well, duh! Even Joe Montana, Johnny Unitas, John Elway would be no one if they didn't have guys around the ball that could make clutch plays. I think anyone who still says Brady is overrated is simply not looking at the facts. Edit: R-e-c-e-i-v-e-r-s, not r-e-c-i-e-v-e-r-s....d'oh
  15. fuckin' a, man, my street erupted when they won. never seen so many girls running around nekkid.
  16. Alright, my topic: Colts vs. Patriots It seems to me the Patriots have done everything in their power to piss on every comment made about their team. "CameraGate shows how Belichick and the Pats D gained an unfair advantage: Response: Theyve got the 4th best D in the NFL even without Seymour and Harrison for the first 4 weeks, and they're fucking angry. "Brady isn't the real deal" Response: In position to break every goddamn record there is "Moss is going to stop playing well as soon as they don't throw the ball to him" Response: Today, Moss had a wide open opportunity in the end zone and Brady decided to run it in. Does Moss bitch? Nope. "The Patriots shouldn't have run up the score against Miami" Response: "You wanna see running up the score? We'll fucking show you running up the goddamn score...c'mere Redskins" The Patriots are scary good. this should be an amazing game. I say 41- 27 Pats. Colts fans, chime in.
  17. All time favs: Bob Dylan The Beatles Rolling Stones Pink Floyd Led Zeppelin The Living End Smashing Pumpkins Del Tha Funky Homosapien Heiroglyphics Talib Kweli Lupe Fiasco Tupac Snoop Dogg Dr Dre Queen What I'm listening to recently: Audioslave Rage Against the Machine Doobie Brothers Edgar Winters Young Jeezy Common Battles RX Bandits Radiohead edit: Ratatat is amazing too.
  18. triple post: content http://www.ninjadude.com/images/Megan-Fox/megan-fox-panties.jpg
  19. Despite the example I try to set by being motivated and trying to achieve something in my life, you're pretty much right.
  20. Facts: Pot is bad for you. My uncle just had throat cancer from smoking for 45 years, never once picked up a cigarette. Doesn't matter if its less bad for you than cigs, alcohol, and tylenol, it still ain't gonna do your body any good if you're a normal healthy human being. That said, I'll come right out and say I smoke since no one else has said it. I've been smoking for 3 years and IMO it hasn't had a negative influence at all in my life. I'm currently a full time student at BU, I work 2 good jobs, one reffing intramural sports and one part timing for a credit card company in Boston (I won't say which one just because), I've got a 3.0 GPA which is hard to do at BU considering how much grade deflation there is (research it, its a problem here). I've got a clean criminal record, which I realize means I just haven't been caught yet . So you'd think I'd be a big proponent of legalizing, right? Nah. I just want it decriminialized. I don't want the government to start regulating it and allowing big industry to go and ruin a good thing. I'd rather pay a premium and risk it being illegal than have it fucked up by a money-hungry economy that would simply look for ways to cheapen cheapen cheapen production costs no matter what the cost to consumers in terms of quality. I want to be able to walk in to a stadium or arena or wherever and if I realize I have some on me that the cop will just write me a ticket or tell me to throw it out, not cuff me and bring me into jail for having some personal use stuff. *All the above is a complete fabrication and in no way reflects the reality of Alex Caxide's life. All comments made are editorial and have no factual basis.
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