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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. they hooked me up to Dodd as well..strange, kinda
  2. the impala taillights do it for me i think, i literally can't fathom how retarded you'd have to be to take a totalled impala which is probably worth more as scrap than that heap of junk and say "you know, those tails would look a LOT better on my car"
  3. so what, you got a new refrigerator motor?
  4. I've lost faith in all cars. Chicken wire????? Pictures are worth 1,000 words, but these leave me speechless. http://www.genmay.com/showthread.php?t=756068
  5. I really haven't been much of a speeder since being young(er) and stupid(er) and having my license suspended with privs for 6 months, my natural speed just kinda mellowed out to 65 to avoid attracting attention. That, + the inheritance of the truck just makes it impossible for me to speed. That said, this summer I made it from Knoxille to Blacklick in 4 hours 45 minutes in my old Celica with 140k on the clock. Toyotas for the motherfucking win.
  6. qft edit: and the morning after you realize the mistake:( fake edit: hooray booze for making it all okay though
  7. fuck ron paul fuck barack obama fuck hillary clinton fuck fred thompson fuck rudy guliani fuck mitt romney fuck bipartisan BULLSHIT fuck tha police (except sawbinder and dragknee)
  8. bengals/pats is gonna be a shootout. i'm excited
  9. triple post: natty ice might be the worst thing ever made
  10. also, Liquid Cocaine; 1/3 Goldschlager, 1/3 151, 1/3 Jager. might as well call it rocket fuel.
  11. haha pwned by the high life. natty light = regret-free mornings for years to come
  12. QFMFT. I used to live in a basement, now i'm on the 2nd floor and there's nothing to eat the flies. We need a dog or something.
  13. for the first goddamn time in my life, i can honestly admit that coltboostin is the most coherent person in this thread. does that scare anyone else?
  14. A guy cleaning out his attic finds a funny looking lamp and rubs it, and a genie pops out. The genie says "I'll give you three wishes, but for anything you desire your wife will get double." The guys agrees and says "for my first wish, I want a new car." The genie snaps his fingers, and says "now your wife has two new cars as well." The man says "I also want a new house." The genie snaps his fingers and says "you have a new house, and your wife now has two...aren't you worried she'll leave you?" The man says "nah...for my last wish, I want you to beat me half to death."
  15. it would appear he's already A) bitched out and B) threatened someone. Yeah, that satisfies B. now for A: WELL it appears i was wrong....wait a tick This is Captain Obvious signing out. Remember, kids, if you talk shit and then contradict yourself, you'll come off as nothing less than a total shithead!
  16. let the kid watch nascar, just expose him to other shit too. just don't let him see all the dumb fucking redneck shit that goes on in nascar like tossing helmets at other guys. don't cheer the ignorant shit, point it out and teach him about it. transition him to other forms of racing in time. let the kid be happy now.
  17. I'll be back in Columbus this weekend, if you've still got the signs i'd love to take a look at the Stroh's and Heineken ones. I'll contact you later this week.
  18. What's more annoying than a UMich fan at The Big House? A UMich fan in fucking Columbus. That wasn't a joke, its a fact. I have a friend who is in a band at UMich so I go up there a lot to support, and they respect the rivalry but they're not total fucking assholes with something to prove like UM fans in Columbus.
  19. You're right and wrong. The country was set up so that Congress would have most of the power, but as much as people like to ignore it the Office of the President has changed as much in its role as much is it has in its staff. Teddy Roosevelt was the first guy to campaign for a much more aggressive presidential reign, and he did it without much support in Congress, which he despised. From what I've heard, Bush thought that the POTUS didn't have enough power and that a strong U.S. needed a strong leader, and therefore would take a strong stance, whatever the cost, to reassert Presidential superiority over Congress.
  20. OSU's schedule: Youngstown Akron Washington Northwestern yaaaaaawwn. Still, it feels a lot better to be 4-0 than 2-2
  21. just saw this thread first off, welcome to the boards nice to see someone joining who isn't set on making everyone see how much of a fucktard they are. secondly, when you've got an LS1 in a car like that you can paint it any color you want. i like the chamaeleon, only thing i'd change is the wing, but even that isn't so heinous
  22. you're not crazy, people are just a lot less willing to put themselves out there because you are held accountable for everything you do and say nowadays.
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