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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. R u serios? U canot be serios. I don't think either PETA or NAMBLA have much of a say in Democratic votes. If the Dems were really under control of the buffalo-loving, boy-raping groups of America, I think we'd be in a much worse situation. What those fucked-up groups do and who they support are much more radical politicians like Ralph Nader, they're not jumping on Barack Obama's bandwagon. Still, I see what you're getting at, but it goes both ways and it has for years. Large industry has always had the Republicans by the nuts, and the bleeding hearts have always owned the Democrats.
  2. FUCK YOU, i saw that you were the last to post in this thread and was wondering where it was gonna go...
  3. if i got busted for illegal downloading, I would probably have no choice but to admit that I was doing it. He's guilty by association. He comes here saying "how can I get out of being guilty by association, I didn't WANT to be part of it" Its not the fact that he did it, its the "better than the law" attitude.
  4. whether or not you did anything, everyone else says you were there, you were part of the group that decided it was a good idea to fuck with people's shit. and really, not to sound like an old man, but even if you didn't do shit, you're still hanging out with dumbfucks that do. not only that but you're hanging out with dumbfucks who, instead of just stopping, picking up the trash, and saying sorry, decided to run from the guy after getting busted. really, though, turning yourselves in was the smartest decision of the night. as for getting out of trouble that your dumb ass landed in? go in humbly, and dont expect special treatment cuz you're going into the AF. they're going to treat you the same way they treat everyone who thinks their job is special enough to get them off the hook. you, in fact, are guilty by association. the reason they're trying to get you on that charge is because THAT IS WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED. unless you were sitting in the back of the car demanding to be let out because you wanted no part in the criminal mischief, you're just as guilty as everyone else is. good luck getting out of trouble, not that I'd want a functioning retard like yourself entrusted with millions of dollars of taxpayer equipment designed to kill. EDIT: you're from fucking newark??? you're no more than half an hour outside of downtown columbus, you have no reason to think you've got nothing to do.
  5. it hasn't become a political chimpanzee poo-flinging fight yet, so for now it stays in the parking lot. i eagerly await the doctor's comments
  6. Turns out the Demoncrats aren't as for peace and order as we thought. http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/08/23/nie/index.html For once, I agree with Bush. Whether or not al-Maliki is doing a good job, why the fuck are our senators wasting their goddamn time talking about how the Iraqi parliament should oust their leader when we can't even get our Congress to push through a 60% majority vote on ANYTHING except shit to keep spending money in Iraq. And Hillary says they want a "less divisive and more unifying figure". Well what the fuck is more unifying than religion? It just shows how fucking ignorant our politicians are. WE ARE NOT GOING TO HAVE A UNIFIED IRAQ. THE SUNNIS AND SHIITES ARE ALWAYS GOING TO HATE EACH OTHER. IT HAS BEEN THAT WAY FOR OVER HALF A MILLENIUM, ITS NOT GOING TO FUCKING CHANGE WITH THE LEADER OF ONE COUNTRY. I am all for the separation of church and state, but in a place like Iraq it is impossible. If we try and put a leader in power that is unifying, I guarantee that country will be charred and razed within 5 years. Anyone who knows anything about Islam should realize that it just isn't going to happen. You can call them backwards and ignorant all you like, but they're not going to change. We have to allow them to set their rules before we try to set ours. That way, at least we wouldn't COMPLETELY appear to be trying to set up a puppet government. So what happens when we all decide that al-Maliki is an unfit leader...do we just activate all our troops, sieze Baghdad again, and put another government in place?
  7. people didnt give UF the respect they deserve. SEC > Big 10, no questions. Doesn't mean I'm a Gator fan, I just think OSU's big mistake was going in with a Big 10 gameplan that wouldn;t run against a much tougher team. Also, I'm one of the few Tressel haters; the guy can never change the plan on the fly to work, and instead just expects his normal gameplan to get him out of all situations. As far as Colt Brennan being awesome...yeah the guy probably started taking ridiculous steroids. I mean, jeebus the guy went from "pretty good" in 2005 to "goddamn what the fuck isn't he entering the draft for" in 2006. He netted less than 50 more attempts in 2006, yet completed over 50 more passes for another 1200 yards, increased his YPA by 1.5 yards, got 23 more TDs and ONE LESS INT. Okay, so what happened? I admit he's fucking good, but that kind of statistical increase can only be one of two things: either he is on drugs (unlikely) or he got the kind of pocket protection that Peyton Manning enjoys (slightly more likely). I don't pay much attention to UH sports, but I think I remember seeing them get a couple of huge linesmen. Big, powerful linesmen against the kind of weak opponents Hawaii played will definitely give Brennan the kind of time in the pocket that allows him to easily make those passes.
  8. yeah, even if it is encountering something as unobtrusive as vapor atoms, it is still going to distort more than a vacuum. one thing i was thinking; even if it were possible, wouldn't speeding up lightwaves require a tremendous amount of energy?
  9. Ugh, I love Ohio State football, but I'm scared of what'll happen this year. We're so not a powerhouse right now. However, I do think that Chris Wells will be a Heisman contender. McFadden is amazing, but Wells racked up close to 1,200 yards i think running behind Pittman. He's gonna be a star this year b/c of the QB situation being so questionable.
  10. what, no love for richard pryor? guy was one of the best, if not the best. also, last night i watched Back To School and it reminded me of another favorite, Rodney Dangerfield
  11. Jim Gaffigan is a favorite, but all time I gotta say Richard Pryor
  12. i didn't really get a glimpse of the face...she wasn't a beached whale, all I really saw was some nice lookin tittays...not fatty titties, just nice ones
  13. i think the latest they recommend for the belt replacement is 90k, so you've got at least another 8 months depending on how much you drive
  14. congrats man, A+ originality and a pretty fuckin cool looking car; helluvalot easier on the eye than a colt
  15. Wow 72k is pretty damn good. You've got a while before you see any serious problems with that motor.
  16. Mike: fuck yes, about to go on there now Don King: post the story or so help me I will pay to have you banned
  17. not a fan of the unoriginality (too similar to camaro) but its still a beasty lookin car. tail needs to be lowered though, and maybe subtract that lip spoiler for somethin a bit smaller
  18. ^^shit sucks man, even worse than the justice system is fucking rat friends. you go into something stupid with them and just to catch a clean break they narc you out. there's friends I will and won't do stupid shit with, just because I know there's a couple selfish bastards that only got their own back in a situation like that.
  19. ^^truth...its murphy's law. Just like the fact that there's always a faster car, there's always a better deal and chances are you'll find it right after you purchase what you think is a great deal.
  20. i didnt see it mentioned, but how many miles you have on it? I hear the turbos have problems after 130k or something, could just be a myth though.
  21. the one thing to remember about cars is after they roll off the showroom floor, they're basically junk. All you're ever going to do with it is spend more money to make it run like it should; you're never going to be able to do anything to it that will make it impervious to the road. Even if you do buy a car that runs flawlessly, its just another vehicle that needs registered, insurance, oil changes, new tires after XXXX amount of miles, needs to be washed, etc. They all cost money, even if they are just standard upkeep. It takes a long time to recoup gas money saved as a result of buying a gas-saver because you have to put up $xxx up front to get the car, then put $xxx into fixing or making sure it doesnt break.
  22. You in your friend's beat up blue Ford Taurus. Me in my 59 Chevy Apache. You spotted me as the storms rolled in, threatening to make rush hour a living hell. I saw the excitement in your eyes as I powered down the road, all 6000 pounds of man-made steel rolling down the highway. As I merged next to you, I hear a "HEY GUY!" and look over to see a glint in your eye as your shirt disappears. Anyways, what I really just wanted to say was...nice tits. Cliffs: Driving home from work on 670 yesterday some woman loved my car enough to show me her titties out the window. How many of your beloved 10-second cars can say that.
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