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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. at least 40% of my friends at BU are from New Jersey and all of them seem to think it is some divine sanctuary. I fucking hate New Jersey. They might as well split it up into "Other New York" and "Other Philadelphia". But if New Jersey is the armpit of America, then Baltimore is the asshole. Baltimore completely sucks, bar nothing.
  2. indy bitches are ugly, my freaky ex is back home in ohio for a few days when i get back so its probably not that
  3. Anyone here ever been Bob Jonesed? Anyone have someone they wanna fuck with a little bit? Give Bob Jones University their address and name, they send SO MUCH COLLEGE SHIT its not even funny. Well, maybe a little funny. Really funny, if you consider how many trees die for your prank. I don't know, CR, I'm bored in Indianapolis and need something to do. Someone Bob Jones this goddamn hotel or something.
  4. hahahahaha you must be joking about the patriots sucking. Linebacker matchup: Roosevelt Colvin, Tedi Bruschi, Mike Vrabel, Adalius Thomas with Junior Seau waiting to run in VERSUS Gary Brackett, Rob Morris, Freddy Keiaho...awesome Tom versus Payton is always a show. Marvin Harrison and Reggie Wayne are good, but there's no depth. Randy Moss, Donte Stallworth ,Kelley Washington, Wes Welker, dare I go on? And Joseph Addai? Don't make me laugh. Again, no depth. Laurence "Koolaid" Maroney, Kevin Faulk, and Sammy Morris. Consistent yard-gainers.
  5. I guess I just don't feel safe in a city that doesn't have hoards of drunken college students stumbling home at 2am.
  6. Haha my friend's mom is from Flint, and she said that Michael Moore's movie (Farenheit 9/11) didn't do justice to just how huge of a wasteland it is.
  7. True...Gary, IN provided us with the likes of Tank Johnson and Michael Jackson
  8. I've traveled to all of them in the past 3 weeks; Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Louisville (Loo'vuhll), and Indianapolis. Seriously, the rest of the midwest can blow my ass. So let's do a rundown of why each one sucks so horribly. D-town: Ahhh, Rock City. You've given us countless great rappers and rockers, yet you fail to not be a complete shithole. When I was there, I was at the Magic Stick to see a concert, and when I was leaving I saw a guy beating the ever loving shit out of some woman. I called the cops. Possible redeeming qualities: Woodward Dream Cruise, Detroit Red Wings, the beginning of muscle cars as we know them. Toledo: Every time I drive up to Detroit, I'm forced to see the prelude to Detroit's shittyness; Toledo. From I-75 you can see fire belching into the atmosphere from a dozen smokestacks. What a lung-destroying welcome. I stayed there for a business trip, and realized this city is completely un-navigable. The blocks aren't squares, or even rectangles. No, Toledo tried to add some class by only designing their traffic system based on the black sheep of the parallelogram family, rhombuses. Possible redeeming qualities: It ain't Detroit. Cleveland: Where do I start? The Browns have recently inherited one of the bitchiest looking football players in history, and though everyone in Ohio secretly hopes he succeeds, they will be disappointed. Its basically a city of dive bars and fans proud of shitty teams. Possible redeeming qualities: Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland Cavaliers, the fact that they're so close to Lake Erie they'll probably devolve into one-celled organisms within 50 years. Canton: Not much to this place. It just fucking sucks. Possible redeeming qualities: Football Hall of Fame. Ak-Rowdy: The only good news I received from Akron recently was news that a tornado touched down closeby. Unfortunately, everyone survived. Possible redeeming qualities: Fuck Akron. Louisville: Why the fuck is everyone from Louisville so goddamn proud of it? So you can go 70 on the highways. Who cares? Oh, you say you have hundreds of parkways? And you can do U-turns? Well awesome, you can go to Detroit to do that and at least you'll be treated to the occasional wife-beating as entertainment. I swear to God, nothing fucking happens in Louisville. They like to pretend they're from the South, but they don't think they have accents and consider themselves to have Northern class. They couldn't decide in the 1860s (Civil War era, for all you tards) and they can't decide now. Go to hell, you shitheads. Possible redeeming qualities: U of L kids know how to party, Kentucky Derby gives everyone a reason to gamble and drink heavily without all the whores that Las Vegas offers. Wait...that's not redeeming at all. Indianapolis: Where the fuck do I even start? They should change "Indianapolis" to "Land of the Neverending Projects." This whole goddamn city is a ghetto. Then there's the Colts. Now, as a Patriots fan, I'm definitely biased. But you know, I can't hate the Colts; Anthony Gonzalez is my boy! So in that case, fuck Payton Manning. Seriously. The only person who looks more retarded than he does is Eli. You know that new commercial where Archie is teaching Matt Leinart to throw? That's a stolen home movie. Even Archie hates his sons. And then there's the Indianapolis Motor Speedway; the Brickyard. With the USGP gone, this place is reserved for the level of rednecks that make even rednecks wonder what happened to the class in racing. Then there's the parking. The only thing IMS contributes to the community besides a bit of history is giving the lowlifes around the shithole a chance to charge $20 to park your car on their lawn. Free water you say? What a deal! Possible redeeming qualities: With the USGP gone, I really do think this place is a black hole of class, causing anyone with any money to be instantly spaghettified (look it up) and smooshed into a singularity. So, CR, tell me what cities you hate.
  9. it was more for the shock value than to make a valid point lol
  10. wasn't talkin to you homie, i noticed your postcount
  11. As stated before, whether or not the car is sold "as is" denny dotson exploits the often adolescent market and gets them in early trouble with unreliable cars. they're not providing a sounds service to the community. just because you were a victim of e-bashing (i do remember what happened, and you were very clearly in the right) doesn't mean that we all have to be nice. my god, you're even starting to sound like a democrat: "don't say bad things about his business because it hurts his profits..we need to be nice and treat people well and not say what we want on the internet because hurtful comments will slightly decrease his profit margin"
  12. shit, thats the kinda combo you see at Barrett Jackson
  13. welcome...15 and 2 cars?? i get that one's a gift but dayum. Hows the insurance payments?
  14. yeah, the chick with multi-knockers was NWS and i felt like having the image itself
  15. kuato...end of thread. http://www.alvarezwaxmodels.com/Images/Film%20Images/Kuato,George.jpg
  16. 4 tires rotated, AC recharged...anyone here know where I can get it done this afternoon, as I've got a business trip to Louisville/Indy over the next 4 days?
  17. like i've said in other threads......lol columbusblogging.com heal soon dude
  18. i say don't drag it out on that forum, otherwise he'll bring up the dirt on you and how you ignored him when he had a problem with it. whether you're in the right or not, as i always advise STAY AWAY FROM THE GODDAMN DRAMA. that is all.
  19. people have this inherent fear of pitbulls for some reason, probably because pushed up noses somehow look badass. I've always said boxers are the sweetest-tempered dogs i've ever seen but people think they're violent because they look like pitbulls. on a similar topic, my uncle has 2 dogs; one is an australian sheepdog mix and the other is half German Shepherd and half Northern Coyote. His one folly is that if he stares you down, you best not stare back (an old wild dog habit of establishing dominance) but despite his huge paws and enormous size, he's one of the sweetest dogs i've met.
  20. fuckin shit, i wish i was in cbus during the indoor season...all-state goalie right here
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