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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. may want to have a look at it this weekend...from your ad on CL i think i live really close to you, I'm right off havens corners. i'll PM you my cell when I get home from business travel
  2. QFT. When I was in Munich taking a tour of the BMW factory like 4 years ago, they wouldnt shut the fuck up about the Phantom.
  3. SEAT used to be a spanish company, right?
  4. thats gonna change as soon as i find a suitable pictre edit: El Borracho Abides
  5. double post in my own thread, bichess!!! gettin borracho in toledo sucks my left nut...
  6. which S4 vs which M3. obviously not talking about the M3 CSL which went 2 seconds faster than the S4. Besides, why do the Audi guys always insist on comparing the M3 and the S4. I find that the type of drivers of each differ greatly, and that they are EXTREMELY different cars, and not only that but every SINGLE model of the M3 that comes out is immediately followed by an S4 of at least 10 more horsepower. Audi has a horrible inferiority complex about the M3. edit: look at the list of The Stig's times. How many of the top...say..25 are AWD. In fact, the first AWD car on the list I believe is the Murcielago...number 14
  7. i heard this from kissingsuzykolber.net, so its not my funnah; basically, Brady Quinn is just not right for Cleveland. Joe Thomas, is. Behold; Brady Quinn is an Irish Catholic pretty boy from Dublin, OH that went to Notre Dame. Cleveland material? no. Joe Thomas was gutting seafood when he got drafted. Cleveland material? Fuck yes.
  8. It's been shown (I believe on Top Gear, not some fuckoff show) that in dry conditions RWD handles better in all scenarios (even emergency maneuvers) than AWD.
  9. first on two edit: FUCK YOU, ASSRAG FOR TAKIN MY POST SPOT. second on two
  10. and he better bolt on that floor pan tighter this time, that fucker. post #16 bitchezzz
  11. seems to be the word on the chest....err, street
  12. so like....could you fit something bigger in there? like....i dunno....a 12 year old Filippino boy *shifty eyes*
  13. i really dont see the need for ubermagnified gigantor buttons 800x600 res unless you've got really bad eyesight and are nearly blind (like my uncle)
  14. so now to break the cycle of leghumping: dave, your sig is really fucking obnoxiously huge. i'll keep a lookout for the car, but try talking to neighbors about the truck; whether they saw it or got a license plate now back to teh cycle: http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol11/FatSpiderman.jpg
  15. 1440x900 on the lappy with 1280x1024 on the second monitor that i have dedicated to iTunes edit: yeah, my laptop graphics card is fuckin awesome
  16. o noes anime is getting deleted from youtube!!!:marc2::gives: did this topic really deserve a thread?
  17. as bored as you must be, this tutorial should be stickied forever so we don't get anymore of those how to requests on torrents or newsgroups.
  18. since there's other interest and i'm (unfairly so, I think) biased against olympus, count me out. i wouldn't dissuade anyone else from buying this camera, its just that for the kinda pictures i take, its not my kinda camera free bump
  19. whether for better or for worse, its nice to hear from the source of these stories i hear. i hate calling shit "evidence" when i hear from friend of a friend of a friend of a guy who knew a guy. I do know that my friend and I drove a yellow 04 GTO there that blew ASS and the transmission was shot to shit.
  20. i'm enjoying the current streak of namerapes. it keeps people guessing
  21. why don't you just let the kid polish his flesh knob in peace? buy him a couple playboys and let him wank in privacy so you don't get a nasty surprise one day when he sneaks onto your computer to fire off some knuckle children EDIT: then again, i often forget the kind of shit Linn posts up on here exists in abundance on the internet, so maybe that shit isn't such a bad idea.
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