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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. What you fucks don't realize is that a business is in business to make money, yes, but how do they do that? By being perceived to be the best at doing something. They wouldn't be in business if people didn't think they did a good job. That said, there are also a lot of people who think they do shitty business, and I'm one of them. Look at their feedback ratings on eBay. They have little negative feedback, but the way they respond to it is VERY unprofessional IMO. Instead of explaining in detail the problem that was encountered and that they AS THE BUSINESS tried to solve things, they immediately point fault towards the customers. That's bad business. Yeah, they're supposed to be making money, but they're also providing a service for customers; instead of responding to an unhappy potential customer by trying to solve a problem and keep the customer, they say "fuck you, we don't need your business" and go elsewhere. That is shitty management.
  2. So what do you have in your car for the guy that actually has a real handgun? I don't know why people on this forum who have anything less than CCW permits insist on talking like a badass and chasing everyone down. Anyone ever see that video of the canadian rednecks following the BMW Z4? Ever heard the saying "don't bring a knife to a gunfight?" Seriously, one of you guys is gonna get killed by your own machisimo attitude. Sometimes its better to leave the fight, cut your losses and not put your life at risk.
  3. whether or not Clinton had sound economic policy, he sure as hell had the confidence of Americans, and that goes a long fuckin' way when it comes to how they spend their money.
  4. http://dase.laits.utexas.edu/media/american_politics_collection/viewitem/pres_fedbudget_400.gif
  5. if everything is a result of the previous administration's economic policy, i suppose it was jimmy carter that saved the 1987 stock market crash?
  6. that happened in my friend's town, like 200 yards from his house. he was down here visiting and got a call from a friend who thought he was home yelling 'GET OUT OF THE HOUSE THERE'S A TORNADO"
  7. the truth is, no one knows jack shit about the economy. the only goddamn thing we know about economy, and WHICH WE LEARN IN ECON 101, is that everything revolves around ceterus paribus. And, given that, not a single person can take credit for an economy doing well or doing poorly. You can't say Reaganomics did or didnt work. It did some things well, it fucked up others. Same with every administration. Clinton may have ridden the previous administration's good policy, but goddamn he certainly made it last for more than a couple years. economic policy coming from the federal government will always ALWAYS ALWAYS help some and hurt others. if we want to start programs to help the needy, we're going to hurt the wealthy by taxing them. if we stop taxing the wealthy, as trickle-down economists prefer, we may create more jobs but inflation will then increase and those without skills will be in a worse predicament. I honestly think the Bush administration's true reason for going to war with Iraq had nothing to do with oil or terrorism; it had to do with the economy because war is one thing that ALWAYS helps your economy. Iraq was convenient, not as difficult a target as other countries (i.e. iran, north korea, pakistant, etc.), and it at least ostensibly had some legitimate targets like Saddam and the magical WMDs.
  8. quad post BLOCKED....just call me RASHEEEEEEEED WALLACE
  9. I love the GN style, i just hate that color...there's certain cars you just dont fuck with in terms of historic significance, and painting a GN any color other than black is blasphemy
  10. http://www.intellexual.net/temp/2jzswapwithnas.jpg
  11. posting PMs should be a bannable offense. they're PRIVATE messages for a reason. unless you have the consent of the other person, that's BS.
  12. FUCK THIS IS BEAUTIFUL why the fuck must people sell off my favorite goddamn cars before i have a chance to buy them. FUCKING BUMP for a beautiful car.
  13. FC Barcelona is gonna be unstoppable. Ronaldinho + Henry = dominance. Still, I'm an oldschool AC Milan fan. I love watching Kaka play, and then you've got guys like Inzaghi, Pirlo, Gattuso, a goalie like fucking Dida, lockdown defense with Cafu....and some other schmuck called Ronaldo, whoever the fuck that is. Oh, and if there's any Chelsea fans here, you can get your bandwagon-jumping ass out of this fucking thread. The only good thing about Chelsea is Frank Lampard, with maybe Essien and Carvalho. Didier Drogba is a diving, whining prick.
  14. still confused as to the details of this shit: If MuscleSS explicitly threatened someone on here, whether banned, thief, or not, he should be banned cuz he broke a rule. However, if he said something ominous and not explicitly threatening, then actually punched someone, then I'm of the opinion that he shouldn't be banned. He didn't explicitly break any rules, and its not like CR members have never gotten in fights unrelated to CR stuff before. If this happened at a CR event like QS&L, maybe, but this was his own thing...
  15. Beckham is a big deal cuz someone decided he was worth $250 million. of course they're gonna cover him. in other news, LA put up a pitiful effort.
  16. Seriously, there have been more threats and subsequent bans in the past week or so than I've ever seen. Granted, the mods are cracking down on rule violations a lot more strictly (I actually like it...equal enforcement is doin well), but it seems like the tension is a lot higher and everyone's gettin a bit violent. Discuss
  17. HAHAHA 1 post and already banned. if you want to challenge me or threaten me, use PM you dumbfuck.
  18. reviving an unremarkable thread should = ban
  20. i only take imitrex when i've got a migraine so awful Excedrin won't help.
  21. I know a guy who bought an SRT-4 then 2 years later, BAM he's pregnant. Cheap power, FWD, fruit rollup interior. SRTforums.com. I'd say stay the fuck away, for your money you can get a lot better power and better handling.
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