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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. It really doesn't matter what guns are used most in crimes. It matters what guns are NOT used in crimes at all. I wonder if there's ever been a gun, rifle, shotgun, or handgun, that has NEVER been used to do something illegal.
  2. why didn't you post that before i spend 2 hours figuring it the fuck out
  3. where are you stuck? do you have the scale put together?
  4. no shirt, no shoes, no problem
  5. this is hands down one of the most intelligent and well thought out political debate threads in CR's history.
  6. I think that the idea of imposing larger sentences for hate crimes completely obliterates the idea of racial equality. By making a "hate crime" a more serious offense, you're giving license to those who perpetrate these crimes to get their message of racial hatred out into the world.
  7. coombs test: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coombs_test
  8. methinks this n00b will do well here
  9. holy fuck just finished that sphere one....it took me like 2 hours, i kid you not. that is by far the hardest one yet.
  10. rule #76 no excuses play like a champion
  11. well put. I just really have a hard time with hardliners for either side, whether it is those who ignore the idea of the militia no longer being necessary to our security and simply say "I want to have as many of whatever kind of guns I want and I don't want the government snooping" or those who say "now that we have an army and police we're perfectly safe from everything and no one needs guns"
  12. stop saying peerage, you don't even know what it means...you probably just wikipedia'd that shit. are you the man now? has your power gotten to your head?
  13. Leaders of Everything are so pretentious. Barons are down with the people, reppin' the streets and takin' down the man.
  14. 10:30 while doing a takehome midterm.
  15. I hate when you can't find the droids you want. That really grinds my gears.
  16. They put up the infrastructure, you follow their rules. If you go flying through a windshield and your brains end up all over the double yellow lines, its not your distraught family that's gonna scrape up your gray matter and clean the shit out of your pants. Its the people the government pays to do that. Yeah, you pay taxes but so does everyone else that doesn't want your big dumb head flying through their windshield when you decide that the big bad government has no right to tell you what side of the road to drive on and you're a free spirit so you're gonna drive on the OTHER side of the road and hit them head on. If you don't want to wear your seatbelt, find someone with a brain that's over 18 to drive and you can sit in the backseat and bounce around all you like. EDIT: and with regards to smoking, not everyone wants to smell like ash. I personally think 99.9% of that secondhand smoke stuff is bullshit and a lot of those smoking statistics are completely taken out of context, but the fact still remains...you smoking inconveniences other people when you're in a public place, and to some point causes a health hazard to others. I'm the last person you'll meet that wants to appease everyone like a damn liberal, but at some point you've got to say enough is enough.
  17. Ok I acknowledge that I was wrong about the number of commas. In that case, I want you to put in layman's terms a quick sentence that would convey the meaning of the second amendment. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. So what is "being necessary to the security of a free State" in reference to? The right of the people to bear arms? OR a well regulated militia? The National Guard is NOT the modern-day militia. The militia, by definition, is comrpised of ALL ABLE-BODIED MEN of a certain age range...in colonial America it was 16-65. Now I believe it is 18-45, but I'm not sure. Still, the National Guard is a volunteer force that is maintained by the state government and can be called forth by the federal government, as has been done in Iraq.
  18. ^^ i disagree...thats like saying you'd fuck a really nasty looking fat bitch as long as she was a nymphomaniac
  19. Dude, I already send you my dick in a box to Iraq...what more do you want?
  20. If a well regulated militia is essential to the security of the state, then why do we have a large standing army? The DEFINITION of a militia (it is specifically militia, not MILITARY) as it was used then was intended to keep military forces from becoming an instrument of oppression and tyranny throughout the country. The idea was that the people control the armed forces of the country, not the government. Why do you think that the Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces is an elected person (and more often than not a CIVILIAN). Because it was determined that countries that had large regular forces often extended their imperial arm to colonize other countries. Seriously, dudes, you've got to read up on your American military history before you go spouting off about the constitution. Also, grammatically, "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State" is an adjective clause modifying the phrase "the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Only one comma. Therefore, the adjective clause modifies the main clause, essentially saying that "the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed because a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free State." Now that we have numerous regular forces (509k Army, 180k Marines, etc.) we don't need a local militia force for the security of the state. If you were truly an antifederalist, you would support drastic reductions in the size and funding of the United States Armed Forces...if you purport to be the well regulated and armed militia of the United States, why should my tax dollars go to building ICBM's and B-2 bombers? Why shouldn't the government just stop making me pay to support a $400 billion dollar war in Iraq and tell me to buy my own goddamn AK-47 to shoot up every Arab I see in our airports? /thread.
  21. man i don't know what it is about that car that just pisses me off...i normally like the 914 but something about that one is horrible...maybe the wheels?
  22. Quoted for motherfuckin truth. Ok mike, I know this is gonna piss you off, and you know I agree with you on a lot of 2nd amendment issues, but here's the devil's advocate. "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." That is the text of the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. That first half of the sentence is the conditional phrase that 2nd amendment advocates ALWAYS forget. So here's a little bit of military history to give it context: Until World War I, the United States Armed Forces (going under various other names) can be described in three words: small and insignificant. During peacetime, the US Army never really exceeded 25,000 men. Not only that, but in the former half of the 19th century, there was always the threat of Indians, British, French, and Spanish forces from all sides. The Army was poorly funded and was only strengthened in times of war, the idea being that a weak army would dissuade U.S. policy makers from brashly going to war (something the current 509,000 man Army fails to do). Therefore, individuals were much more responsible for their own security on the Western frontier. Also, one must consider the technology involved. The breechloading rifle wasn't mass produced until 1811, and repeating rifles (especially the Winchesters) werent invented until the 1850's and 60's (in versions that really worked). The percussion cap wasn't invented until 1842. In these days, we have the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Marine Corps, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the National Guard for each state, which is the most comparable thing to the "militia" system that the United States started out with, despite great differences. Whether you favor interpreting the Constitution or taking it literally, the 2nd Amendment doesn't leave much room for interpretation.
  23. I, the Baron of CR, hereby welcome you into the feudal system, serf. Seriously, just have a sense of humor. It seems that you're pretty complacent and humble, so you should do well here. Get your post count up, because thats how everyone here judges you (jk).
  24. HOW ABOUT YOU GO TO THE CLASSROOM AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF YOU BUTTFUCKING CUMBUBBLE...until then, stfu you ricer ass vtec honda JDM yo driver
  25. alluc.org peekvid.com (not updated much anymore)
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