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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. depending on your last name, you could do something with initials... RWD AWD FWD...though I would never do that EFI ABS LSD K&N LPE IPS (god forbid powers catches wind of that) SBC BBC
  2. How about Crankshaft? Seriously tho; Rod Jeremy Clarkson The Stig Aston Royce (Roy) Morgan Carroll (as in Shelby ) Frank Bullitt Speed Racer Ricky Bobby
  3. edit: nevermind...lets just beat him into a crying pussy
  4. dude, long hair ain't no big problem...i'm just too damn lazy to get mine cut so it grows. then again, i don't spend hours making it into the perfect "shag"
  5. Clinton pardoned his half-brother, along with a few people involved in the Whitewater scandal that Bill and Hillary were allegedly involved with, though no charges were officially made. The difference is that Bill Clinton pardoned all those people knowing that a Republican was coming into office. Therefore there would be no immediate reprocussions for him or his political party. If the Republican candidate wins in 2008, Bush may not be so hasty to go on a pardoning rampage because the Republicans still have to appeal to a potentially still Democrat Congress.
  6. a pardon may happen, but i dunno...if the republicans get the presidency again, W may leave it up to the next prez to do the honors
  7. http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/03/06/cia.leak/index.html Hell yes!!!!! One for the justice system baby! I'm so glad that this filthy fuck is going to rot.
  8. this is serious thread. http://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/VC/B/B/G/W/_/vcbbgw.jpg edit: is this a chick or a dude? i can't tell
  9. i have a great idea, miller. how about I start shit with him, let him start kickin my ass, and you come in to "save me" and give him the beating of a lifetime.
  10. dude i wanna fight...i called first dibs
  11. if you can hold out for a week, i'll be back in CBus on saturday. I haven't gotten in a drunk fight in a while, and I bet I can use the Apache to piss him off. HAHAHAHAHA http://a269.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/64/l_f5ac8ca7399375dac7e5f46273022d1c.jpg caption: "what happens when u run a celice into a pile of snow purposly" this guy seems like a tried and true shitstain. I'd be more than happy to start shit with him, aka deodorant on his windshield, etc.
  12. I dunno how it'd work. I'd be willing to throw down $5 or $10, whatever y'all want. I'm sure we can put it on ESPN or something, and it'd be easier since I'm gonna be in Boston.
  13. USE REGULAR GAS YOU GODDAMN HIPPIE. nah just kidding, i have no idea...just postwhoring i guess.
  14. the internet is serios bisniss
  15. Anyone feel up to a CR March Madness pool?
  16. lol and what, the people on the right of the political spectrum have all their policies based in absolute fact? I'll remind you that it was the antifederalist (i use the term to get away from the Liberal/Conservative stigmas. the word means those not in favor of a powerful central government) states that fought tooth and nail to preserve slavery as a way of life. Why did they do this? It was based on the Josiah Nott theory that because the skulls of African-Americans held less shot than skulls of caucasians that they were a lesser species of human, or even not human at all. What Nott's publishers never mentioned was that he used bigger shot in the African-American skulls, which was less space efficient. Yeah, lets not start throwing the "theory-based" shit around, now mkaaaay?
  17. I heard turboslut isn't doing anything then... oh yeah....this thread just went there
  18. So by your logic someone who believes they have the best plan for the future of the country should run not based on what will get them in a position of power with which they could implement initiatives to solve major issues; they should rather run on whatever they believe in whether it gets them into office or not? I agree to some degree, but definitely not the way you said it. Ann Coulter isn't running for anything. She's just a conservative firebrand that gets her jollies trying to alienate the left in this country with unethical and often just plain wrong means. You don't call someone a faggot in a professional setting. Whether it is at an office or in politics, you just don't call someone a faggot, regardless of the degree of truth. You wouldn't spread gossip around the office calling some normal white guy a "ni***r" because that shit isn't cool. You wouldn't walk around saying your hot boss is a towelhead. You don't call political foes those names either. I'm not defending John Edwards, I think he's a complete phony. But people like Ann Coulter just kinda piss me off, not because of their political affiliations but because of how they conduct themselves. This country needs good people in power instead of trash talking self absorbed talking heads like Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter. We don't need people who make their bread and butter by making inflammatory comments about others, we need people who succeed by representing the will of the people.
  19. and then think about how much more money there'd be in the driving instruction field (as in you'd have to be qualified instead of just some bumfuck who knows how to drive) there'd be a lot more money in public transportation, there'd be a lot less reliance on foreign gasoline (if this was a nationwide phenomenon), there wouldn't be as many accidents, there wouldn't be as much need to spend millions on infrastructure such as improving roads, widening lanes, creating massive intersections.
  20. troof. Said it before and i've said it again. Doesn't matter how big your tires, brakes, or transfer case is...if you're following someone within a few feet, even going 15 mph, you're a douchebag driver.
  21. more proof http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/03/04/coulter.edwards/index.html
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