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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. this guy wants to fuck some sense into ann coulter
  2. ahhh i forget...i'll look for it when its not late
  3. went there for my senior trip 2 years ago...same deal, different high school, except we did get to go up on the CN tower. Also, they pretty much let us run wild through the town. Everyone was drunk and getting tattoos and piercings, which was hilarious. Was the dumbed down magic mountain that Playdium shit or somthing? We called it the Space Base In Your Face Place.
  4. welcome to the site. sense of humor, all that shit and you'll do well blah blah.
  5. "I would comment on John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot'" -Ann Coulter She is, in every sense of the word, a fucking cunt. I don't throw the term around loosely, but she definitely earns it.
  6. You're from the Northeast, so you probably understand what I mean when I say this: at least its not Boston.
  7. As long as your family is ok, the rest of the stuff is minor. I hope no one's really hurt.
  8. Status: Connecting ... Status: Looking for a guide ... Status: Connected to guide: Carol(77859) Carol(77859): Welcome to ChaCha! Carol(77859): Hello You: I need a list of everyone in america named Xerxes Carol(77859): Ok one moment please You: I'm trying to reenact a battle, and it would really help if we had people with the real names. Xerxes is hard/ Carol(77859): I'm searching You: Thanks Carol(77859): How are these? You: I think these will work...do you know if by any chance they are willing to put their lives at risk in battle against the Spartans? Carol(77859): I don't know anything about them sorry You: Well then...thanks.
  9. bitch, i AM a big beastly dude.
  10. i said blowjob, not throat yogurt...as in getting a blowjob
  11. Naw not really, but they did ban the "N-Word" (I chose not to use the actual word, even in context, for fear that I might face banhammer) http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/news/news-newyork-word.html?_r=4&oref=slogin&oref=slogin&oref=slogin&oref=slogin Seriously though. New York has recently banned talking on cell phones while driving, listening to an iPod while walking across the street, using the n-word, trans-fat, smoking everywhere indoors, what the fuck else is next? Can't people figure out what is good for themselves without having asschurros like Hilary Clinton and Michael Bloomberg stepping in?
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/01/teacher.arrest.ap/index.html Haha I love how they refer to the kids as victims. I would have loved to have gotten a hummer from her when i was 15.
  13. i take a moral stance against walmart. At least Meijer tries to cover up the fact that they're an evil corporation.
  14. see, that shit is such a sick addiction to go thru...i actually go thru and read the offender info, see what they're getting put to death for.
  15. peekvid.com not porn i swear, it has a shitload of movies, TV shows, whatev. They used to have a shitload of eps of Top Gear but their new Beta sucks and they got rid of them. Also, this site was revived after the Texas DOJ took it down; a list of last meals requested by 301 convicts executed between 12/07/1982-3/26/2003. http://www.thememoryhole.org/deaths/texas-final-meals.htm
  16. secondary offense: don't get pulled over for speeding and it won't matter.
  17. that student driver car looks like it ran into a deer or something
  18. Lmao warning...manass http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol4/owned.jpg
  19. IMO Jay Peak is the best mountain the Northeast has to offer, Stowe used to be great but its a little overcommercialized given what the mountain has to offer.
  20. here ya go...this is basically what it is all the time, except for those amazing catches
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