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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I forget the events that may or may not have taken place this past weekend...not good.
  2. You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts.
  3. Every experience I have ever had at Ledos involves someone either A) getting their ass kicked or B) taking a ride in the paddy wagon Speakin of St. Paddy's Miller, I'll give you a call or something tonight.....or maybe you call me. who cares, lets get drunk.
  4. YOU'VE BEEN HIT BY THE |^^^^^^^^^^^^^| |Truck full of Mexicans| '|""";.., ___. |_..._...______====|= _|__|..., ] | "(@ )'(@ )""""*|(@ )(@ )******(@ Sorry they have no insurance.
  5. trust me, i'm fatter than linn...don't insult him like that. also my hair is long as fuck now...i got lazy and never got it cut
  6. edited for boring ass content seriously, though. you spent the time to look me up on myspace and think up a halfwit comment to my picture. honestly, you might want to consider how much effort you should be putting into trying to make me look like a "fucking circus act" considering i don't give a rats ass about the opinion of a guy who calls his house the "bunny ranch" to try and lure highschool girls over to win the approval of a bunch of socialite pricks like yourself
  7. edited for boring ass content + req. move to the kitchen:rolleyes:
  8. benchracing ricer:p welcome, don't get caught up in the shens
  9. just take morse road all the way out to granville on a summer night around 2am...you gotta watch out for deer sometimes, but for the most part its fun and its a cool cruise
  10. A baller ass truck:cool: What do you contribute? Pictures of you sucking underage girls' titties?
  11. Because they wanted to get a pair of big, horny, dumbass Texans on the show to make fun of everyone from Texas, just like they got those two crazy-ass black guys in the Civic, and the fucking psychotic bitches in the Scion. Does anyone actually think the Civic or the Scion had a chance? No. Were they in last and 2nd-to-last? Yes.
  12. i've got $20 on Thorne
  13. Cuz badass Columbus Academy people are my heroes (lol selfpwn!)
  14. dude, you need to learn the language of thuggin'. http://www.urbandictionary.com
  15. any ideas on how much to do this for? i won't be in OH for the finals, but i'd be willing to throw down $5
  16. Dude, it's spring. He was ultimo benchracer and then Cavin showed up to rep the Cizzlebus streets mad l337 style and THE AMC BOYS was like "o snap!!!" and bugged out and now he's crying while jerking off alone to pictures of coltboostin's crashed 147mph trapmobile.
  17. wow a rare hit at denny dotson. all i've ever heard from people that buy there is just horror story after horror story.
  18. CR MARCH MADNESS INFORMATION FOR ESPN.COM BRACKETOLOGY!! group name: Columbus Racing password: benchracing
  19. i worked at a coffee shop, and it was easy as fuck...7.50 an hour + tips (usually ended up at 12 an hour), the customers are easy and it was a simple job
  20. give her the ole' "Buckin' Bronco"...start fucking her from behind, then start yelling out another girl's name and see how long you can stay on. that should end it in style
  21. still more than you got, bitch... you serfs are all full of it.
  22. The Baron of CR is here. The Baron of CR approves of this thread. The Baron of CR spreads his blessing upon all who post here.
  23. you're also obligated to try and stick it in all the bridesmaids
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