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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. actually as far as cheapo beers, Labbat Blue isn't terrible
  2. two of them were within 1/4 mile of my dorm. One was at Fenway, the other at the BU Bridge. I'd seen them for like 2 weeks, I think its fucking hilarious that they just went crazy now. Instead of blaming the people who thought this up, we should be blaming the excessively paranoid idiot who reported this "bomb threat".
  3. Edward 40hands is hard as fuck, but it gets like 40 times easier if you get a good friend (girl, preferrably) to agree to help you fandangle your wangle out of your jeans if you need to piss. On another note, the greatest drinking game i've ever played is Land Mines. You have to use bottles (* for awesomeness right there), red plastic cups (just cuz they're classic), a quarter, and a bigass table. The rules are as follows: You pour whatever amount of beer you want into your cup. You spin the quarter by holding it with one hand and flicking a side with the other hand. You must then drink everything in the cup with the same hand you flicked the quarter with and pick up the quarter before it falls absolutely flat on its side. Slamming the quarter to the table and dragging it off the side doesn't count as a pickup. Should the quarter fall, you have to drink again, but this time put more beer in the cup than you did before. and so on. Then, after you finish a bottle, you may use it to slam ANYONE'S quarter down while they are drinking. They pick up the quarter but LEAVE THE BOTTLE WHERE IT WAS SLAMMED. It becomes a land mine. This is because after 5 or 6 rounds, the table is absolutely littered with bottles and its hard as fuck to spin a quarter without it hitting on and falling or careening off the side of the table.
  4. century...power hour, but with 100 minutes instead of 60...you end up drinking 12.5 beers in 1 hour 40 minutes its a bit more fun than bonging it, since i usually make a mix of 100 1-minute song clips and you can play cards or whatever while its goin on
  5. bud light is the best cheap beer if you want to get sloshed for under $10. As for my favorite beer, I'd have to go with either Boddington's or Dogfish Head Double Proof IPA. Liquor-wise, I'd say Grey Goose and Level are instant favorites, but I absolutely love a drink called the Conquistador: 2 oz Captain Morgan® Original spiced rum 1 oz Kahlua® Especial coffee liqueur 1 oz Bailey's® Irish cream shake with ice and serve in a cocktail glass
  6. well the plutonium reaction chamber isn't providing enough jiggawatts for the flux capacitor. or tell him that the cat converter is missing a bearing slip sensor, and that he's going to need a new oxygen refractor to isolate the cause of the FeO2 spread throughout the tire wall.
  7. lol barua, you probably have so many bad pictures of me. yeah, that night was a ridiculous drinkfest.
  8. i love how they're treating the kid like a fucking terrorist... "WHERE'S THE BOMB, YOU LITTLE FUCK?" "dude...naked and greased up...no bomb" "I WANT FULL CAVITY SEARCHES ON HIM AND ALL HIS FRIENDS!"
  9. pay your respects? maybe this guy's ultimate form of respect was having his final wishes carried out. to me, this funeral shows that the guy wanted to be seen having died as he lived. a true steelers fan from cradle to grave, and no special $4000 casket and a suit he probably would've never worn.
  10. my dad used to have a ford probe, and that thing did just great in CT winters. also, what about an older volvo? can't beat those things for the winter, and the "it'll run forever" factor is pretty damn high.
  11. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1999-BMW-750iL-Nice-NAV-PDC-DSP-RShade-LowRsrv_W0QQitemZ220076360486QQihZ012QQcategoryZ6009QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. if the kids are doing well in school and arent little hellraisers, let them do what they wish
  13. lol i love pictures that have some arbitrary dude in the background on their cell phone.
  14. way back when i was a young'un i had long hair and it started talking to me at night. it told me "go smoke reefer and listen to Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix and rebel against your elders! you know what's good for you, and you and me are gonna run away from home. and then you'll dye me blue and we'll take over the world!" seriously, what the fuck is with people getting their panties in a bunch over a goddamn kid's haircut. My hair has gone through a billion different styles and colors. yeah, i fucking turned my hair red. you know why? because when i was 15, i realized that my hair is gonna be all fucking gone one day and i might as well abuse the hell out of it while i've still got it. and right now it's long, not because i'm a godforsaken hippie bostonian potsmoker, but because i got really lazy and haven't gotten the cojones to spend $15 on a haircut. let your kids do what they want. life is short and its not like they're ever gonna start growing more hair....on their head.
  15. buy a 1959 chevy apache rwd, its horrendous in the snow but even if you hit something, you'll be completely fine and the exterior will be pretty much unscathed
  16. I dunno about you, but I always loved the look of the E38 (late 90s/early 00s) BMW 750iL. James Bond rocked one in Tomorrow Never Dies, and I've always had a half-chub since then for them. A black one with some big 19" BMW rims is IMO one of the classiest rides around. The V8 variant (740iL) is also pretty sweet, and Dinan has a whole mess of things you can spend a shitload of money on for that model (for instance, a Dinan supercharger that is not available for the V12) http://www.bmw.org.ua/auto/7/e38/4.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e0/BMW_750il.jpg
  17. so you're into basketball sized exit wounds, huh? that is, assuming aforementioned target has enough flesh to allow such a wound to be measured. as for an ak with 75 rounds...would that do the trick? i'm not a gun buff by any means, but i'd still choose stopping power > assload of ammo.
  18. So we've all seen the "post a pic of yourself" threads, now post a stupid picture that you're mildly embarassed about. This is me after 5 hours of drinking and playing drunken monopoly ("YOU'RE IN JAIL, YOU HAVE TO DRINK TO GET OUT!"). I'm a shaggy motherfucker right now. http://photos.pe.facebook.com/v66/77/124/8213339/n8213339_32360158_1248.jpg
  19. shiiiiit i would love to have this but i can't bring it to school. bump for the most unique "for sale" thread i've ever seen
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