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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. is gonna fix the shitty speedo on the apache.......hopefully, if i ever fucking make it home to ohio
  2. my apache only sits about 9 inches off the ground...you've already lost!
  3. i will take any of these races. the Apache will be sporting a cowcatcher
  4. when everyone in this thread says "doctor" what they really mean is "penis doctor" which is a politically correct term for "unregistered physical contact solicitor" which is a politically correct term for "a hooker"
  5. My conditions: -Roll or Dig, does not matter. -It has to be on a one-lane road -Head on races only -No seatbelts allowed. The Apache will pwn all.
  6. is going to lose the Benchracing Cup when my Ikea bench pwns him down the hill
  7. i dunno what you're talkin about nitrousbird, i'm 6'3" 240lbs and i can fit in my friend's. its not the most comfortable thing ever, but for AutoX it would be fine.
  8. the Ravens are gonna re-scramble Ben Bitchberger's brain this weekend. Sacked 9 times the first meeting, he gon' get raped!
  9. the big guy upstairs will be hearing from me http://origin.arstechnica.com/journals/thumbs.media/mr-t.jpg but seriously, i dont pray but my thoughts go out to them.
  10. http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol/sign_newbs.jpg
  11. yeah no one noticed that? BIG BOLD RED ITALICISED UNDERLINED N00B
  12. no kidding, i guess he won't be the bleeding pussy type. oh and i've probably got the slowest (running) vehicle here on CR, so don't feel bad about it.
  13. http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol3/youareawesome.gif
  14. so she's a Ginn, Jr fan...someone should give him her #
  15. jesus i would trade the apache for this thing in an instant. except my family would disown me. amazing car.
  16. quoted just because. i am not a drunk dialer. in fact, i have a terrible tendency to completely forget my phone exists when i am drunk. also, i lose all concept of the value of currency. as a corollary to this thread, what kind of drunk are you? I am two kinds of drunk. The first kind is when I drink at a reasonable pace and get drunk, I usually like to have retardedly hilarious adventures. Usually these nights end up in meeting some ridiculously fun people, adventures with police (good) and just random shennanigans. The other kind of drunk is the blackout. This only happens when I start hard, because I get drunk really fast and lose the ability to slow down. This usually ends up in me puking a LOT, forgetting to drink water and having a horrible hangover, and often times there are people ushering me out of a party before I start a fight after I tripped and spilled beer on someone's Pumas, and he got in my face.
  17. http://www.stimpco.com/carpix/lol3/rocklee.jpg
  18. hay guys, i like safari, its the greatest!!! /gay. i use FF2, its pretty good. I think people take internet browsers too fuckin seriously.
  19. and the winner for Rant of the Year goes to... seriously, though, you make a good point. The media coverage about those Mt. Hood guys regoddamndiculous.
  20. opacity.us, the guy does a lot of amazing photography. check it out.
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