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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. hahahaha best samuel l jackson pic ever
  2. its worse here in MA, where right outside my dorm is the Mass Turnpike and there's pretty much at least 4 accidents every single night. traffic is a daily gridlock from 3pm-7pm.
  3. what do you call an anorexic girl with a yeast infection? a quarter pounder with cheese* *note, does not work in france
  4. thank you for using the correct name. if i hear someone call it "Teenage Wasteland" one more time, i'm gonna have to choke a bitch.
  5. Okay, so theres an issue that is surrounding Boston University right now that has recieved national attention; not much, but enough to spark a controversy. I'll link you guys, but here's the short and dirty version of it: BU Campus Republicans recently announced that they would be giving out a Caucasian Scholarship. This would be a scholarship awarded to someone who is at least 25% caucasian and who submits an essay that BUCR deems the best on the topic of what it means to be Caucasian-American today. The dollar amount? $250. Chump change. However, someone somewhere said "NO, WHITE KIDS AREN'T ALLOWED TO HAVE ADVANTAGES" and decided to make this a huge debate. So, lets see where this takes cr.com. I firmly believe that people need to get a grip on reality. Affirmative action is in place to correct social and economic imbalances that exist due to racial problems. Whether it is because of injustices committed in the past or by self-deprication on the parts of those helped by affirmative action is not important because the idea is to get to a certain, acceptable level of equality. What is acceptable, then? In 63 years, the United Negro College fun has spent over $2 billion to exclusively help 350,000 black students. The fact that people are in an uproar over $250 to someone who is 25% white shows to me that people don't really have a grasp on equality at all. Discuss. EDIT: i posted this in the parking lot because i want it to be a good political/social discussion. move it to the kitchen if you think it'll just turn into a name-calling competition.
  6. tunak tunak run looks like something that should've been in The Big Lebowski, but was replaced by a less racial acid flashback
  7. the problem is that the interior of the apache has no paneling, its straight up stamped steel. Good for when Joe Schmoe the drunk driver runs into me, but not for this.
  8. Okay so the Apache is completely without a sound system. Well not completely. It has an old school shitty single speaker with no radio whatsoever, but who cares, I'm still gonna rip it out. So I need some suggestions on where to go for audio. What I want: -A good head unit is a definite must, I've been considering nav (if i can get a late model piece for less money), and a flip-up screen would be cool, but my only requirement is that the thing is iPod-ready. No satellite, I probably won't even listen to the radio. So CDs or iPod. -A pair of speakers would be fine, I don't need 6 6.5 inch speakers and tweeters and a pair of 6x9s. A couple well-placed speakers would be great. -A subwoofer is a definite. Again, no need for a 15 inch asspounder, especially since there is basically no room to spare in the cabin, a small one with a custom box designed under the seat or behind the seat (there's also the gas tank there....problems) is probable. -This doesn't need to be pretty. I'll pretty up the interior way down the road. Form follows function. Money: -I don't want to have to eBay my left nut to pay for this whole setup. In fact, I'd be willing to ghetto-rig some of the shit myself if i could learn how. Would it be easy enough to learn and to just take it step-by-step on my own as a spring break project maybe, or should I go somewhere pro. -I don't want this shit to be ghetto if i'm paying someone to do it. I can do a shitty job on my own, i'm not gonna fork over hundreds to watch some jackoff in a jumpsuit do it for me.
  9. the majority of CR members who post in this thread will see jail time for being connected to this kind of content.
  10. honestly though, for every innocent buyer that gets screwed over like yourself, they probably deal with a dozen yahoos that do nothing but 5k clutch drops and donuts for 2 weeks straight and come back to the dealer complaining of a weak tranny. as much as it sucks he's jerking you around, its more the fault of shitty drivers than bad business practice.
  11. she is. i'm not the protective older brother type, i'd be fine with her dating a 24 year old as long as he wasn't a douchebag that was just gonna take advantage of her.
  12. i'm already on verizon, i have an e815, and i want a samsung sch a990 for free, what are you gonna do for me. jk, i know that'll never happen. but seriously, that phone is the tits.
  13. Wait for it... wait for it... aaaaand... http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/e/e0/Townshend_Tinitus_01.jpg/800px-Townshend_Tinitus_01.jpg Roger Daltrey + Pete Townshend + Kieth Moon + John Entwistle = greatest rock band of all time, yes better than the Stones, yes better than the Beatles (because The Who could actually do a concert...the Beatles were a studio band, they never performed any live shows after Sgt. Pepper's)
  14. just for arguments' sake, if you drive it daily, is it not a daily driver, regardless of how many seats or the legality of it all?
  15. Funny guy http://cgi.ebay.com/SONY-PLAYSTATION-3-PS3-SYSTEM-60GB-PREMIUM-IN-STOCK-NEW_W0QQitemZ110059316900QQihZ001QQcategoryZ62054QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem look at the asking price. now look at the pictures. now look at the location. due to our proximity, i think we have a responsibility to make this guy eat his shirts, however funny they are (I survived abortion. HAHA!)
  16. gahhhhhhh my sister's age! fuck you linn
  17. i think the RS6 is probably one of the nicest cars ever made. its unassuming, fast as fuck, it doesn't necessarily outclass everything it competes against but for what it tried to be, it succeeded.
  18. on the contrary, this thread rocks. http://www.gnr.szm.sk/obr/slash.jpg
  19. orly? someone sticky a "Inform Caxide of CR Updates before he makes an ass out of himself" thread. probably wouldn't even work.
  20. its good i'm not the only one that thought that^^^^
  21. someone sticky a "Contact DJ for Verizon" thread so we don't have to start a new thread every time someone wants to talk about a verizon phone.
  22. registered june 2006, one post. yea you're new. welcome, have a sense of humor, and watch your cornhole.
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