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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. i searched "happy fetus" on google images, and this came up http://www.weirdspot.com/images/uploads/1cake.jpg happy benchracing season [Edit: Images like this should be LINKED only and the NWS icon should be used.]
  2. you fail to understand that i don't care that you're in this thread. in fact, i'm completely overjoyed that you're unwittingly making yourself the biggest joke on CR since Sam started making "kittah" threads. so what i want from you is an honest defense. i'll stop berating you with big words for a few posts if you'll give us a serious response: why are you smarter than me. in a coherent, well thought out post, explain to me why your "better than thou" attidude is justified. why are you smarter, more manly, and an authority on homosexuality.
  3. gee mister, you sure are smart. i mean, 40 years old, experience in the military and knowing a lot about cars...it doesn't get much smarter! who needs to know about rate of return on investment. knowing something about the middle east while we're engaged in a war with pretty much the entire region? who needs it! trying to learn about the psychology of the human mind? you know about the psychology of the human mind: gays are unnatural and wrong, Jesus is right, and you're the manliest man around. tell us a little about yourself. you know i'm a Boston U student that studies international relations with a minor in history, that i like to shoot my mouth off and point out obvious mental coordinative deficiencies of others. what about your educational background, seeing as you apparently have a wealth of knowledge that puts you on a superior plane of cognition.
  4. actually what you said fits right in to the topic. besides, no one gets sand in their vagina about that. i'm still not reading a no about sexual repression;)
  5. a good driver is someone who is alert, has common sense, and recognizes that when he or she is on the road, he has little to no control over the actions of others, so he does everything in his power to make himself as small a target for misfortune as possible
  6. and one more time for good measure you, my friend, have just made yourself a shining example of irony EDIT: Oh and it wasn't so much the fast car and gay bashing that make me wonder if you're compensating, its the fact that you need to assure a bunch of strangers from 2 hours away from home that you've supposedly got more than any of them do. Good job snagging a wife and knocking her up a few times. Congrats, you can visit animal shelters and pick up pets. You bought a home. Great. You've got a fast car. Super duper. Now, what I wonder is, how does that make me gay? You're the one that had a gay old time in the military showering with all your barracks butt-buddies. Your need to assert yourself as some sort of alpha male is what gives me the idea that you've got an inferiority complex, and supplemental to that is your hatred for homosexuals and the need to prove yourself on the track, and even idly make allusions to being able to defend yourself in a fight. You're just a big fluffy ball of testosterone, aren't you. Its really cute how, no matter how much you hate gays, think you have a more manly lifestyle, and feel superior to CR both as a man and as a racer, you still come back hour after hour to try and rag on a 19 year old and a 21 year old. That shows some serious confidence. I'm gonna continue to eat falafel, drink Sam Adams, and fuck the ever loving shit out of the girl that lives across the hall from me. If you think thats gay, then call me Liberace.
  7. AMC boy, ever hear of a guy named john wayne gacy? he loathed gay people. more so than you, but its nice to see that you share his sentiments. you know what though? posthumously, its been suspected that he himself was gay, and that his murders were a defense mechanism. the people here on CR are pretty well balanced. none of the corvette guys are flamboyant assholes, as most stereotypes would suggest just to give an example. you, however, make me wonder. you seem to be the epitome of someone who is compensating for something. you have a beastly fast car, feel the need to assert your male dominance, and are constantly accusing others of homosexual tendencies when no such evidence exists. tilley, you're the doctor here. am i just taking shots in the dark, or is this guy a classic case of freudian repression.
  8. yeah no kidding. it takes 5 hours to get from pontiac (which is normally 20 min north) to where my friend's grandma lives. next year, i might bring the truck up because his dad'll be bringing up their 1962 Morgan 4/4
  9. Woodward Dream Cruise > * if you want to see Detroit muscle.
  10. the point of this thread was to give you a canvas with which you could paint a vivid picture of the cultural abyss that you represent. i think the last time i heard insults that juvenile, I was in high school, which was admittedly not long ago. did you learn to talk smack like that in your GED class?
  11. let me reiterate: i wake up with a raging bone every morning, without exception. why would i pay even $20 to see this everyday occurance with the knowledge that all it will ever be is a bone, no matter how many ones i stuff in the bitch's gstring. i'd rather spend $20 to get some bitch in a club drunk, cuz at least with her there's a chance i'll get my knob slobbed
  12. just keep the silly pics coming, funny man.
  13. WM seeks companion, preferrably not diesel
  14. HAHAHAHA this is so wasted on most of the people on this board
  15. i want a JUNIOR western bacon chee
  16. i have an idea. how about you shut the fuck up until you have more than two characters to contribute to a thread.
  17. blue suede shoes? i gotta get me some new kicks
  18. http://www.weblogsinc.com/common/images/0816803135845558.JPG
  19. hey look at me, i'm an inbred fucking trash hick that can find overused chopped images of retarded kids that everyone's seen fifty fucking thousand times. much more importantly, you basically completely missed the point that this is a big fucking joke. we're not like some little internet gladiators that are strapping on our leet armor and having a LAN party to get together and use our collective intelligence to challenge our foes to a battle of wits. as much as the grove city/4banger stuff is a joke, whats not is your complete inability to decipher reality from the ludicrous shit that happens on this board. O NOES EVERYONE'S HAVING AN E-BATTLE WHAT IDIOTS. THE INTARNETS IS SERIOS BISNESS! Thank you for basically giving me the easy layup, though. Seriously. Making an idiot out of you was easier than finding my dick in the morning. The Dream Team 1, Idiots 0
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