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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. so...drifting kinda originates in Japan...culture one then america takes it and makes it her commercial bitch, overdoes it, and sucks the fad drier than barbara streisand's pussy then the arabs take it and drive that gritty sandy nasty fad and just takes it to the point where everyone is angry at the japanese for coming up with it in the first place.
  2. predictions for this thread from here on: The Poster Formerly Known As Da Troof and desperado get into a political fight that would more likely resemble an Olsen twins pillow fight, someone says something offensive about Anthony, Linn challenges Howard Dean to a race, at least 2 people get the banhammer, a n00b chimes in with some nougat of idiocy and gets flamed and subsequently banned, someone says something racist or sexist and the thread comes to a screeching halt and someone locks it, the someone unlocks it and coltboostin accepts Linn's race on behalf of Dean, and announces that he(JP) will be seen racing in a rocket-powered tricycle. don't disappoint
  3. its not that jose is a bitch, its that once jose gets in me, he invites all his scummy ass friends like Jager, Jack, Jim Beam, and the lot (not all of them start with J). By the end of the night, its basically one big booze-kkake fest in my stomach and i end up hugging Ralph (my affectionate name for my toilet).
  4. which is why its too bad the hiv would make your dick fall off by mid-january
  5. back and trashier than ever. i'd hit it, but only if i triple-bagged the lesser of my two heads. also i'd have to be drunk. really drunk
  6. natty = college boy's best friend cuervo = worst enemy
  7. i duct taped my butthole this past weekend because my friend recently discovered he was gay and decided to take me around with his gay buddies. i kid. but in all seriousness, a wise man once said in Office Space, "Watch your cornhole, bud"
  8. prarie doggin' it? or just a little pucker?
  9. also, fuck sachajawea and her damn dollar coin. and why does her name look like "chewbacca". FUCK YOU, BITCH.
  10. i hate people who dilike people who make posts about posts made about people who say they're going to do something then don't...yeah that shit sucks
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/11/22/woman.shot.ap/index.html Except I don't plan on shooting at cops, I plan on dying in a massive shootout with members of the NAMBLA.
  12. i thought he was gonna say "i admitted defeat to a liberal"
  13. i think racists, kkk members, and nazis should all be rounded up and deported to Tanzania or something. free speech is good, abusing it to spread hate is bad. just fueling the fire.
  14. the thing that annoys me about PS3 is just Sony's utter lack of preparedness, and that douchebag Ef Love's bitchy ass garage sale thread. anyone who pays over retail for wii is a retard. if you get someone to do it, good job.
  15. i only post things on CR pending a toddler's approval. once again, leave.
  16. haha no games or controllers...what's he gonna do, have a $900 set of paperweights?
  17. http://jiggawatts.ytmnd.com/ http://www.toadking.com/6x9=42/jiggawatts.jpg
  18. you know, lets make this the official "bitch about a for sale thread" if you have something to say about someone being a dumbass in a for sale thread, and you don't wanna get banned for posting something in their thread, post it here and just link the thread.
  19. hm...the same thing happens when i write "i fuck your mom in the ass" interesting
  20. it has nothing to do with the Wii being a piece of shit. It has everything to do with supply ABSOLUTELY meeting demand. The only reason that not everyone that wants a Wii got one at launch is because they want a little bit of extra tension. They want people to see the lines, its good for business. They are, however separating themseleves from the PS3 assfuckers which is delightful. on a related note, sony can suck my big sweaty cock.
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