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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. What genius is gonna try and sell a Wii for anything above sticker price. 4 million units by the end of the year. If you pay more than sticker price, someone should beat you senseless with the fucking nunchuck.
  2. they won't play ND, but there's a definite chance for USC. Remember when the Sooners lost to Kansas St. in the last game, and then still went to the championship game which they lost? I'm not saying they deserved the trip there, I'm just saying its how it worked out. If USC wins against ND and UCLA, there's no doubt that they'll be in the national championship game.
  3. i dont know about that roughing the center call...the rule is that you have to give him ample time to lift his head...the guy's body was starting to stand upright even though his head was still down. are they not supposed to touch him until he can see? its fucking football, man up.
  4. i saw a video of some kids doing that when the 360 came out...the first reaction by the crowd was "oh noes!!!" then some nerdy guy was like "are you gonna use those controllers?"
  5. you mean i could own and display a clod of dirt from the field that someone may have stepped on that maybe influenced the game perhaps???? GET MY DISCOVER CARD!
  6. i hear instead of gunning you down, they tie you up and rape you in a basement, Pulp Fiction style.
  7. i'm so fucking pissed off that i just read this thread....probably the most retarded e-battle i've ever seen
  8. karma for real. last year I found a guy's wallet sitting in a parking lot near my dorm, found his address by putting together a bunch of useless pieces of information from within (there was no license), reverse phone directory and got his number, and called him. 40 minutes later he shows up at the dorm and gives me $60 even though there wasn't even any money in the wallet. honesty pays, and you end up benefitting while making someone else's day a little less difficult
  9. if the retail cost of a PS3 is $500 but the only way to get one is to pay $2000 for one online, what is the actual cost of a PS3? $2000, not $500. If you want to pay $500, then the cost to you is $500 + time that you wait. Its a vicious market, man, but our glorious capitalist system allows for it.
  10. sony sent about 400,000 units for release today, i believe. wii has sent somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.5 million for sunday's release. sony is retarded.
  11. that sucks. as tony sinclair said in a Tanqueray commercial "you wouldn't enter a donkey in the kentucky derby"
  12. jesus tittyfucking christ DJ, did you have to start this again? the elections are over, give the political banter a rest. though i guess it is winter and we do need something to bicker about.
  13. my sister was was a model for the grand opening of BOMA downtown...she's 16 and if any one of you goes near her i'll hunt you down
  14. folks, you're missing the gayest comment in the history of CR
  15. i'll wait for the real shrink (tilley)to chime in with his professional opinion, but here's the stupid college student psych 101 version of it: naturally, women are configured to want a man to provide for her and to protect her and her children. men are geared to "spread the seed", but the incentive to stay with a single woman would be to ensure that he is the only father of his children. therefore, women are more concerned with keeping the man close. any truth to all this shit?
  16. that doesn't mean anything...kinda like how in Australia the toilets spin backwards, in Japan the discs spin backwards, so we're all good here. /feeblebullshit
  17. as much as i hate pundits, Lou Dobbs pretty much said how I feel in an article he wrote today: "I blame us for forgetting that the United States is first a nation, and secondly a marketplace or an economy, and I blame us for being taken as fools by both political parties for far too long. It is not nationalism by any stretch of the imagination for me to remind those in power that our political system, our great democracy, makes possible our free-enterprise economy, and not vice versa as the elites continually propagandize."
  18. http://www.cbo.gov/showdoc.cfm?index=7230&sequence=0 Well, I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this. Bush signed this into effect last month, but they've started making arrests now and its gonna go under the microscope. I think its bullshit. I'm not suggesting that the internet is some magical never-neverland where laws don't apply (though with some of the shit Linn posts, you wonder). Where does U.S. jurisdiction end and begin in the land of no borders? Look at websites like thepiratebay.org; a .torrent site based in Sweden that cannot be charged with any crimes because Sweden's copyright infringement laws...well...there aren't any. But as an American downloading from there, you can be charged. Still, I have a friend who has made a shitload of money (about 4x the average American's annual salary) with internet poker..he dropped out of college to play...he's good. Is he gonna get arrested cuz he's an amazing poker player? Discuss. Oh, and one more thing I wanted to point out; President Bush is putting money towards eliminating intarweb gambling, so who is putting money towards stopping all the sick shit linn posts...some of those videos are worse than the entire nation's gambling problem.
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