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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Bawls has 66.7mg of caffeine/can. Guarana Antarctica (the real shit from Brazil) has 118mg of caffeine/can.
  2. Guarana...its pure guarana and comes from brazil....its fuckin insane.
  3. lame lo-res night pictures don't freak me out for some reason.
  4. Yea, I worked at an indie coffee shop and i got that stuff a lot too, but we had ordinary names for our shit. Like a "frozen mocha". nothin gay about that. "frappachino" = teh homo.
  5. okay, they didn't take anything, but now we have a lava lamp...and why the fuck did he break the closet door, that doesn't even have a latch!?? maybe there was just a breakaway piano, and your door happend to be unlucky
  6. no heterosexual man would ever say that. in fact, how can any straight man walk up to a counter and say "i'd like a light mocha frappachino, hold the whip" without getting his ass beaten senseless.
  7. yeah i hate big venues. this place held about 20,000, but my cousin hooked me up and got me a several rows back in the center section. they were actually better than front row because i got to see the side screens with all the sweet animations (which adam does himself, by the way).
  8. Isn't he a crazy dude. Honestly, though, they're all awesome guys...Danny/Justin's bus is full of Heineken, Red Stripe, and Newcastle...it was like heaven for me.
  9. Is a cool guy. Just got home from the Tool/Isis show. Got to meet the whole gang. Danny is fucking huge. My cousin is the bassist for Isis, so he got us backstage post-show. Maynard's bus is fuckin nuts...its huge and black and has white knives painted on it. And he's totally reclusive. Anyways, yeah...I maybe said a word to him and vice versa, but it still puts me ahead of all you fuckers. And if you're wondering, he likes heineken.
  10. my parents never gave me benadryl or nyquil for that exact reason. the way i've been raised, i hate painkillers. they make you loopy and shit, but i've always been extremely fearful of the addicitive possibility.
  11. i agree with thorne; cell phones should be outlawed like in NYC.
  12. i've still got you old farts beat...college > all for stayin up late
  13. Gwar is gonktastic. Yo momma so ugly, she could be in Gwar without a mask!
  14. if you guys really want to hear the awesomeness of metal, listen to the opening song for Metalocalypse...I have a feeling its recorded by Kirk Hammett (because he's done some guest cameos for the show anyways) but it just sounds like him.
  15. and now the long story....was this a Linn style beatdown?
  16. double post o noes. just downloaded some of his stuff via bittorrent...holy fuck...this guy is ballin' Too bad he's not touring in Boston.
  17. That is some AWESOME shit...where can I find more of their shit!?
  18. Yeah, a 14 year old probably won't know any better. Its something that to that kinda kid would seem fairly innocuous, if raised in a shitty home.
  19. Fuckin' idiots. Where are the goddamn parents?? http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/09/27/drunk.girl.ap/index.html
  20. Metallica = 3rd greatest band ever. true story.
  21. If T.O. had actually tried to committ suicide, he wouldn't be giving a fucking press conference right now. Sounds like a cry for attention to distract from a pretty pathetic season so far.
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