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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. 13) If I'm in the left lane of a four lane road (2 each direction) going faster than the fellow in the right lane, and you're at an intersection thinking about merging into our direction of traffic, I swear to god next time you go straight through the right lane and just go into my lane (the left lane) I'm going to plow right fucking into you.
  2. I love when I'm backed up in traffic and I see someone blow by me in the breakdown lane, only to see a semi pull in front of them 50 feet ahead and see them careen off into the grass...fucking idiots. 9. TRUST NO ONE!!!! It doesn't matter how fucking amazing a driver you are, all it takes is one dumbfuck slut on her cell with a triple carmel venti macchiato cockshake latte and 14 kids in the back of an Excursion and a blindspot to ruin your day, your car, and your health.
  3. i think you're gonna have to sit back and get boned by the lethargic nature of bureaucracy
  4. bd's is code for asian Drain-o...i shit like mad after i eat that anyone else?
  5. i think clear corners look pretty cool, not ricer. its not the kinda thing that necessarily draws any attention, it just cleans up the look of the car IMO
  6. Yea, the problem is I'm stuck here in Boston. I'll have my dad call him though.
  7. my truck has a gun rack...is that ricer?
  8. or maybe it was like every other traffic violation ticket i've ever seen, and the officer's handwriting looked like that of a chemical test chimpanzee having an epileptic seizure
  9. When my dad's M3 got some bumper damage, Kelly BMW referred him to True Performance up in Dublin, off 161. They did a fucking amazing job. He took my truck there for shits and giggles to see how much it would be to fix the surface rust/dents/rust that's eating away at the rain lip/other cosmetic shit. We had a bet going (loser buys dinner); he bet the estimate would be close to $4000, I bet close to $11000. The estimate came back today: $10,629. I win and lose all at once. Looks like a better get a damn good job out of college. Anyone ever heard/worked with a guy named David Peffen? He works at Jefferson Country Club but also has a restoration operation, and he gave me his card and my dad's gonna talk to him too. His own personal cars attest to his ability to restore, but anyone else have experience with him?
  10. I drove a 1995 Celica ST and bought red ricer pedals so i could heel/toe easily...
  11. okay, you try pushing a polar bear off your chest
  12. good luck...whatever you buy, make sure it has resilient suspension...detroit roads - teh suckass
  13. GM and Ford aren't going to merge, they're going to collaborate and build the United States Starship Enterprise, from whence they will wield ultimate power. Then they'll go around the sun, sending them to the year 1986. Then, GM will eliminate all models except the GNX, the Corvette, and the Camaro/Firebird, Ford will eliminate all models except the Mustang and will bring technology for Cobra production. With this technology, they will recruit the likes of Chuck Norris, Steven Segal, Vin Diesel, Mr. T, and Arnold Schwarzenegger to command a cavalry of these cars. With these machines, a weapons cache that makes Predeator seem like a kid with a spitwad, and enough toxic chemicals to make Courtney Love consider rehab, they will charge the horizon and lay waste to all who oppose them. And that, my friends, is why we celebrate Kwanzaa.
  14. At home: part time tennis instructor, part time bean monkey...I work at a coffee shop, Javas Cyber Espresso Bar, in Gahanna. I have a personal vendetta against starbucks because apparently they put an additive into their coffee that immediately makes every drinker an expert of the over-roasted beans they gorge themselves on. At school: International Relations major/History minor at Boston University, looking for a job Everyday I'm hustlin'
  15. ^^^^first sensible thing that's happened in this thread
  16. the buick gnx should be boxy, non-metallic black, and chromeless...its supposed to be an unassuming car at a first glance, and that thing looks like an aborted fetus fathered by an RX-8 and mothered by a Z4.
  17. thats like saying you get more fat, hairy, diseased pussy than anyone else on this board.
  18. yeah, but not for as little $$$ as the explosive ones
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