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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. zen xtra are f-ing awesome. this is a steal of a deal. i'd buy it if i didn't already have a Zen Touch
  2. i heard that the ligament tears were clean, and wouldn't require the normal year or more of rehab
  3. headlights suck, taillights suck, suede dash is slick but retarded, color is IMO shitty, what is with the creepy looking wheels, license plate bracket replacement looks retarded, smoked turn light looks out of place, rear lip is okay looking, IMO it'd look better with a bump on the hood rather than showing off the S/C, Pirelli= WTF????, those rotors look REALLY stupid b/c of the 22's; way too small, so all in all its kinda a stupid setup for a vette. BUT, its a lot of good quality hard work, and they made it come together in a way that is still somewhat respectable.
  4. i think he was making jokezomg!!!!
  5. i fear for your life. chuck will be visiting you any second to deliver the immaculate RhK that was pretty funny though
  6. Okay, i'm gonna be in boston for the super bowl, but this is now public knowledge. Marc and I have a $20 bet on the pats to win the bowl (yes, i will pay up if they lose to Denver or Indy). SO when i get back either march or may, you will have your money
  7. I can't believe no one posted this yet: To prove it isn't that big of a deal to beat cancer. Chuck Norris smoked 15 cartons of cigarettes a day for 2 years and aquired 7 different kinds of cancer only to rid them from his body by flexing for 30 minutes. Beat that, Lance Armstrong.
  8. Chuck Norris's erection runs the quarter mile in .000000000001sec@670,616,629.0001mph, thus making it the only thing to beat a mustang. Chuck Norris just stands at the starting line and kills spectators. EDIT: you won't find that one on the site, i just kinda made it up
  9. I was hoping this was gonna be a bit more inflammatory. Now I can't say "STFU N000B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111"
  10. Gallardo = teh suck Murciélago Roadster for the win. ^^^of the 50 that came to the US, Nelson Auto up in Marysville got 5:eek:
  11. To Adam: Tedi is a slut, but she's one of my favorite people ever. She goes to GWU now, and hates it there. Funny bitch. To Mike: Yeah, he's at BU now. I've partied with him a few times. He's a cool dude, but he smokes way too much. To Shawn: I believe the intention of naming big businesses was to suggest that there is more income drawn from families that live in the areas of the aforementioned businesses. By naming Nationwide, The Limited/Abercrombie, and M/I, I was suggesting (accurately, I might add), that the majority of the families of employees of these enormous companies live on the east side, thus also insinuating that the income of these families is generally spent locally and that the east side has larger potential for its economy. However, it is entirely a moot point because no one, other than you and I and the people in this thread are going to discrimminate where our money is spent relative to which way the compass rose points. [sarcasm]From now on I propose a boycott of all purchases of goods made, shipped, or in any way value-added in the North side of Columbus.[/sarcasm]
  12. Oops, I had JCC on the list and deleted it for a grammatical correction. +1 for JCC. And if you think JCC is cheap, ask the guy that paid $300k+ for his Continental GT to be the first around to have the new one.
  13. Latitudinally, Dublin is what direction from Columbus? North. Nationwide's chief officers mostly live on the east side. Many of the employees of the downtown building live on the east side. My dad used to be CIO, and my friend is the top private recruiter for Nationwide. Trust me on this.
  14. Its a new concept applied to an old idea. More or less just a tribute to something that never was successful, though IMO the design looks great.
  15. Actually, the Miura was early 70's. This is the SV variant.http://www.supercars.net/PicFetch?pic=1971_lamborghini_miura_sv-2.jpg
  16. Hilliard is westside. Westside is not invited to this thread. And my family still lives here in Blacklick, which is on the east side. I currently am in Blacklick. Therefore, I still know what it is like on the eastside of Columbus. Thanks for playing, you lose, good bye. You went to Thomas? Did you know Tedi Castelli or Evan Babcock?
  17. yea, i saw that a week or so ago. I decided that I like it. It'll go through a few more transformations, but I think its a good throwback design.
  18. Wrong. Nicer homes? You show me Murfield, I'll show you New Albany Farms (lowest value is 1.7 million). You show me Tartan Fields or Loch Lomond, I'll show you Colt's Neck, Stepping Stone, Windrush Creek (where Ricart lives), or most of the homes off Mann Rd. More money? I scoff at that. We've got Wexner, Lombardi (Invented the plastic knee, owns more $xxx,xxx cars than you have fingers), the Lieberts (approximate value of $500 million), shall I go on? Better Schools? Alright, that is a complete fucking joke. I'll give you Olentangy, that is a growing school, and Dublin schools arent bad. Worthington Kilbourne and Thomas Worthington aren't exactly gems, and Westerville schools are a joke. GLHS isn't great, but New Albany HS is one of the most reputable public schools (even though everyone's a stoner, they manage to get into good colleges), and who can forget my alma mater, The Columbus Academy. Yeah, we're preppy bitches, but 99.9% college matriculation (2 people in the last 2 years went straight to Broadway careers) says something. More big businesses? The Limited, M/I Homes, Nationwide. The draw for those is primarily east side. You can't talk about resale value without talking about New Albany. Nowhere else in Columbus could such a poor quality house be so overvalued as in New Albany. I remember when my family was looking for a house before we moved, and we considered several in NA. After walking through them, and seeing the minor details that show less than stellar quality, its obvious that nowhere has better property value inflation than NA. Plus its harder for those Cleveland and Akron retards to get to us. Eastside>Northside
  19. I just saw that from some other people's and had to laugh. ZX3 can do this with a simple front bumper modification.
  20. Yeah, i'm not really huge into the online community/forums of either CS or BF2, and I never played CS. however, thats one of the things i have heard; CS was always retarded and all about one person being a tard and just camping and racking up points, where now bf2 is more fun and involves teamwork, and theres less camping and ghey shit. nananananananerrrrdddgames
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