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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. werd, i had some old Burton Freestyles that it happend to. Burton Custom bindings = teh win
  2. columbus weather + 1 day = Boston weather... however, people here in Beantown know how to deal with their winter weather. two things help with this: volvos and subarus. they are in endless supply in the NE, anyone who;s lived here more than 2 weeks will tell you that. other than that, people here are smart enough that you drive slow not b/c you don't trust yourself in the weather, but b/c you don't trust the schmuck behind you heading towards a red light in the weather. i didn't see a single accident today...+1 for massholes
  3. my penis regularly breaks the sound barrier while reaming various maternal units
  4. inflatable sheep 14 metric tons of cheerios 17 pauly shore movies 1 Frankie Goes to Hollywood CD
  5. i am kinda obligated to breed, since my family name ends with me if i don't. then again, i don't want any little "me's" polluting the world
  6. regardless, maybe i'll try that NASA thing...it sounds interesting
  7. Problems: insurance-some may not be covered for on-track stuff safety-some may feel safer in an RSX with a cage and 5 pt. harnesses versus their street car with factory cage and shoulder belt. i know i wouldn't take my dad's M3 out until i felt like i was much more advanced risk-mid-ohio is really good about getting you into racing, because what you do on the street is MUCH different than what you do on the track...apples and oranges, and a lot of people don't know that until they get experience. i've done the 3-day course at mid-ohio. that is the high performance driving day (which is what you're gonna do) the "ultra high performance day" which is all on-track instruction...it includes a lot of practice on some of the more difficult parts of the track, and ride-along instruction. i was lucky enough to have one of the instructors think i was good enough to deserve extra attention, so i got a lot of help from him (tommy byrne, had a short stint as a backup or something in F1 i believe). the third day is straight up lapping. the first part of the day is a track walk, which takes about 2 hours and is infinitely useful in explaining the track. then a little lead-follow as warm-up, then about 3 hours of open lapping. after 3 days straight of this, i was completely beat but i feel a lot more comfortable at speeds and making bolder moves on-track. the only other experience i've had is at Skip Barber in Lime Rock, so i can't rag on NASA or anything. thats just my .02
  8. mkay, mine are probably a little big for you, but its not much of a big deal since they are shaped skis and make turning a lot easier. if you're just looking to do some casual skiing, you won't have a problem. my dad is still using his 1982 K2's and they weigh 900 pounds each and are completely straight...he uses 180cm and he's 5'8". it really depends more on how much you weigh...this should help give you an idea:http://www.scsports.com/articles.cfm?go=14
  9. how tall are you...i've been thinking about gettin new skis, and i have a 4 or 5 year old pair of Rossignol Rebel X's that i was thinking about putting out there to sell. They are 184 cm, and though I really like my bindings (Rossi Freestyle FTX) i might leave those on there too. The skis have definitely been used, but no serious problems/gouges/anything like that and after a good wax and sharpen, they feel like the day they were bought. I'll have to do some research, but if you wanna buy used, i'll negotiate. this should probably be moved to the Garage EDIT: I just checked on ebay...the skis MSRP'd new for $459, and are selling on ebay for anywhere between 80 and 200. The 80 ones i've seen look to be in lesser shape and with shitty bindings. My Freestyle FTX bindings are insane. They have only popped on me once, and I weigh a solid 220. I used the skis for a good deal of Giant Slalom-style skiing, but also took them to the park with great ease (no rails though!) and into the woods as well. They are light, nimble skis, and flex when needed, but they also will give you a decent amount of resistance for GS skiing. Like i said, I'm 6'3" and 220, and these skis are a LITTLE small for me. I'm in Boston right now, but will be back in Ohio Dec 27, or my parents can be a 'middleman' or whatever if you need pics. Feel free to call me 614-499-1112 (area code is necessary, since i'm outta area) anytime after 4. If my stuff doesn't suit you, I know a few people that can help you out, so PM me or something. Good luck in your endeavors.
  10. yeah thats what i heard about... my condolences out to the families
  11. i love how the CR grammar KGB has yet to invade this thread, probably given the conditions of the initial poster
  12. i heard a similar story...something about a 16 y/o girl who was too wasted coming home from a party, and let her 14 YEAR OLD boyfriend drive her car, and killed her...is this the one and the same?
  13. hey, preston, do you live in blacklick near Stepping Stone?
  14. My encounter involved less cooch and more crank. I was picking up a 2.5L '89 Daytona engine from a skeezy junkyard that looked like they wanted to decappitate my Bengali friends. Then we stopped in Akron and plugged some fine bitches in the pooper. The ensuing events led to what we now know as Kwanzaa.
  15. troof. the first and last encounter i had with NE ohio was a little town called Alliance
  16. http://www.wbns10tv.com/Global/story.asp?S=4167888 that it?
  17. i hope you're not looking for a statistical representating of the general population by consulting CR members. Not a very representative sample, i'd say. that aside, i'd definitely everyone likes to buy small electronic gadgets. since those aren't < $30, think about what people use WITH electronic gadgets. DVD players are popular, so what must one have to complete the function? dvds
  18. mt coty/toty/soty/anything of the year is no longer as good an evaluation as i always thought
  19. troy polamalu reminds me of a velociraptor combined with cousin it combined with the Terminator
  20. I was in a Camry LE station wagon when we got 4 wheels airborne going over some RR tracks, and ended up standing on the nose of the car a little bit...we banged out the front bumper and went on our way. i wasn't driving, and this is in no way a commendable driving habit
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